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Anyone else experiencing a delay when clicking on a post etc?


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When I click on the back arrow nothing happens, so I just close the MCM window open a new tab and start again.

If you right click on the back arrow, you will see that a bunch of pages have loaded. You can go down that list and click on the page you want to go back to.

Might be easier than closing and starting over.

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It doesn't happen every time but about one out of ten times I have trouble getting a thread to open or have trouble getting a post to actually post. For threads that are hard to open, I usually start over, but I learned that if I try to do anything while waiting (like start again) for a post to actually post that it sometimes will double post.

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I just got the dreaded 404 WE CAN'T SEEM TO FIND THE PAGE YOU'RE LOOKING FOR when I tried to upload a multi-paragraph response to a technical question.

This has been happening since the big site change a while back.

I guess the site as it is now is configured primarily for attaboys. Any significant amount of text seems to send it into stupid mode.

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I just got the dreaded 404 WE CAN'T SEEM TO FIND THE PAGE YOU'RE LOOKING FOR when I tried to upload a multi-paragraph response to a technical question.

This has been happening since the big site change a while back.

I guess the site as it is now is configured primarily for attaboys. Any significant amount of text seems to send it into stupid mode.

I had this too for several hours the other day. I finally gave up trying to post then.

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