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More Monzas? I got you covered!


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Some people say you can never have too much of a good thing. Then there’s the person who coined the term “Embarrassment of riches”. Well, somewhere  between those two things comes something I think most modellers are familiar with: a collection. Now, I don’t just mean a collection of things that are related, like “British side-by-side Two Seaters” or “Third Reich Research Aircraft”. No, I mean when you have multiples of the same basic thing, like “All Subtypes of Navy Phantoms” or “Every Sherman Variant” or, my favourite “A Boatload of RX-78s, even though they’re not your favourite Gundam”.

I’m sure we all have such things that we just can’t seem to get enough of. Given my bent towards loving the automotive underdog, it might not come as a surprise to find I have a bit of a Monza fetish. Yes, GM’s sporty-ish H-body from the mid-‘70s just seems to be something I have recently taken a shine to. I blame Ashbrook’s Hobby in Richmond MI – that’s where I got a lot of them! Five, in fact. But fear not, I actually have a full six!

Check out this most colourful and intersting variety of a car that was adored by the kit makers back in the day, and which Round 2 has even seen fit to reissue! (Note: that’s a Monza I didn’t buy… I only buy period Monzas. I’m a Monza-Snob!) Don’t forget to  vote and/or comment on which one you want me to review first!




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I had that Revell Super Spyder as a lad. I need to just bite the bullet, and pay for one on eBay. I now know that it is a pretty lousy kit, with a generic "One-Size-Fits-All" Revell Chassis, but at 16, I thought it was the neatest kit ever.

AS far as Review, I think the recent Round2 kit was the AMT, with added parts. So, I'd like to see what is in the MPC kits.

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I'll be honest. If I could vote, I'd vote for either Street Spyder or Super Spyder. I think Super looks AWESOME. Way better in the art than the kit is, but hey, what else is new? As for Street Spyder, it's just so MPC, you can't not love it. 

My brother is partial to "Black Max". See, there's a Monza for everyone!

I think you're right, on the Round 2, Alan, but was it a "vent grille" or a "slit grille" type. I never looked at it, because I already had the AMT. 

Tom: Except for the wheels sticking out too much, the Cavalier is a largely good kit! https://adamrehorn.wordpress.com/model-kits/cars/125-mpc-1982-cavalier/

Thank goodness for scale losermobiles, eh?!

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My vote is for the Street Spyder. That and the Super Spyder are the most "period" of them all...they would probably fit in better with your "collection" of '70's builds. :)

The Longshot is essentially the same as the Street Spyder, except for side pipes and fatter tires in the back. I had a few of those Longshots. Red plastic, plus the 80's graphics applied to the optional '70's parts don't really appeal to me.

A hobby shop local to me had the Pontiac version (Sunbird?) of the Revell Super Spyder sitting on their shelf for YEARS. When I finally got interested in it, it was gone, of course.

If you want to build the '76 or Black Max, you have to go full drag version, of course! The Black max would be a bit more accurate as it has Keystone mags instead of Pontiac Honeycombs (which might fit in better with the ISMA flares, perhaps).

While the chassis on the MPC kits are simplified (rear axle integrated with the floor), the engine details in those MPC kits are VERY nice, especially the optional headers & carbs.   

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7 hours ago, stevez said:

good show, the third reich aircraft are a sub specialty (cult) subject known as Lufwaffe 46, which has spawned a whole cottage industry of what ifs.

Thanks SteveZ. I'm a huge Luft '46 fan; I've got something like 20 of them in my stash, minimum. I like to be imaginative when I'm doing my modelling, sometimes, and details on a Luft '46 can't be argued with. :)


4 hours ago, CapSat 6 said:

My vote is for the Street Spyder. That and the Super Spyder are the most "period" of them all...they would probably fit in better with your "collection" of '70's builds. :)

The Longshot is essentially the same as the Street Spyder, except for side pipes and fatter tires in the back. I had a few of those Longshots. Red plastic, plus the 80's graphics applied to the optional '70's parts don't really appeal to me.

A hobby shop local to me had the Pontiac version (Sunbird?) of the Revell Super Spyder sitting on their shelf for YEARS. When I finally got interested in it, it was gone, of course.

If you want to build the '76 or Black Max, you have to go full drag version, of course! The Black max would be a bit more accurate as it has Keystone mags instead of Pontiac Honeycombs (which might fit in better with the ISMA flares, perhaps).

While the chassis on the MPC kits are simplified (rear axle integrated with the floor), the engine details in those MPC kits are VERY nice, especially the optional headers & carbs.   

I agree that the "Spyder Sisters" are the most period.  I like Long Shot not only for the ridiculous name, but also because it is literally halfway between Street Spyder and Black Max. It's an IMSA Dragster. Talk about personality conflicts! 

I know that feeling of finally deciding you want something and having it disappear. that's why, after turning down the Syper Spyder (due to price and the fact it's a cruddy looking kit) three times, and it STILL being there, I figured I'd better get it. I'm sure glad I did now!  

I do intend to do the Black Max as the dragster, and I might use some IMSA flares to try and make the '76 annual into a Mirage. The AMT will be Bone Stock, I think, and Street and Super will be, well, whatever they are! :0

2 hours ago, Motor City said:

Try not to drool, but I have the MPC '75 Monza 2+2!

Darn it... At least it isn't the Sportback. THAT is one I HAVE to get my hands on! I NEED that one big time!

Glad everybody liked the article, and I'm anxious to see which one wins. it's a three way tie right now, and the big loser is Long Shot - nobody voted for him yet. Poor guy. 

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1 hour ago, Faust said:

Glad everybody liked the article, and I'm anxious to see which one wins. it's a three way tie right now, and the big loser is Long Shot - nobody voted for him yet. Poor guy. 


I remember the days when modellers were looking for the Long Shot, in order to steal the engine for other projects. Definitely a nice dilemma to have!


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I built this 76 annual when it first came out, age 15. Yes, those are sewing thread plug wires. It's missing a few parts in these photos, which are slowly getting replaced. (Including those ultra 70s sidepipes!) The hood will get repainted with that bitchin scoop and #4 decal to match the sides once again, so it can relive the day it won me my first ever Trophy at Toy Fair. (Anybody remember them?  



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