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What Pleased You Today!


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I'm pleased today because I have a new fence going up around my pool.  The old split rail fence  was falling down, the chicken wire on it was all that was holding it up. Now I have a black aluminum one with a lifetime warranty.  It's near 100F degrees out there and I'm sitting in the air conditioning watching others do the work.  

new fence

What a difference a day can make....   here's a picture that I didn't post yesterday.  The corner where my pool equipment is located. Showing where the back gate will be.  Note the big tree with the electric conduit going up it... 




A bit of a storm came through and took that sucker right down.  And tore up some of the new fence.  The fence was a day old!  


Here it is from the other side.  This was a major  100 foot plus tall tree.  Same storm took the top off another tree this size, which landed in the woods behind the shed. Both trees took out a bunch of smaller trees too.  That tree must've come down slow and gentle because there was no huge noise, and the glass and bulb in the light that was up in the tree are okay.  The tree completely fills the grassy field behind my property that belongs to the homeowner's association.  Wind storms are weird here. We are on the side of a tall hill and when we get a storm like that, we don't get any wind at ground level, but the wind up in the tree tops can be awful. We had wind bad enough to take down that tree and there were beer cans sitting on the pool deck that were still standing there!  Go figger!

I guess I can say I'm thankful that the damage wasn't worse... didn't take out the pool equipment or the pool house.. and nobody was hurt!

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Had some pretty big winds (70 mph +) on Saturday night. Many in the KC Metro area without power and much damage.  Out here on the edge of the prairie we only lost one 25 ft.. Smoke Tree Bush beside the deck. Just spent all morning cutting up the tree and put it all in the garden trailer to go to the city dump. Hardest part was digging up all of the roots to get the stump out.

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Firewood for many winters to come, Tom!

and of course I have a gas fireplace!   :wacko:

Firewood won't be hard to come by in these parts this season!  Driving around town there are a bunch of big trees down, or those that have lost major limbs. Some of the old oaks appear to be 100 years old or more.  Up on one of the main roads in town, three big ancient monster trees came down along with a power pole.  I heard that there was no electric on that side of town for a day until they got the new pole up.  I drove through there yesterday afternoon and it looked like a war zone!  Even this morning, taking my wife to work there were trees still in the roadway.

Verdict is still out as to whose tree it is. It's on the property line between mine and the association's property. I alerted them and they said they'd look into it.  I do have that sinking feeling that it's mine and I'll be paying for this clean up.  At that point I'll wait until the tree companies take care of all the mess that's blocking roads or power, or are against houses.

Edited by Tom Geiger
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I had a job interview today. Would be a decent job with what seems like a decent company. I think I would be a great fit with my background and what they are wanting. That is the good news.

They are interviewing into next week though. So I will probably be posting in the Irked thread end of next week.



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I had a job interview today. Would be a decent job with what seems like a decent company. I think I would be a great fit with my background and what they are wanting. That is the good news.

They are interviewing into next week though. So I will probably be posting in the Irked thread end of next week.



good luck Russ, I hope it's not one of those "temp" jobs.

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Nope, direct hire. Benefits after 90 days. Product is kind of New Ageish, but they've been around for over 10 years. Hoping they will be around for another 10, that will put me into retirement age plus.

Not holding my breath though. Being one of the first to interview will probably end up hurting my chances, unless I really stand out compared to the rest. I did send them a thank you letter yesterday after I got home. Hoping that helps some.



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and of course I have a gas fireplace!   :wacko:

Firewood won't be hard to come by in these parts this season!  Driving around town there are a bunch of big trees down, or those that have lost major limbs. Some of the old oaks appear to be 100 years old or more.  Up on one of the main roads in town, three big ancient monster trees came down along with a power pole.  I heard that there was no electric on that side of town for a day until they got the new pole up.  I drove through there yesterday afternoon and it looked like a war zone!  Even this morning, taking my wife to work there were trees still in the roadway.

Verdict is still out as to whose tree it is. It's on the property line between mine and the association's property. I alerted them and they said they'd look into it.  I do have that sinking feeling that it's mine and I'll be paying for this clean up.  At that point I'll wait until the tree companies take care of all the mess that's blocking roads or power, or are against houses.

About ten years ago, I had a tree in my yard taken down by an ice storm.  The leaves were still on it, it got loaded up with moisture and then froze making it top heavy.  The wind did the rest.  It wasn't an evergreen but it did have shallow roots, so it fell across the two fences between my property and next door.  My property had an old chain link fence but the neighbor had a swimming pool put up in the yard much later, and built a taller wood fence alongside the existing one for privacy.  My homeowners' insurance paid for the removal of the tree (and grinding out the stump, though initially they didn't want to pay for that).  They didn't pay for any damage to either fence though.  I simply removed the section of chain link fence that abutted the neighbor's wood fence.  One section of their wood fence got taken out, but they had a spare section.  I helped them take out the damaged piece and install the spare one, and they were okay with that.  My only expense was renting a jackhammer for a day, to bust the concrete around the fence posts I wanted to take out.

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Chuckle for the day...

I went to Walmart pharmacy to pick up some prescriptions. As usual the young girl attendant asked, "Date of birth?" 

I reply, "9-16-58" 

She looks at me and says, "I need the day too." 

I reply, "Do you really think I was born in 1658??"

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Saw an interview with a veteran of Dunkirk saying the movie was right on the money.

you mean other than that unbelievably long deadstick glide of the Spitfire at the end of the movie... and the missing merlin engine block of same Spit when he burned it?

I liked it also but found a few things stretched and a few things compressed.

Looking forward to seeing Churchill.


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The wife and I have had a good time the last few days, Tuesday my step daughter and her husband came into town from Phoenix  went and did some target shooting on Friday then Saturday my mom and dad, sister, brother in law and our 3 nephews came over we had a good steak dinner and the kids had a huge water balloon fight ( can't really say kids we all had a water balloon at some point) Then the boys practised there roping some. Really good time.

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Today... well yesterday actually... I was pleased with the fact that I'm been using Schaeffer Oil in all my rides for the last 10 years. One of my bandmates is a salesman for the company.

My "Low Oil Pressure Sensor" on the Impala, which is supposed to let you know when the oil pressure gets low or your oil level drops, failed on the last day of work before my 4 day vacation... I didn't know it til I got home from my 45 min drive and smelled that familiar smell of burnt oil.. It failed on the inside and sent my oil all over...

When I changed it out finally yesterday morning I drained my remaining oil to change it, only to find out there was only about 2 quarts, if that, still in there... One of Schaeffers selling points is after its coated everything, you're good to go while... I've seen it happen during the display when they pulled the oil supply away from a bearing that I was pressing down on, that continued to run for another 5 mins til I got tired of holding the lever down... and now have witnessed it in my own Vehicle... It's around $80 a case, and as far as I'm concerned, $80 a case well spent. Schaeffer user for life....

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  • 2 weeks later...

What pleased me today was the birth of my third granddaughter, Baillie. Lovely healthy child, around 6lbs, a little underweight as she was a couple of weeks early.

Now the fun starts all over again with a new life!



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What pleased me today was the birth of my third granddaughter, Baillie. Lovely healthy child, around 6lbs, a little underweight as she was a couple of weeks early.

Now the fun starts all over again with a new life!


Congrats Steve!  I know the feeling, we are expecting our first grand daughter before the end of this year!

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The wife and I have had a good time the last few days, Tuesday my step daughter and her husband came into town from Phoenix  went and did some target shooting on Friday then Saturday my mom and dad, sister, brother in law and our 3 nephews came over we had a good steak dinner and the kids had a huge water balloon fight ( can't really say kids we all had a water balloon at some point) Then the boys practised there roping some. Really good time.

Richard, where do you do your shooting ? Shooters World ?

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Richard, where do you do your shooting ? Shooters World ?

i havent heard of shooters world before, but it depends  on what and why were shooting as to where we go if I'm getting technical with sighting one in I go to a local gun club that has benches and rests and all that if we are just having fun then I know some places (old hunting ground) that we'll  make sure nobody is around a shoot in the woods there's a couple places that have a good back stop and generally no one around. If there is we go elsewhere.

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