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Just a nice clean traditional Deuce Roadster


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10 hours ago, CabDriver said:




Really enjoy your build threads since you started using the 3D printer, very impressive to see how you are designing and incorporating the 3D printed components.

Amazing to see where the current state of the hobby is at with the use of modern technology. 

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On 4/22/2022 at 7:28 AM, Mr. Metallic said:

The tires look really good. It's hard to tell from the angles but they are big n' little's, no? 

Yes sir - you’re right, it’s just the camera angle making them look similar size…here’s a (slightly) better pic to show the difference…


Thanks for the comments everyone!  Appreciate the interest!

This weekend’s embarrassingly slow progress was a bunch of little things (headlight mounts, steering linkage, parts-box hunting, thinking about the exhaust, cleaning up the body)…the floor was the main project I really wanted to get out of the way so I spent a couple of hours today watching the F1 race and working on that.

Used the interior ‘tub’ from the Revell 32 kit as the basis for the bulk of the floor, and added some styrene bar to add some of the embossed detail you’d normally see under there…plus a little piece for the trunk too:


You can’t see this too well when it’s attached to the frame, but well enough that it adds a little…


I’d normally use half-round bar for a project like this, but I was out, so I knocked them down a little with a sanding stick before priming to see what more clean-up they’ll need before paint:


When I mock this thing up it looks kinda close to being ready to blow apart for paint, but I’ve still got a bunch of little things to handle and some more details to design and print…


I like the general look so far though - looks like a neat old hot-rod!


More soon, soon as I’ve done more!  Thanks for looking!

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Thanks fellas!

Been finishing up a few loose ends this past week so I can get to some painting.

Designed and printed some friction shocks…


Figured out a simple exhaust…


I was careful to leave a spot on the driver’s side there whilst running the exhaust for a brake master cylinder - I’ll look through my spares and see if anything grabs me, or print one if I need to…

Ended up making a lot of changes to this frame…shoulda just started with a pair of frame rails 🤪


Note the copper strips on the front horns there - I thinned up the styrene so I could give them that open c-channel look…

Started laying down some color on the interior pieces - not done messing with these yet:


And picked out some colors for the body - going mostly black with some nice simple gold flames…


I’m going to do my usual reverse-masked flame paintjob on this one, so last project of the afternoon today was laying down the gradient…



I’ll clear coat this with Future tonight as a barrier coat to protect the flake, then lay down masks and shoot black tomorrow.

More soon!  Thanks for looking! 

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Thanks fellas!

Tonight’s project - finishing off the flames! 

Cut some masks out of Oramask on my Silhouette cutter:


Laid them down over the fade I shot yesterday:


Shot Createx black sealer over top (my favorite black paint - lays down thin, covers great, doesn’t run or pool ever):


And then…carefully peel back the masking!



Tomorrow I’ll clean up any spots that need attention before laying down some clear.  Didn’t have a bunch of free time this evening at the bench, but paint day is always exciting!  More soon!

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Thanks for the nice comments everyone! 

On 5/3/2022 at 7:57 AM, bluestringer said:

Looks great. Are you using the Createx black sealer as a color coat? I have both the black and white autoborne sealers and have been using them as a base coat under the color. 

Yes sir!  It lays down super thin, and is really opaque so I like it for when I’m doing a black paint-job.  Just shoot whatever clear you like over top and it looks a million bucks!

On 5/3/2022 at 8:34 AM, misterNNL said:

Just started reading this thread and am wondering how you clean up those fins on those Navarro heads. They appear very close together and need to be very straight and clean when finished and painted.

They really didn’t need too much clean up - at least, to my eyes.  I brushed them with a soft toothbrush to clear any sanding dust and general matter out of them before priming and they looked pretty straight and clean!

Not a bunch of INTERESTING progress to report this past few days - been prepping, priming and painting a bunch of parts ready for further detailing and then assembly:


Spent a lot of time the past few days messing with the frame - those reveals will be really visible seeing as this car is neither channeled nor running fenders…took a few rounds of priming, sanding and reprinting to get where it was straight enough for my liking (still in progress in the pic below, but getting closer…)


Used Createx black on the frame too, to match the body, and painted the radiator shell, lights and dash too whilst I had the airbrush loaded:


I’ve been using some old-stock acrylic gloss on some of these parts where I don’t really want to have to polish them if I don’t have to (primarily because it’s tough sanding a frame without burning through on an edge somewhere, however careful I try to be…).  This stuff is pretty thick, so I can lay it on nice and wet without it sagging and that helps with what I’m trying to achieve here…


And finally, every night this past week I’ve shot another coat of lacquer on the body, wet-sanding in between coats and then shooting another layer on the following night.  It’s almost ready for polishing!


More interesting update soon - I’ve got a BUNCH of parts here ready for assembly now - exciting!

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Thanks Paul!

23 hours ago, beeRS said:

Love the 3D printed parts, love the flames, and always love a Duece! 

I’m guessing the idea behind the multiple clear coats is to lose the paint edge ‘step’ of the flames? 

Thank you!  

Honestly, painting flames this way is kinda designed to minimize that edge by needing a really minimal thickness of paint, so I don’t suffer TOO MUCH from a pronounced edge.  That said, it doesn’t hurt to level things out I’m sure!

Mostly, I’m just shooting multiple really thin mist coats of clear and sanding in between multiple times because I like to gradually build up the clearcoat (especially over metallics, to make sure the clear doesn’t ‘drag’ the flakes and ruin the look) and to make sure I’ve got plenty of material to polish it out really nicely at the end.

I could probably just lay down multiple coats a few minutes apart and achieve a similar result and not spread it over the course of a week or so…but I’m in no mad hurry here 🤪


Tiny bit of progress tonight - some more work on the interior parts.  Nothing super exciting, just Testor’s leather brown with pastels, sealed with a misted-on coat of hairspray.  Still learning the secrets to impressive leather…I’ll likely mess with these some more before they finally get installed 


More soon!

Edited by CabDriver
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