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Did you experience the Blizzard of '78?

Jon Cole

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6 minutes ago, cobraman said:

Not that one but the one in 67 in Chicago. Yikes ! My dads 62 Ford was in the drive next to the house where it drifted so bad you could not see that there was a car there.

I remember that one VERY well as I had a rear engined car and still got stuck in the snow. Was able to get the car home and left it there. I hitch hiked, walked, or took a bus to work for the next few days. I'll never forget the "Blizzard of '67."

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I remember it quite well. I was a sophomore in high school and the schools field house and cafeteria were used for evacuations. We ended up having 3 weeks off from school. Much of the coastal sections of Revere, especially along the beach, got flooded from an astronomical high tide at the peak of the storm. My street had a 6 foot high snow drift that buried cars parked along the street. We eventually got plowed by the National Guard, they came down the middle of the street with a bulldozer and kept pushing the snow down the street into the salt marsh at the end. The worst part was dealing with the old man. It was snowing 3 inches an hour and he was having fits because I couldn't keep up with the snow. Every hour he was like "Get back out there, stay on top of it you won't have as much to shovel when it stops". We still got over 2 feet plus the blowing and drifting. We never got flooded but we sure got buried.

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2 hours ago, cobraman said:

Not that one but the one in 67 in Chicago. Yikes ! My dads 62 Ford was in the drive next to the house where it drifted so bad you could not see that there was a car there.

Remember it well - this was where we lived in Glenview:



Mom's '56 Chevy 210 out front; Dad's '61 Dodge Dart Seneca was snowbound in the garage...


Side view with our neighbors' '65 Ford Custom sedan...


Hi Mom!


My brother Dan, age 3 (left) and me, age 6½ - our other brother Jared stayed inside since he was only two weeks old and had more sense than we did.

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I'm too young for the '67 blizzard (I'm only 41) plus my folks were still dating and living in Iowa at time, they didn't get married until that October (we spent their 50th at CDH in Winfield, where Mom was a patient at the time). They did live in Minnesota for a while and managed to move there after a big snow store, as well as floods that the melting snow caused, apparently there were fish laying in the streets after the waters receeded and snow piles were up to the second story of they stayed in when they first moved there, according to what a hotel employee told them. They had moved back to Iowa from Minnesota and Illinois for a while  and when we moved back (well, for them anyway, I was born in Iowa too) in '79, we had managed to miss the '78 storm by almost 2 years. We were here for the early-mid 80's deep freeze, kinda for the blizzard of '99 (we were in Iowa for a funeral and followed the storm home), then here for the '11 blizzard, as well as the Polar Vortex of '14.

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Lots of long gone cars in Jon's original post, and YES.........I remember that nasty winter very well! :o

I don't remember getting a lot of snow in the DC area (where I was in HS at the time) but I can remember getting some really nasty ice storms which can simply paralyze that area........heck just an inch of snow sends DC in a state of paralysis!

Blizzard of 1967? Hmmm..........don't quite remember the impact of that one (First Grade at the time), but I can remember that winter particularly was very snowy. I'd say that the winters of the '60's were REALLY snowy as a matter of fact! :lol:

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The Blizzard of 78 was very hard here. We got rain followed by snow and High Winds. The two big storm meet here. It was a mess. Dads fairly new barn was 14 foot at the top ( a flat roof Butler)and the drift went up to almost the top. Made a great place to tunnel. I was only 12 so I got to play after the power came back on. After the Phone came back on we found out we got a new cousin in the middle of all of it. I still tell her she has always been trouble. 

Edited by 1930fordpickup
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Storm of 1978 in New Jersey... I was bunkered in at my girlfriend's house.  We decided we needed to walk to the liquor store.  As we got to the shopping center there wasn't a car in the lot so we thought it was closed.  But as we got closer we saw the store was full of people and a steady stream of fellow walkers!

I also remember one North Easter we got in the 1990s. At work we had to bring in dump trucks to take snow away because there was no place left on the property to stack it.  We had crews hand shoveling the flat roofs because we feared the load was too heavy on them!

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I was on crutches and did not have to shovel any snow. I remember a 6' deep snow bank that formed at our back door. The whole neighborhood was out helping each other clear their driveways and our entire street. They were smart enough to completely clear the street so that when the plows finally came, they did not block the driveways again. We never lost power.

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I remember it very well. I was a deputy sheriff at the time, working the county jail. I was home when the snow hit, luckily. The guys who were working at the time got stuck there. After a couple days the department was desperate. They were able to get a couple cars on the road and were able to come around and pick up a few of us who were able to hike out to a main road. When we got to work we pulled a couple 16 hour days until things got back to somewhat normal. I still have a letter of commendation for coming in and serving during the "crisis." 

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32 minutes ago, crazyjim said:

I remember '67 in Chciago.  I walked about 5 miles to the Jewel food store where I worked and stayed there for several days.  We slept on the checkout counters and cooked meals in the bakery ovens.

Really? I also was employed by Jewel during the Blizzard of '67, what a coincidence.

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I was 7..my Mom and I were stuck out at our farm in rural Tuscarawas County, Ohio and my Dad was at work in Steubenville, OH 50 miles away.   After the storm subsided, he came out to the farm and plowed the 3/4 mile long driveway w/ his John Deere tractor. 

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I remember the 78 - 79 storms real well.  Keep in mind that the average temperature for this area is ABOVE freezing in January and February.  We got about 18 inches of snow on Christmas Eve and then another 18 inches New Year's Day.  The thing that was amazing to me was the cold.  The snow stayed until mid - March.  There was no melting.  We had a shopping center near us that had snow piles about 10 - 15 feet tall from plowing all of the snow.  It was mid - April until the last of that snow melted.

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I was 8 at the time and remember burrowing in the yard like ground hogs for a week. Mums got stuck at school overnight and the next day it took her 6 hours to travel 18 miles.

EDIT: I just did the math and realized I was 13 during the blizzard. Boy I need some sleep.

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I grew up 45 miles north of Chicago in a town that is on Lake Michigan, so we got some lake effect snow too! That was my freshman year of HS, we missed a lot of time with the cold and snow that winter, and the winter that followed as we had back to back snowfalls of about 90 inches each, average snowfall was about 40 inches. I remember they had to come around the neighborhood with end loaders and dump trucks to clear the intersections and widen the roads so school buses could get down the roads as well. My best friend and I created a slide in my backyard and used a snow saucer to smooth it out and we had fun for a month or more on it! A lot of fun at the time but now that I live in the south, glad to be done with that!


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