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The Cincinnati Zoo euthanized it's last white tiger today due advanced age medical issues.  Their life expectancy is 15-20 years but she was 22.  The zoo had a tremendously successful breeding cat program but it seems to have fallen from the spotlight due to the premature birth of a hippo a year ago and now the zoo is making a big $150M expansion to the gorilla area and building a parking garage.

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eBay's continuing glitches and general retardation. Friday I asked a seller for an invoice for a multiple purchase. I've done business with the company before, and they're good at timely responses. This time, nothing.

So today, I see that eBay had simply DROPPED the two items from my purchase list. I go to try to get the request, and I'm informed that I can't access it because it's more than 30 days old.


So, after more time spent DOING OTHER PEOPLE'S JOBS, I find a way to re-submit the request.

Because I'm careful and usually cover my butt in a world increasingly run by morons, I have copies of BOTH the requests in my email.

We'll see...but the more they tinker with making it "better", the more it becomes a piece of trash.

And please spare me the EVIL-bay responses. It's not evil. Just stupid.

And in other news, I see Amazon is opening...wait for it...brick-and-mortar stores to push their devices.

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14 hours ago, Ace-Garageguy said:

eBay's continuing glitches and general retardation.

As the uncle of a young man who is retarded, I find it quite offensive when people refer to something other than the handicap as "retarded". My nephew has worked harder than most normally functioning people to achieve some sort of normalcy in his life and to have others use the term "retarded" or "retardation" to describe a situation that they are unhappy with shows me their lack of compassion for humans afflicted with this disability, their inability to use terminology that better describes their problem without being offensive ( and this would include using foul language) and a general sign of ignorance.

Until you have experienced watching someone who was given a small chance to live and function become the man my nephew is in his mid-20s who can do some amazing things considering his shortcomings, using terms like "retarded" and "retardation" to those of us who have lived with it is insulting.

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7 hours ago, mikemodeler said:

As the uncle of a young man who is retarded, I find it quite offensive when people refer to something other than the handicap as "retarded"...

Your response is interesting.

I personally refer to people with learning deficiencies or delayed cognitive development as just that...not "retarded"...out of RESPECT to those souls so afflicted. I know many Down-syndrome young people who are productive, self-sufficient, pleasant and friendly. By YOUR definition, they're "retarded", but I would never use the word to refer to any of them, even in the third person.

I use the term ONLY to refer to supposedly well-educated folks of normal intelligence who really have no excuse for performing sloppy, slipshod work.

If you want to be offended, try to direct it towards someone whose intent was to be offensive.

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Mental retardation is still an accepted term to describe an individual with a measured IQ of less than 70 to 75. In some circles the term has been, or is being, replaced by the term "intellectual disability". Whether use of the terms mentally retarded, mental retardation, and other similar terms ceases remains to be seen. The condition is still correctly termed mental retardation in the majority of instances.

Don't let television and social networking overly influence your way of thinking. Considerable incorrect, or partially incorrect, information is abundant via those two media.

Looks like this might just be a case of misinformation. 

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Well, the test drive in my Jeep didn't go well. Kept smelling hot brakes, but couldn't figure out where it was coming from, then it started running hot and I kept getting rerouted  due to a parade in trying to get it home, finally had to stop half way and let it sit and cool for a while before I could go the rest of the way home. Lucky, another XJ owner pulled up to see if he could help, and we ended up standing talking and realized we had been members of the same, now defunct Jeep club! We talked XJs some and the differences between my '98 and his '99 then the '00 and later under hood due to emissions regulations changes. It finally cooled off enough to get it home and I tried to clean up some mold lines on the Revell C7 snap kit I was going to try a new color idea on, but the second layer of primer came out and dried like sand paper........ Decided about 30 minutes before Auto Zone closed that I should get more Super Clean so I can strip the Vette body and had to detour, again, because somebody who was having a far worse day than I, somehow rolled their TrailBlazer right at the intersection that is not only at the south end of a bridge that goes into downtown West Chicago, but also right in front of the WeGo PD! Once I finally got to the A.Z.,  I realised when I got their my wallet with license were at home....... Ran home and grabbed my wallet with almost 10min to spare. Grabbed the Super Clean and some M&M's, bought the stuff, walked out to the 200 and realized the Super Clean was still on the counter...... Walked in, grabbed it, and kinda laughed with the woman behind the counter and the other customer be for leaving........

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My friend in Chicago let me know I will be getting a box of food from Omaha Steaks. He ordered on Thursday for a 2 day delivery. I also got a email with tracking number and to let me know it will be delivered on Saturday. Saturday came and went without a delivery. I did the tracking ( UPS ) and it now said it would be delivered on Monday by end of day. 4 days to get here instead of the 2 ? How long will dry ice last I wondered. Well, the delivery was delivered here about an hour ago. As you might expect it was all defrosted. Not a single bit of dry ice left and most of the foods were warm. I reported this to my buddy and he called Omaha Steaks. They said they were sorry and are sending out a complete new order. So I guess it turned out into a what pleased me today. UPS really dropped the ball on this one. I wanted to catch the delivery man to see if he knew what might have happened but he rang the bell and took off before I got to the door.

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The UPS guy wouldn't have a clue as to what happened. That's not his pay grade to know. He loads up at the terminal and makes his delivery/pickup rounds. Contact UPS customer service and listen to the canned music while you're on hold for the next hour or so.

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I happened to check the FB group page for my building.The first new post I see if from some schmuck who was admiring  my son's two Schwinn Grey Ghost 5 Speed Krate bikes  which look like this


He posted that he'd seen them for the past three years and wants to restore them. (They're in like new condition. What the hell is he talking about?) To top it off, some well known yenta in the building tells him to wait a while to see if they're moved from the rack on the 7th floor terrace. If not, she happily suggested that he help himself to them. How friggin' generous of her! I screen captured the page in case something happens to either, or both, of the bikes. Man, talk about having a big set of brass 'nads.

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22 minutes ago, SfanGoch said:

I happened to check the FB group page for my building.The first new post I see if from some schmuck who was admiring  my son's two Schwinn Grey Ghost 5 Speed Krate bikes  which look like this


He posted that he'd seen them for the past three years and wants to restore them. (They're in like new condition. What the hell is he talking about?) To top it off, some well known yenta in the building tells him to wait a while to see if they're moved from the rack on the 7th floor terrace. If not, she happily suggested that he help himself to them. How friggin' generous of her! I screen captured the page in case something happens to either, or both, of the bikes. Man, talk about having a big set of brass 'nads.

First thing: if I had one of those, let alone two, they wouldn't be stored anywhere where they were visible to the general population.

Second thing: I wouldn't post stuff like that on FB, unless they were heavily insured and I wanted them gone...

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First, access to this building is restricted to tenants and their guests and entry is controlled by a keycard and by the front desk security. The area where the bike racks are locked up is not visible, nor accessible, to the general public. It's on the seventh floor. ;)  If it were possible, I would keep them in the apartment. The only problem is that we live in apartment. They'd block the TV. :D 

Secondly, I never post pics or info about the bikes on FB. The schmuck who saw the bikes mentioned them but didn't post any pics either. Now that I think of it, why was he scoping out what bikes were up there in the first place?!?

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Very cool, hopefully nothing happens to them. I collect Krate bikes and muscle bikes too, have some of them hanging on my garage wall (amongst other automobilia, collectables and motorcycles). My garage is my retreat and workshop. I should be able to make it nice and not have people snooping around. I can't tell you how often, if I happen to leave the door open and run upstairs for a moment, come back to find people IN my garage thinking that they're going to be able to buy or ?       The joys of living in an unsecure condo development I guess. 

They act shocked and surprised when I tell them to get the heck out, never come back and if I see them hanging around I will call whom ever is necessary to deal with the situation. I'm not running a shop/showroom for their benefit.

Good thing I've got an alarm system (and other personal protection:P) People have no boundaries anymore.

Edited by Phirewriter
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I used to have a couple of nice Motor Cycles years ago. After what seemed like endless attempts to steal them I started parking them in the corner of my living room in the little house I rented. Think what you might, my bikes never got stolen.

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Joe, do you have someone in your apartment community that is tied to it's security? We've had problems in the past with some residents who've had friends/relatives with nefarious intentions. We were generally able to deal with any situations with our management company.

I wasn't to enthusiastic about moving to a condo for numerous reasons but it does have it's upsides sometimes.

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