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Everything posted by crazyjim

  1. I remember those days from living in Chicago, Nick. I'm glad I moved to FLA.
  2. Pretty cool - actually hot - looking idea Nick. Give some thought to wrapping some of the cotton around the whole tire. I think it would look more realistic. Back in the day we used to use angel hair. I couldn't tell you what it was made from though.
  3. Pictures at Ma's Resin aren't the greatest. The pics Jeff S posted look terrific. Where are those wheels from.
  4. Yeah. I got this thing for purple & red.
  5. No snow in Citrus County, FLA yet. Supposed to be 29 degrees on Monday morning though. I'm planning to stay inside the warm house.
  6. Amazing. Just amazing.
  7. crazyjim

    '69 Camaro

    I haven't been able to do much with models because my Mom is visiting from Michigan. Here's my latest completion - '69 Camaro in Tamiya purple, Testor's grape stripe, Tamiya pearl clear. I rolled the pans pans F &R, Pegasus Diablo wheels & disc brakes (each hole drilled out), wired the engine, polished aluminum exhaust, cutout the fake side vents and filled from the rear.
  8. I have the time and a HP scanjet 3500c. I would be more than happy to scan everything at no charge to MCM. How's that for a deal?
  9. Hey Harry - maybe you should think about moving out of Cook County.
  10. Perfect stance! I love it. Terrific paint.
  11. Isn't this an off topic subject and doesn't belong here? Seriously, holiday greetings to our MCM family.
  12. It's only money! I'd be interested in a CD/DVD of past issues and I bid $25.00.
  13. Looks good to me. More importantly, sounds like the bonding experience was worth it.
  14. I did jury duty in Chicago for a week. Took the train into the city from burbs. It was fun. Then moved out to DuPage County, IL and was picked for jury duty there. That only lasted 2 days. Moved to FLA and served only a couple of hours when they said I'm not needed. I've heard that you get some pretty interesting cases and more money for a grand jury case. You need to do your civic duty, Harry. Take a laptop computer and work the forum on your lunch hour. Maybe you'll get sequestered and have all night to work the forum.
  15. Looking good!
  16. I'm with 100% George. Put your name on the post. What's the big deal? There are options - 1 Play by the rules. 2 Don't play here. 3 Change the rules.
  17. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. The interior looks real good too. Too young? The Lee light were cool. Instead of the little bullet lens, the whole taillight thing was covered. Guys used to crumple tinfoil and put it in the housing before the lens went on. Gave the light a nice effect through the plastic. Here's what the lens looked like. http://www.customrodder.com/features/0701c...e/photo_07.html
  18. Looks real nice. Gonna show some interior pics? Wish somebody made scale Lee Plastics taillights - the ones that coved the whole chrome taillight housing. You had to put the gas filler in the truck because you couldn't twist the housing piece to get to the original. Anybody remember that?
  19. Looking pretty good so far. Is that a reflection or a bad spot on the hood?
  20. I used their tape. Are they going to have a going out of business sale?
  21. That's reaally a neat idea.
  22. How about posting their website?
  23. Very old school - looks good.
  24. Yeah - I guess '64 or '65 Mustang housing and lenses with LED bulbs behind. Very bright.
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