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Everything posted by Dragonhawk1066

  1. Looks great! Very nice paint work!
  2. Looks awesome! Great job!
  3. I wonder if it's something that happened to the mold recently. I am certainly planning on buying more to do some different colored stock versions.
  4. Yeah, I just went ahead and fixed it because I figured I was going to wait a while for the replacement. Good to know they're not all like that, I got mine from Hobbylinc.com. And yes, the Cragars definitely had some flash. It was pretty tricky getting the outside of the rim trimmed without trimming too much off. Luckily, I think I did a pretty good job. Like I said though, despite the excess flash and body flaw, I loved building the kit as the parts fitment was great. I certainly will buy and build more as that's my favorite Camaro body style.
  5. That's exactly what it looks like to me too. Quality control isn't what it used to be, lol. The head scratcher to me is that the return address on the package is from Leonard Cousins Round 2 LLC, so Leonard, or whoever put the body in the box, didn't look for, or notice the obvious flaw/issue?
  6. Yup, the orange one had an issue in the same spot. I fixed the issue on the Motion body and built the Gumball Rally Yellow Camaro with it. I also fixed the orange body, but haven't built that one yet
  7. I just laughed when I unwrapped the bubble wrap and saw the same molding flaw on this body that was on the original body from the kit. I'm not complaining, just kind of wondering if they're aware or want to be aware of the flaw in their molds. It's the AMT 1970 1/2 Baldwin-Motion kit, and the AMT 1970 1/2 Z28 kit that obviously is basically the same mold has the same issue. Makes me wonder if the "new" 1970 Full Bumper Camaro is basically the same mold and that's the reason it's release has been delayed, that they finally "discovered" the mold flaw and are finally going to try to fix the issue. In no way is this going to stop me from buying more AMT/Round 2 kits as there are too many of their kits I want to build, and I will probably still buy more of the Camaro kits, as I really enjoyed building the Motion kit and it went together really well. First pic is the kit body, second pic is the replacement body from Round2. I'll end up fixing this one too, I just had to laugh and had to share.
  8. They both look sharp! And they absolutely fit right in with that scene of the early 90's. This one in particular came right to mind seeing yours.
  9. Great job x2 Snake! You've got a real knack for bringing these old builds/promos back to life. One day I hope to do a tribute build to my very first glue kit, but only better, lol.
  10. The color may not have been what you were after, but I like it! The whole car looks great, very well done!
  11. Good work! I need to add this kit to my collection someday.
  12. Thanks Bill! Thanks! My goal is to do as many participant cars as I can. Thank you! Yeah, unfortunately not a lot of reference material, but just enough to get the job done. It would have helped if I had the movie, but for some reason I haven't bought it yet. Go figure?. Thanks! Thank you! My printer didn't want to cooperate enough to give me a decent correct plate, so I improvised and went with my home state and a shout out to the movie title. Maybe eventually I'll get a better printer and update it. Thanks! Wish I had it in real life to find out, lol.
  13. Wow! That's quite an undertaking to say the least! And very impressive results so far! Well done!
  14. Excellent job on both! All of a sudden I'm hungry and thirsty, lol.
  15. Looks great. Funny thing is I think I've heard all of the music from the movie and love it all, but I've never actually seen the movie itself despite loving hard rock and being 15 years old(prime viewing age for it) when it came out. Not to mention all these years I could have and should have watched it since then. Hard to figure, lol.
  16. Looks good. I like the color as well, looks close enough to factory to me.
  17. That turned out nice! That's my plan too, whenever I free up more $$$ for some more kits is to do both blue and white versions, and maybe even do one like a '73 in Brewster Green.
  18. Sharp, smooth, clean build! Looks awesome!
  19. Nice looking lineup! Looks like you,ve got quite the assembly line going. If I tried that, my head would explode. I can't even remember to paint parts of the same color even when they're on the same sprue, lol.
  20. I finished up the Camaro this morning. Thank you to everyone who followed the progress and posted comments. I learned a lot on this one. More pics in Under Glass....
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