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Everything posted by bobthehobbyguy

  1. Definitely not a good sign. They have done a good job with the magazines. They are one of a few automotive magazines that are worthwhile reading.
  2. Very cool story. It's interesting e resting to understand things from others perspective. It also shows how one's experiences shape those perspectives.
  3. Unsettling behavior by others can put one on edge for the rest of the day..
  4. Nicely done. Impressive work. The next challenge is finding a display case for it. How big is the model.
  5. I think my question is a valid one. Surely someone can answer it. Answering it has nothing to do with changing minds. It's understanding what the difference is in those 3 cases.
  6. I like the work truck idea. Fits the concept well.
  7. So back to the original question. So if I make aluminum parts for a model with just simple tools like files, hacksaw blades, etc then that would be considered scratchbuilding. At the next level I use a lathe and mill. Is that scratchbuilding? Finally I write a program to cnc the parts and for some that isn't scratchbuilding. Why?
  8. Unfortunately being able to make quality parts is no guarantee that a business is going to be successful. It takes a lot more for a business to be successful. I suspect that most fail because of that rather than the intent of fraud.
  9. A couple of observations. These are general thoughts based on approaching this type of problem from my experiences. OK I believe the op said he is using an iPad with Safari and a Bing extension for Safari. In general for Dave to investigate he will need the operation system version , the same for Safari , and Bing. He can then go to Invision and ask them about this. It's quite possible that an update is needed for Safari or Bing or both. It's likely that Invision didn't test this combination. I'm certain that there are lots of possible combinations of browsers and browser extensions. It definitely adds more complexity to the situation. Hope this helps.
  10. Actually he was shutdown. If you are using a credit card or PayPal understand what rights you have to get your money back. There is no reason to lose money on these transactions. If you are not going to get your product within that time frame then cancel the order. Otherwise you run the risk of losing your money.
  11. Thanks Dave. Very useful explanation. It makes sense why it was only some users were experiencing the issue. A larger group would have helped with understanding of the problem. There are a lot of things that have to work together well. Thanks for all the time you spent 4esolving this complex issue.
  12. This is probably the most sensible parh to take. Nobody is going to retool the kits so somebody can pay $30 for a kit. The 3d printed kits will still be a lot cheaper than what the collector prices are for a kit. Cloning is just another tool for producing kits. It still represents a sizable investment to produce a kit. In addition when changes are made to those scans the production costs go up which require higher prices or greater volumes to be sold. In the end there are a lot of considerations to be considered when producing a new kit. Those considerations need to be carefully researched to make sure the costs involved are justified. In the end producing all new kits for something like the AMC kits makes more sense than resurrecting obsolete technology kits. And yes Round2 is doing that with some of their kits but they already have the rights to modify those kits. They just need the original manufacturers licensing to do those kits. I think Round2 is doing a great job of this. I think everything has been said about the topic and what everyone can realistically expect to happen.
  13. i'm curious about how you cut the rear frame rails free. What did you use for cutting them?
  14. I have noticed that with the most recent changes my Samsung tablet and IPhone both are seeing the site as secure and in https mode. I made no changes on my end this was a result of the last update.
  15. Yup $10 for a bunch of ads and no info worth the price.
  16. No one should feel intimidated by others work on this site. Everyone benefits from seeing how others approach the challenges in a build. Great ideas for dealing with the butchered rear wheel wells. Glad you started this project. Keep up the good work.
  17. Thank you Dave I can appreciate how difficult it was to fix that issue. Thanks for your time on this and the other mods time dealing with all of the issues members were having. A couple of notes. Activity list in profile is displaying properly now I like the thumbnail previews in the latest activity expanded On my iphone and on my tablet the site is now showing in https throughout the site and no functional issues
  18. Autocorrect has gotten really obnoxious lately. It doesn't ask if you want to change it just does it!!
  19. Although an older post this hits the nail on the head. As much as some complain about this kit being worn out it still sells well well enough. It just makes it a lot harder to building a case to invest money in fixing the tooling.
  20. Cool looking version of the Powell. Is Okie planning to do this also?
  21. That's a good question. Round2 snap kit provides an easy build. The Revell kits are really good. Hard to believe there's an big enough market for another Charger kit of the same year. I think there would be much better projects that Round2 could do with those resources for some their to do list.
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