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Everything posted by sak

  1. Some sample pics from this years labor day mopar show 2011.
  2. goto some car shows in your area any chance you get. Ayways good way to see things like that.
  3. This thing has more finish than helsinki!! Model of the year potential !!!! In the top 3 of the year by far in my opinion.
  4. Badass! but one word of advise, but a dullcoat over their clothes. They look like they dressed in shiny vinyl.
  5. What happened to taking the cars to dragstrips to see how fast it can go?
  6. The money is there, just poorly spent. Divert a fraction of the 200 trillion defense budget.
  7. Cras were not seized becuase of lack of video evidence but I bet this will be on youtube within days.
  8. Then I propese a contest of global proportions. Let us see which country can burn off the most fuel in a year. We can decide the location of the summer olympics this way. But serious. We do we even care in the first place I wonder. Nothing will change too drastically for the good or better in our lifetime. As long as theres enough fuel to drive my beloved 73 plymouth when I retireand have time to do so, I should be happy.
  9. Yes, you are correct Mr.Cranky. That is what we should be buying. They looked like hit every ugly tree on the way down, but very roomy and practical. They require a 220 socket?
  10. I estimate the most I have ever carried in my basket would be 20-25 pounds, actually I would say 15 kilos. Once a 14 kilo box of cat litter plus a few other things. Not much more than my overall body weight. Transportation, emergency vehicles, military will always need petrol. Trains should be playing a bigger role in transportation. They have electric trains now that levitate with some kinda magnetic field. Cannot be hard to convert to frieght.
  11. Hope not to offend anybody , but we as north americans are dumb. Europe has much higher dependence on public transportation and thing like bike paths. Very extensive train networks. Even in my city, we are about to have our first rapid transit corridor, but phase 1 only goes a few miles. At the end of the track is an abandonned rail yard. A developer wished to build a series of high rises at this station so people could live near there and take the rail to downtown. But the people living nearby protested killed the project. So who is going to drive 10 miles to park their car there and then take a train for 2 miles. I suppose bigger American cities already do this system.
  12. Whats wrong with a bike? Now I understand the Venezuela situation. I wonder if it can be calculated how much oil a country needs? And if so how much oil we need now opposed to how much oil we would need if say everyone drove a hybrid or electric. And if we could potentially be self sustaining
  13. This is interetsing http://www.financialjesus.com/saving-money/10-countries-with-cheapest-gas-prices-in-the-world/ Cheapest place in the world is venezuela at 5 cents a liter. Most of the others are in the middle east. What are they doing to avoid this manipulation?
  14. What I cannot figure out is that when an oil refinery halts production for some reason, like hurricane katrina I believe, the prices goes up like almost instantly, becuase supply goes down. But price never go lower when new refineries gets built and goes online. When the prices do go eventually go down, its gradual process. The prices I believe are dictated by the supply and demand worldwide. I wonder if enough oil exists in North America to supply us. If so I think we should harness it and use it only within our borders and not be affected by global markets. But of course that would require restricted the big cars and trucks that all the joe rednecks love to drive.
  15. Getting back to this new charger coupe, I would be very interested in buying this car. Aslong as it remained a hardtop and kept all of the cool styling. I always wondered when they were going to borrow mercedes hardtop technology. It looks alot smaller than the sedan so perhaps a turbo 4 could be an option alongside the v6 and hemi no?
  16. Why do we even need "muscle cars" for these days anyway? I have read somewhere that the average engine only uses 15 percent of its capacity. So do you need 400 horsepower to take your children to soccer practice? If you do, I hate see the size of your children. Everytime somebody buys a camaro or challenger , some shiek in the middle east is licking his chops. I do agree though that this new challenger coupe looks badass.
  17. sak

    1966 Fairlane

    Thank you. The scratches still bother me though. An autobody shop recommended going over with meguirs fine cut cleaner , then swirl remover. So I might try that on the hood and see what happens.
  18. sak

    1966 Fairlane

    Small update I wetsanded the hood and polished it with scratchx, Still see small scratches in the finish. I always only used 2000 grit, then polish and have always been satisfied but these scratches really easy to see with black paint. 2000 is the finest thing I have so think I should get one of those kits with the real fine paper. But I am thinking of first applying another coat of this dupont clearcoat, but this time thru my airbrush. Anybody know anything about these acrylic paints? The can only says to wait 10-15 minutes between coats. Its been about a week since I aplied the second coats of paint and not sure if it is safe to add more clearcoat. This paint seems to be kinda almost foamy and this last time, little bubbles stuck to the surface and dried into little pits in the paint. Had a hard time getting it smooth. I have heard of some paints needing a month to cure if you wait more than the 10-15 minutes.
  19. Those colors inside look much better than the mostly grey interiors they came in for sure !!!
  20. I'm with you, I don't understand why anything should be made to look stock when some nice wider tires and some sort of wheel such as cragars make everything look so much more badass.
  21. Looking pretty badass. How did you find that engine paint? I found it very hard to thin properly and to get a smooth coat.
  22. sak

    1966 Fairlane

    Almost finished the wheels. Put some dullcote on them to make them seem a little more real.
  23. sak

    67 GTX

    Is thing is BADASS !!! One of my favorite automobliles. Wicked color! This is top shelf where grandmother keeps the peanut butter cups !!!
  24. Badass !!! What kind of glue did you use on that pillar? I would imagine something super tough. You would have had to pull the front of the roof forward as well as down to make it fit no?
  25. Great idea to get the motor to sit higher. Once painted ,you wont even see em. Good job
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