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I no longer want to be a USPS customer.


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I don’t like to complain, but I’ve had all I can take with using the USPS. It seems that it’s becoming more the norm for packages, registered letters, etc to take up to a month or longer, to arrived. I’ve had model kits take over a month to arrive, I had a book that I bought to add to my Stephen King collection, get lost at some post office for over a month. And that was pretty scary as it was an expensive item. Now I have a  registered package from another country, that was moving along fine, within Swiss Post, until it reached the US and left customs in Jamaica NY. Now there has been zero activity in over two weeks. I can only imagine the problems people that get their medicine through the mail must go through. I’ve deleted my PayPal, and eBay app off my phone. Amazon is the only way I’ll buy anything from now on. And if I can’t get it through them, then I suppose I don’t really need it. Pretty sad that “ in the greatest country on the planet” you can’t get your mail delivered at a reasonable time.And it’s suppose to get worst?  Rant over. 

Edited by Brutalform
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You have every right to rant and several of us have voiced our problems on this board as well. You say Amazon is who you'll deal with and I don't understand how they keep sending stuff in a timely manner. And they use USPS as well and we've got things in a few days so how is that?

FedEx is the worst for me and I've had my problems with USPS like the time a package went to Guam! UPS seems to do well for me.

The common excuse now for everything is "due to Covid". FedEx keeps claiming they don't have enough people to do the jobs. Where did they go? Can we not hire more? UPS seem to be doing alright....at least for me.

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90% of the time first class package delivery shows not available so you are stuck with high priced "priority" which takes longer to get there that regular mail did!

They say 2-3 days guaranteed but when it takes a week they blame "covid" for the delay and won't give a refund.

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1 hour ago, TonyK said:

You have every right to rant and several of us have voiced our problems on this board as well. You say Amazon is who you'll deal with and I don't understand how they keep sending stuff in a timely manner. And they use USPS as well and we've got things in a few days so how is that?

FedEx is the worst for me and I've had my problems with USPS like the time a package went to Guam! UPS seems to do well for me.

The common excuse now for everything is "due to Covid". FedEx keeps claiming they don't have enough people to do the jobs. Where did they go? Can we not hire more? UPS seem to be doing alright....at least for me.

I have Amazon Prime. Usually will arrive in a day or two. Sometimes if you buy from an independent seller, it will take longer to ship and arrive. I ordered a 100 pack of scalpels, for foil work. I ordered them yesterday, and they already arrived. Now, I’m not saying that the usps should be here the next day, but just saying in general. 

Edited by Brutalform
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1 hour ago, espo said:

I have read where the Post Master General has designed a new business plan for the USPS. The plan is to cut back on services and deliveries and raise prices. Woks in the privet sector so why wouldn't it work here ?   

I honestly believe the postmaster might be part, if not most of the problem. 

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17 minutes ago, OldTrucker said:

90% of the time first class package delivery shows not available so you are stuck with high priced "priority" which takes longer to get there that regular mail did!

They say 2-3 days guaranteed but when it takes a week they blame "covid" for the delay and won't give a refund.

I agree. The covid excuse kinda wore off a while ago. It seems that’s the excuse almost every time incompetence is involved. Like I said earlier, I feel terrible for the folks that depend on their mail to get their medications on time. 

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Something is definitely wrong somewhere. I have ordered items, and according to the tracking status, they will go past the destination, to some other town, camp out for several days, then get backtracked to get to the correct place that was passed by. I’m not in the postal business, but after 30 years or driving truck and making deliveries, this practice just doesn’t make sense to me. 

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1 hour ago, TonyK said:

Where did they go? Can we not hire more? UPS seem to be doing alright....at least for me.

Will probably get a warning for this response.  It is difficult to hire those who do not want a job or want to come back to work. The government sponsored free-ride is a large part of the problem.

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You've got that segment of the population (and it's growing) who figure out the bare minimum for what they need to survive, and they'll work only when necessary for that, and not one minute more.  It has always existed, it's just getting bigger.

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3 hours ago, OldTrucker said:

90% of the time first class package delivery shows not available so you are stuck with high priced "priority" which takes longer to get there that regular mail did!

They say 2-3 days guaranteed but when it takes a week they blame "covid" for the delay and won't give a refund.

The Guarantee is a joke, there is no money back, no free postage next time, nothing. SOoo, I do not get exactly WHAT is guaranteed. 

AND..I just sent someone a set of tires, $4.60. They are trying to price themselves out of having to deliver certain items. 


Edited by Modelbuilder Mark
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I worked for FedEX as a delivery driver. FedEX does not have drivers. All the deliveries are through sub-contractors. It is the sub-contractor who does the hiring.

I was paid a daily rate. It wasn't, but as an example we will go with $150/day.

If your run took 5 or 6 hours you made out well. If you took 10 or 11 hours well...you do the math.

They run you ragged. And coming into this time of year I don't see it getting better.

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Blame your USPS Postmaster General, Louis DeJoy. He is THE biggest idiot to come up with a business model if slowing mail by cutting cost AND raising prices. What's even worse? A standing US President cannot nor has the power to remove him from office. Only the Board of Governors of the Postal Service can. If we can contact those Board of Governors of the Postal Service and demand DeJoy to overturn this ridiculous business plan, we'd be in better off. Prices of stamps going up I can deal with. But slowing mail and raising prices with a side of cutting cost makes no sense. Since when did the cost of Air Mail suddenly a concern for this tool? He's basically wants to eliminate domestic mail via air all together and send it via ground - truck or train. 

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15 hours ago, Brutalform said:

Amazon is the only way I’ll buy anything from now on. And if I can’t get it through them, then I suppose I don’t really need it. Pretty sad that “ in the greatest country on the planet” you can’t get your mail delivered at a reasonable time.And it’s suppose to get worst?  Rant over. 

Funny, if you read Mr. Miles' post, he is not happy with amazon.


As for all the crazy problems we have to put up with, it is pretty much all due to COVID-19.  That nasty bug changed the entire world.  It also exposed the shortcomings of the way the world commerce runs.  As I see it, it will take years (if ever) to return to normal (or new normal).  Amazing what a microscopic virus did to our entire planet!  Also to put this in perspective, I believe that COVID would have not spread  like this 200 years ago (before global travel became the norm).

That's all I'm going to say - we aren't supposed to discuss this stuff here.

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11 hours ago, peteski said:

Funny, if you read Mr. Miles' post, he is not happy with amazon.


As for all the crazy problems we have to put up with, it is pretty much all due to COVID-19.  That nasty bug changed the entire world.  It also exposed the shortcomings of the way the world commerce runs.  As I see it, it will take years (if ever) to return to normal (or new normal).  Amazing what a microscopic virus did to our entire planet!  Also to put this in perspective, I believe that COVID would have not spread  like this 200 years ago (before global travel became the norm).

That's all I'm going to say - we aren't supposed to discuss this stuff here.

Amazon canceled an order of my wife's because it got damaged. instead of sending a replacement, they canceled. when she tried to re-order it, the price increased by 10%


I contacted them to see if they would honor the old price since we tried to get it at the cheaper price.  It seemed to take some gymnastics on their end but they gave us a store credit for the difference as a refund due to billing issue on a completely different item. Then they told me to reorder and the price would be the same 


They are late quite a bit, but their customer service is always good 


I have had nothing but bad experiences with usps customer service. Including waiting over 1 hour on hold to speak with someone about lost package only to tell me the mailman was definitely not in the right area for my house when it was marked as delivered. that i could knock on doors in that street to see if anyone got it. Since it wasnt insured, they wouldn't help me. PayPal gave me a 1 time refund for unusual circumstances 

Edited by MrMiles
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I had 3 filters for my vacuum sent via USPS once. The package showed up, literally, like one of their forklifts drove over the corner of it. USPS official response on the matter was "we dont do that" (they really said that!) and told me that the shipper sent it that way. Yeah, right, Hoover will send filters out like that. And of course Hoover said USPS did it. 

More recently is a mailbox issue. Our street has locking cluster mailboxes, 8 separate cubbies, one for each address. There is also a nice large slot to send outgoing mail. They replaced the box, but the slot for outgoing mail is blocked off. Complaints lodged with the USPS by neighbors indicate this is just the way it is. I tried to give my letters to the carrier, but she says carriers do not accept outgoing mail. 

So now I have to do online bill pay or drive a mile to an old blue community mailbox. I know online bill pay is popular, but I'm old school (and old) and it's not something I would choose if I had a choice. In the 8 months I've been paying online I've already had fraud perpetrated. 

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How do they get away with not accepting outgoing mail?! Oh wait, they do whatever they want.

I do most bill paying online but there are a couple of outfits I deal with where I send a check because they want to charge you $2-$3 if you use a credit card and a check is the only other way. A stamp is much cheaper. We also have the cluster box but can use the outgoing mail slot.

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17 hours ago, BlackSheep214 said:

Blame your USPS Postmaster General, Louis DeJoy. He is THE biggest idiot to come up with a business model if slowing mail by cutting cost AND raising prices. What's even worse? A standing US President cannot nor has the power to remove him from office. Only the Board of Governors of the Postal Service can. If we can contact those Board of Governors of the Postal Service and demand DeJoy to overturn this ridiculous business plan, we'd be in better off. Prices of stamps going up I can deal with. But slowing mail and raising prices with a side of cutting cost makes no sense. Since when did the cost of Air Mail suddenly a concern for this tool? He's basically wants to eliminate domestic mail via air all together and send it via ground - truck or train. 

Exactly. One thing that worked pretty good in this country was the usps. Now that’s all messed up too. 

Edited by Brutalform
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4 hours ago, Draggon said:

I had 3 filters for my vacuum sent via USPS once. The package showed up, literally, like one of their forklifts drove over the corner of it. USPS official response on the matter was "we dont do that" (they really said that!) and told me that the shipper sent it that way.

I wouldn't have used that language.  "Their forklifts"? Um . . . Just stating that the shipping box was damaged or crushed should have been a better description.

I'm not sure why the USPS problems seem to exists in some areas and not in other areas.  While I do experience some delays, and a very rarely a  screw-up, overall I'm happy with USPS doing the best they can in this changed world we live in.

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4 hours ago, Dave Van said:

I have a package sitting in Monroe NJ for 3 days with a 'Emergency Exception'. I asked what that was.....'weather dely' ......funny my friends near Monroe NJ say it's clear and fine........is that the weather they are talking about???

I live 3.5 minutes away from monroe. Its been very terrible weather of 70 degrees and partly cloudy this whole week.  Maybe the emergency is that its too nice out and they want to ride bikes instead of work?

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