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The little bird I found on the front porch at the end of August and brought inside to keep the cats from getting it has taken to sleeping on one of the columns. He's got all his feathers now, and comes by some nights at dusk to roost, especially when it's raining. It seems that sleeping in high corners like this is common behavior for the species.  


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Just got back from four days in Jasper National Park. I love it here, get out here at least once a month or so, do some hiking, or ust to get away from the city.

Got some snow while we were there, which is just fine with me. Keeps the tourists back in town and keeps the trails empty for me!





Also, while poking around the townsite, went in to a used CD store on a whim. Glad I did! Found a classic piece of hair metal. This Canadian band released one album, then vanished so completely, it's like the never existed. CD has been out of print for 25 years or so, and I've been hunting for it for at least half of those. So when I found this for $2.50, it was a no brainer. Then I realized the Durango does not have a CD player, so had to wait until we got home to listen.




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I finally found a few minutes to fix the wiring issue on one of my favourite guitars. The input jack somehow had a ground wire that loosened over the past few years. Soldered that back, and the beast is back up and running perfectly. FIrst time to play this guitar through my new setup. Just added a Tech21 RK5 effects pedal, replacing the big multi-effects unit I had been running. It's an overdrive, amp simulator, and delay. So far, so good. Loving it.

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Great idea Joe.  You and your family will appreciate that more and more everyday.  Here's the one my wife did for my parents,  That is their wedding pic and their 50th anniversary pic side by side.  It's autographed by dad's three half brothers and their wife/girlfriend, mom's brother and his wife, mom's maid of honor and the priest from their church.  Mom passed unexpectedly of a stroke about six months later.  


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I finally found a few minutes to fix the wiring issue on one of my favourite guitars. The input jack somehow had a ground wire that loosened over the past few years. Soldered that back, and the beast is back up and running perfectly. FIrst time to play this guitar through my new setup. Just added a Tech21 RK5 effects pedal, replacing the big multi-effects unit I had been running. It's an overdrive, amp simulator, and delay. So far, so good. Loving it.

Heck yeah! Rock on!

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Looks like a great place to be.

it is, but it's also deadly. the second last picture of the steep mountain peak, is Slesse mountain, or as we locals call it, "the fang".  on the left side of the mt. in the pic (NE in actual) is where a DC-4 slammed into it in 1956 killing all 62, including 9 americans.

the DC-4 was on a flight from vancouver bc to calgary alberta, then on to regina in saskatchewan. they loaded it with extra fuel in case it could'nt land in calgary due to weather and had to continue on to regina. they (flight 810) reported a engine fire, and severe icing and turbulence shortly after leaving vancouver. it was given priority clearance back to vancouver down the middle of the valley.and was to make a left turn to hit the valley, for some reason they turned right and flew into mt Slesse....with extra fuel....there was not much left. it 's a very remote place, took 5 months just to find the wreckage.



my son and me hiked up there in 2015. it's a very tuff climb, the immense snow wipes and changes it every yr. 


the gov installed this plaque a few yrs ago partway up.


there is still pieces of plane everywhere up there despite 50+ yrs of snow and avalanches, but not like you think. everything is pretty much matchbox size or so, even the passengers and crew....(extra fuel.......)

it's a very ....moving and humbling place to go, so beautiful, yet so tragic... 


this propellar cairn was erected in '56 by the orig. search and rescuers. 


thought this inscription on the plaque was very fitting...


the pilots wife never remarried. a few yrs ago she died, and her son helicoptered her ashes to the top of Slesse, where they were released to the accompaniment of a piper playing his bagpipes.

also about 10 miles away from the crash scene, a B-24 crashed into mt Welch back in 1945. the poor boys on that plane died just before the war ended....a memorial was made in '83 by cadets, but the weather and snows destroyed it, so a couple yrs ago a more permanent and appropriate one was constructed. one of the Liberator's engines was also found, and incorporated in the memorial


check out the ages.... pretty young....


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Had my 6 month followup today with my Diabetes ( type 2 ) doctor. I was happy to get a good report. My weight was down and blood pressure, A1C and cholesterol were all improved. Ain't easy to get to this point because I loves my food but you do what you have too. Wife is a big help although I feel otherwise at times. :D

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A beautiful, gorgeous sunny day. Took both cars out for a spin. Took my wife for lunch at the Golden Age club. They let us in even if we're only in our sixties. Barbecued some pork chops tonight. Even had a snooze on the deck after lunch. All in all, a great day.

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Today my sister and brother in law took my wife and I to a birthday lunch for my wife. We went to Cracker Barrel in Surprise. We did get a surprise in that we were informed that some unknown person picked up the tab for our table. We were told the people had left but that the man was a Vet and had noticed my BIL who was wearing one of his Marine Devil Dog hats. A stranger picked up our bill which I guess would had been about 60 bucks. We all felt bad that whoever did that was gone and we could not thank him. What a guy this must have been. We were very grateful and we agreed we will need to do the same thing in the future for someone.

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Besides walking the two miles to the store and back yesterday, I was able to go for a 6+ mile hike today. Good bit of pain towards the end, and when I got home, but it's the first time I've been able to manage it since I got a minor pelvic fracture 2 months back when a deck chair collapsed and I landed hard on concrete. I think I should be back in OK shape by Christmas or so.  :)

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