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7 hours ago, alexis said:

I cashed the first paycheck from my New Job, yesterday 

23 hours ago, Rob Hall said:

Got a job offer today...I'd been looking for a couple of weeks since I found out that my current contract is...

Good news guys!

My consulting gig ended in December and I haven’t done anything about it, figured I’d take some Covid downtime..

Then this morning a recruiter called   out of the blue, so I have to shave off my pandemic beard and go see them on Monday.. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

First the bad part. Tues. we had some snow on the ground and my wife had to go into her office that afternoon. Due to the weather she used the Charger that I normally drive since it has All Wheel drive. On her way home a guy in a 1 Ton pickup slid into the backend destroying the rear bumper cover. She's fine, just upset. Got a call from the dealership that they have the parts needed and we're dropping off the car for repairs on Monday morning. The company that owned the truck that hit her has already said that they don't want to run it through their Insurance and they will pay the dealership directly to fix the car. Not using Insurance is a good thing for both of us since most  since Insurance Companies even gig the victim even if you're not at fault and they didn't have to pay a claim. .   

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We have power back today after 2 days without it. Also pleased that we're still here and our 2 dogs have survived. Horrible ice/freezing rain storm and so much damage to every tree and bush in our yard. Every tree along the streets in our neighborhood have gone down. So scary taking dogs out to do their duty when it's all ice. We have big fir trees in our backyard and behind us and the number of branches that have come down is bad. Now it's above freezing so we're watching/hearing all the ice come crashing down which also causes damage.

I'm sure others on this board have suffered similar circumstances and I'm hoping they will come out alright. But I thought this should be in this section as I am pleased overall.

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We got about a foot. Kudos to neighbor Dan who got out there with his snow blower and did the sidewalk the length of the street! 

My neighborhood is good with snow. My snowblower isn’t working and somebody has done the blowing every snowfall this year. In other years I’ve done the street so payback is a good thing

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We got about 4 inches of the lightest, fluffiest snow I've ever seen. It could have probably been removed with a leaf blower, but I don't have one. I don't have to go anywhere till Sunday so was in no hurry to get out, but The Lovely Mrs. Snake got a case of "snow-claustrophobia" or something and decided to shovel out enough to get her car out. Only took her about a half hour. B)

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6 hours ago, TransAmMike said:

Hello my Tennessee neighbor, here south of Nashville this is probably twice the snow we have ever got in the 14 years liiving here. 

We didn’t get much the first time weather man was wrong but we have it now. Can’t get no help from the city..

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