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Everything posted by Dragonhawk1066

  1. That's pretty cool looking and looks great! Nice job!
  2. Thank you Bjarne! Thanks Bob! Thanks Larry. Thank you Keith! Straight from the rattle can. Thank you Roger, indeed it did! Thank you David, it was definitely an adventure, lol! Thank you Francis, I really appreciate it! Thanks Jim! Thank you Oliver!
  3. That's an awesome custom! Very imaginative and very well done!
  4. That's a beauty! Excellent paint job and I love the color! Very well done!
  5. This one is finally done. I finished it this morning and you can see the finished pics in the "Under Glass" section. Thanks for following my journey on this one and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed building it.
  6. They were actually pretty simple once I figured out what the best method was for me to do them through trial and error. I just cut three equal lengths of extra sprue that were a little thicker than regular size sprue, but the basic concept works many ways. I glued them together and then wrapped and glued them in some .010" sheet styrene that I had pre-measured. Then I traced the ends onto more of the styrene and cut those out for the ends. I glued the ends on and trimmed and sanded them to fit and they were done. I really wish I had the skills, supplies and gumption for casting as I would have loved to cast a bunch of these for future builds.
  7. I finished up my AMT 1970 1/2 Camaro this morning. Lots of firsts for me on this one and hopefully lots of lessons learned to not be forgotten. Body is done in Tamiya TS-53 Deep Metallic Blue w/Tamiya white acrylic stripes with red pinstripe and hash mark decals. The interior was airbrushed in red and black craft paint, and the chassis was left in Stynylrez black primer. The hood is from Lex's Scale Modeling, the engine from the Revell SSR kit, the wheels and tires from the Revell '67 Chevelle SS396 Streetburner 2n1 kit, and the decals were cut from the Revell Foose Firebird sheet. The mufflers were scratch made, and I used 1/8" styrene tubing for the exhaust pipes and airbrushed them in Vallejo Model Air Aluminum. I both had a lot of fun and lost my patience a few times on this one and might not be keen on undertaking such an in-depth project again anytime soon, lol. Thanks for looking!
  8. Thank you David! There are a lot of first attempts on this one, and a ton of learning. I like the brass rod in the hollow tubing idea, I will have to pick some up soon. I just have to do a final polish, install the side mirrors and make my license plate and it will finally be done.
  9. The exhaust and suspension are finally done. The front was quite an adventure as my original plan of using the kit spindles was working until the very end. After several loose mock-ups made me think it was going to work, when it came down to the final fitting, it just wasn't low enough. I ended up drilling into both sides of the frame and making my own "axles" out of 1/8" styrene tubing. Being as this was my first attempt at heating and bending styrene tubing for an exhaust, it looks a little rough from the manifolds to the mufflers. I had a hard enough time that I decided to just add turn-downs instead of wrapping the tailpipes under the rear-end and around the leaf springs. Practice time needed for another day. I also tried my hand at heat staining the exhaust and it came out a little heavy. More practice needed there, too.
  10. I'm finally in the home stretch with this one. i scratched some mufflers, painted the trim and assembled the body/interior/chassis. I also finally managed to figure out the suspension in regards to ride height/stance. Now I just need to button up the engine compartment, glue on the exhaust and a few other pieces and give it a final polish.
  11. Looks great, love the color! Those wheels and tires certainly make it look the late 70's part ?.
  12. Great job! Those are nice looking cars, and that's a decent kit as I recall (30 years ago, so pretty fuzzy memory).
  13. These are great kits and it's nice to have the full bumper to go with the split bumper now. My favorite 1:1 Camaro, I will be getting at least one or two of these as well. The bonus extra wheels don't hurt either.
  14. Looks like a greatly improved re-release and a must get. Thank you for the well done and detailed what's-in-the-box pictorial, Tim!
  15. Nicely done! Great color for a COPO!
  16. That's a cool looking Monza! (How many times do we get to say that, lol?)
  17. Looks fantastic! Great color choice!
  18. Nicely done! I always enjoyed the show.
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