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Nacho Z

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Everything posted by Nacho Z

  1. Outstanding build, Paul! You do great work.
  2. Now that is one good looking model! I always thought that was a nice livery. Great job!
  3. Thanks, James, glad to see it back on. The WV gang will be there!
  4. I am an Admin. on a small model forum. I just went and looked through a number of threads and sure enough, many, many missing pictures. I get the whole "they are a business thing", I really do. I am just baffled over how they go about their business "plan". As with so many things in this world, I'm sure they will get what they deserve, (and that can be taken any way you'd like).
  5. Really, really nice build. Everything looks so nice. Great job!
  6. They look pretty darn good to me. I've got both of these in the stash. I think it is a law that that you must build both cars and display them together...lol. What an iconic pair.
  7. I'm glad that you stuck with it! I think she came out very nice. Good looking model.
  8. Being a self-proclaimed Coke-a-holic, I really like this one. I just bought the newest release of the Vending Machine show rod because it had the Coke logos. For one of the annual 24 hour builds, the guys in my group were going to build the beer wagon but with the livery of our favorite beverages. My buddy bought me a decal sheet of Coke logos specifically designed for the beer wagon. I can't remember the name of the vendor who made them but they are nice. Thanks for sharing this build with us!
  9. You do fantastic work, Paul! Very nice build.
  10. Wow! That is such a great looking model. Really nice!
  11. That is definitely some eye candy! Really a nice looking piece.
  12. Jim! Gorgeous model! I have always liked this, (original), car and you have absolutely improved upon it. Could this be the best rendition of this kit ever done?!?! I just keep going back to look at it. Wow.
  13. Been there, done that....
  14. I have this kit in the stash. There is just something about this car that calls out to me. Not exactly sure what it is. I can't wait to build it. Yours came out very nice. You mentioned decal problems, it looks like yours may have cracked. Can you tell me more about what happened?
  15. With 131 views, (at this time), I wonder if everyone realizes how small this kit is and how hard it is, IMHO, to make it look as nice as yours does. Nice work on the subtle weathering. Very nice!
  16. Very cool! I have the kit, I can only hope that when I build it, it will come out as nice as yours. I'm really enjoying seeing all of the models you have been posting.
  17. Nacho Z


    Wow! That will get your attention. Like everyone else has said, what a beautiful color and paint job.
  18. I never get tired of seeing models of this car. Yours is top notch. Very nice model indeed!
  19. You just don't see too many of these built and even fewer at model contests. It is nice to see this one. She looks good!
  20. David, I posted on one of your other threads, ('34 Ford, Early Iron), how that kit was one of the first kits I built by myself and paid for with my own money. This kit was another one of those. I still have the remnants of both models. Wow, how much fun I had as a kid building those models! I bought an original off of eBay and I have bought the re-pop. This is on my to do list. Just a straight OOB build, maybe just a little better quality than I did on my first one. Nice job on yours. I have really enjoyed looking at your postings. Thanks for sharing this one.
  21. I know I sound like a broken record, but I'm a big fan of your work. Please refer to exhibit A, the pictures above.....
  22. I'm also a big fan of Free Time Hobbies. I have them loaded on my cell phone. You should compare prices, but I found them to be one of the better priced hobby stores.
  23. This was probably the 4th or 5th model I built by myself and one of the first ones I bought with my own money. The kit will always have a special place in my heart. I really like yours, it came out great! Thanks for posting it.
  24. Another really nice looking model from your workbench, Jonathan!
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