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What Pleased You Today!


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A gorgeous day today,good food at Chili's with my loving wife,top down in the Beetle while cruising,and outran a 328i (dropped,entire car was Plastidipped,loud and rolling on what looked to be 19's,LOL) at the last stop light heading onto the interstate up to 80MPH (in the Beetle,heeheehee),the look on his face when I backed out and let him catch up was priceless and that too pleased me today (he gave me a thumbs up and big grin :P ),and enjoyed watching the Hobbit 3 with that same loving Wife this eve,twas a grand day and I'm pleased :)

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Just got back from a nice weekend in Duluth, MN. I go up there every year for their World of Wheels Show. Since we don't have one in the Twin Cities anymore. I always have a fun time there. I stay with a cousin and go to the show with her husband, Rus. This year a buddy of Rus' joined us and we had a really great time. While we were at the show on Saturday the wives went out garage sailing. We meet them for a late lunch after the show. Then just us guys went over to the train museum at the old Duluth railroad depot. That's the second time I've visted that museum. The first was just a year ago. And again I was blown away by the place. The other gentleman with us, Loren, had never been there before. He too was impressed and plans on bringing his grandkids up there in the future.

Today we stopped at another cousins "getaway" cabin near the old grandparents (and extended families) old homestead(s) out in the country near by, a little ways outside of Duluth. A very cute retreat she has out in the sticks. One thing I love, is she has four chickens besides a a dog and two cats out there. And for whatever reason I just get a big kick out watching and interacting with the chickens. I find them both fascinating and humorous to watch.

Loving extended family. Good company. Good food. Cars and trains. Entertainment from chickens. And a job I love, that I get to go back to. What more can one ask for? Life is good.


Edited by unclescott58
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The AC went out again on my 98 honda, Just had is fixed last year too. Am I in the wrong thread? Nope. I have to roll the window down to keep cool on the drive home. I've been driving past and orange grove for three years. First time I've smelled the orange blossoms. Great way to settle out on the way home from work.


Edited by Scott Colmer
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It's been raining all day, I was bored and I love to go "mudding" so I took my BMX and went cruising with 3 buddies of mine in the rain, blasting thru some mud and get dirty.

The original plan was created in the bus on my way home, we were planning to look for some abandoned buildings to chill at but we didn't find any..

And I just listen to the birds sing.

When I got home I took a shower, a hot shower and right now I'm watching TV, look at the dog and text a girlfriend.

Life's beautifull. :)

I just need to get rid of the peep in my head, but yeah, I love life. :)

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The AC went out again on my 98 honda, Just had is fixed last year too. Am I in the wrong thread? Nope. I have to roll the window down to keep cool on the drive home. I've been driving past and orange grove for three years. First time I've smelled the orange blossoms. Great way to settle out on the way home from work.


Amazing how much of life we miss sealed in our climate-controlled boxes. I walked the 4+ miles home from work yesterday afternoon and smelled flowers, freshly mown grass, newly-turned earth in a garden, bread baking...heard lots of birds singing, saw a young hawk up close...pretty nice. Saw a couple old cars I would have missed otherwise, including a nicely restored, bright orange '69 GTO Judge.

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Yep, it's time to slow down and smell the "roses". :lol:

Rolling down the car windows to smell the roses around here will just get you frostbite on your nose. Well.... Okay, it's maybe not that bad right now, but nothing will be blooming around here for another month or two. Still, I had an assignment at an elementary school this week that required me to do crossing guard duty in the morning just before school started. It was chilly the there the three mornings I did it. But, still it was nice. I was only outside for 20 minutes at the most, waiting for 5 kids. No birds singing, which is a shame. But it was a nice quite way start to the day.


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Rolling down the car windows to smell the roses around here will just get you frostbite on your nose.

This past week was a roller coaster of different temperatures here in the PA/NJ area. One day it was 60, next day freezing. I did go into the office in NJ 4 days, and there is a guard house where I need to roll down my window and put my company badge against a reader for an arm to go up for site access. I found myself leaving the window down from there until I got to my building (maybe a half mile) just to feel the fresh air!

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Saw something very interesting on the farm this morning....we own a horse stables and during the winter months i dump the stall waste (you know what I'm talking about :blink: ) out behind the barn... normally i spread it on the fields , but once there is a couple of feet on snow on the ground the tractor will not do it... anyways...i started to re move the pile and circled around behind it on the south side where the sun would hit it in the morning and i see all these holes all over the pile... i figure its something looking for bugs or uneaten grain.. then i notice a little black head sticking out of one of the holes.... its a robin... then the hill erupts... must have been close to 100 birds sitting in each one of these holes!!!! i drive down the field and park the tractor and walk back up the hill in one of the fenced in pastures to see if they come back...one by one these robins return and climb back into their little borrows... even though the calendar says its spring it has been below freezing at night here and has not warmed up till after noon....my guess and its just a guess, is these little birds have figured out the manure pile heats up and dig these little hole to nest in at night... i have never seen anything like this before and go the biggest kick out of seeing the happen :rolleyes: .

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What's the old story about the poor bird freezing in the middle of winter? To add insult to injury, a cow comes along and poops on it. At first the bird is unhappy. It stinks in there! But, pretty soon it's feeling pretty good as the warm poo starts warming it up. Soon it feels so good it starts singing. Well a cat hears the singing. Because of that singing it easily finds the bird, digs it out of the manure and eats it.

The moral of the story? Not everybody who poos on you is your enemy. And not everybody who digs you out is your friend.


Edited by unclescott58
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Sat down at the bench with some new supplies: sanding films (not opened yet), three bottles of neon paint, and some tubing.

Made a beautiful extractor exhaust with a stinger pipe for my Cal-Look Beetle, and painted the engine again. Filled in the little grilles under the headlights, and smoothed the whole front. It's coming together beautifully... and it's using some of those over-tready Goodyear Rally GT tires that I love so much. B)

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