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What Did You Get Today? (Not Model Related)


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So Britney's big hit has been running through my head this weekend.  Seems that the '53 F-100 will have a stablemate and I will be busy for the rest of my life. One 1937 Buick special straight eight sedan. Front clip has been removed and the engine pulled for a rebuild in 1981. Pics are bad due to the tarp and soft side garage. Engine is brand new rebuild,  carb has been rebuilt,  new pressure plate and clutch disc. I even have an old violin case for the rear window. ?

The guy I got it from has owned it since the 70's. He had replaced the wiring with an OEM one, converted it to 12v and put new glass in it. The one pic is from 1981.








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Got new wheels and tires for my Stampede today, one on road and one belted off road set, rims are designed so that the part that bolts to the truck is removable to adjust width as well as if you strip a plastic center out, they also have the center section pairs in aluminum, which costs as much as 1 pair of the belted off-road premounts:blink:


Edited by Joe Handley
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12 minutes ago, cobraman said:

Bill. your not moving in this heat are you ? 109 here today. I suspect hotter where your headed.

Today's high where I'm going was only 97, with 12% humidity. High here was 93 with 60% humidity, so it's not a whole lot different from what I'm used to, especially as I work in a non-AC shop here, and it's typically in the high 90s-low 100s in the buildings if it's mid-90s outside. Have to drink a LOT of water. 

But I'm just getting everything here ready anyway, Ray. And it's going to take a lot of effort.

Soon as I can though, I'm going to get a load of cars moved out there.

Then I have work to do inside the shop before I move the machine tools...painting, new lights, etc....so that will probably happen after it cools down a little.

Shooting for being 100% by the end of the year, but I'm pretty sure that's going to run a couple months long.

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Got this today at a garage sale. I have all her CDs and never knew about this one. God she's beautiful.Of course my CD player wouldn’t  work but after an hour I fixed it. Whew!


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 I think these guys qualify for this thread. We picked them up yesterday. The pups are about 6 weeks old and my wife and I will b fostering them for a while. One of them may stay with us if they are a good fit with our other 2 dogs. Undrerdog, not his real name, has taken to them well. Not bad for a 14 year old! Sugar, our 6 yr. old girl is not sure what to make of the little darlings. Modeling may be on the back burner for a while.


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I "got" a 3 hour hike in 92 degree weather, with humidity so high it felt more like swimming than hiking. "Got" some vitamin D and a little tan too. Can't do anything about being old, but I can do something about being fat and pasty white. Also got a cheap pair of flip-flops, 'cause I blew out my last pair yesterday. Now I'm kinda beat, but I'm going to do a little something on a model before bed.   B)

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With shortages of goods during the pandemic we should change this to “What I Didn’t Get Today”!

We didn’t get a dishwasher!  Ours died in June. Ordered one with two week delivery promised on June 12. Last week, July 12, we get a call to accept delivery for next day. That morning we get a call it was in error because they don’t have it!  

Two more trips back to Lowe’s since they don’t answer their phones...  Today we asked the salesman what did they actually have in stock.. out of 20 or more on display, 3 in stock.. two very expensive and the third one he couldn’t find and said the inventory must be wrong. We ask our best option.. he says to hold out for the one we ordered since we bought it on sale and it’s now $200 more..  ETA? Mid August!

So we hit another store and same story! So we wait! And we hand wash dishes..

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56 minutes ago, Tom Geiger said:

With shortages of goods during the pandemic we should change this to “What I Didn’t Get Today”!

We didn’t get a dishwasher!  Ours died in June. Ordered one with two week delivery promised on June 12. Last week, July 12, we get a call to accept delivery for next day. That morning we get a call it was in error because they don’t have it!  

Two more trips back to Lowe’s since they don’t answer their phones...  Today we asked the salesman what did they actually have in stock.. out of 20 or more on display, 3 in stock.. two very expensive and the third one he couldn’t find and said the inventory must be wrong. We ask our best option.. he says to hold out for the one we ordered since we bought it on sale and it’s now $200 more..  ETA? Mid August!

So we hit another store and same story! So we wait! And we hand wash dishes..

Ain't First World Problems great? B):lol:

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^^^  All this "supply chain" stuff is the inevitable result of having handed almost all our industrial and manufacturing ability to outside countries, some of whom are our avowed enemies, to satisfy short-term corporate greed...and an idiotic idea rebleated by morons everywhere that a "service" or "information" economy could exist indefinitely with no underlying manufacturing base to sustain it.

Americans dug this hole for themselves. I told you so. 


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35 minutes ago, Ace-Garageguy said:

^^^  All this "supply chain" stuff is the inevitable result of having handed almost all our industrial and manufacturing ability to outside countries, some of whom are our avowed enemies, to satisfy short-term corporate greed...and an idiotic idea rebleated by morons everywhere that a "service" or "information" economy could exist indefinitely with no underlying manufacturing base to sustain it.

Americans dug this hole for themselves. I told you so. 


Yup. And this is not a partisan comment, because I've heard people from all political views say basically the same thing, but I put it this way AFAIK first: "Everybody wants to make UAW wages for what they produce, but pay Walmart prices for everything else they consume. That can't go on forever."  Chickens always come home to roost. :unsure:

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I got my new super-duper Panik King C19X1 breathing isolation/local atmosphere purification apparatus earlier today. Here I am sitting at my desk, working on a retro-styled computer keyboard. It dispenses hand-sanitizing wipes from the roll on top after every 200 words.

                                        24 Weird Creepy Vintage Photos from the Scary Olden Days

My personal executive assistant (I've been informed that the term "secretary" is irredeemably misogynistic or some such) has a different setup from the same company...

                                  funny coronavirus pics woman in lingerie and homage plastic biohazard suit and mask

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3 hours ago, Ace-Garageguy said:

I got my new super-duper Panik King C19X1 breathing isolation/local atmosphere purification apparatus earlier today. Here I am sitting at my desk, working on a retro-styled computer keyboard. It dispenses hand-sanitizing wipes from the roll on top after every 200 words.

                                        24 Weird Creepy Vintage Photos from the Scary Olden Days

My personal executive assistant (I've been informed that the term "secretary" is irredeemably misogynistic or some such) has a different setup from the same company...

                                  funny coronavirus pics woman in lingerie and homage plastic biohazard suit and mask

Not sure how much work I would get done with an executive assistant like this around. You head gear looks like a prototype of my C-Pap machine. 

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16 hours ago, espo said:

Not sure how much work I would get done with an executive assistant like this around...

Yes, but because the suit is soundproof and eliminates any possibility of physical contact, it effectively discourages any "inappropriate" behavior...saving potentially millions in lawsuits for me, too.   B)

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