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Earl Marischal

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Everything posted by Earl Marischal

  1. Very imaginative and well built. I'd love a 1:1 of the blue '48! steve
  2. Agree with all the above. A beautiful piece. steve
  3. A kit I built over 40 years ago and would love again*... steve * At an affordable price!
  4. The Hillman Minx conv on the other side of it is just like the one my stepfather had. steve
  5. Nice work! Have you scratchbuilt the chassis too or are you using an existing one? steve
  6. That is seriously good modelling by anyone's standards...and certainly well above mine... steve
  7. Some very impressive railway modelling chaps! Here's some pics of a layout the group of which I'm a member built a few years ago that has just been sold. It's of a hospital railway set around the end of WW2. There were several of them in the UK at one time and the layout, called Hospital Gates is based on one particular example which also had a military connection. It is UK O Scale, 7mm to the foot. steve
  8. Missed this thread previously. Very interesting and thought provoking. It applies equally to railway modelling and I will bear it in mind for future layout projects. Man thanks. steve
  9. Wire the mill, detail the engine bay and replace the wheels? steve
  10. Spot on Tulio. The steelies make it. steve
  11. Great work and superb colour choice. steve
  12. That's just great. A fine version of an old style rail. steve
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