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Everything posted by Impalow

  1. I have been using this lately and have been really impressed with it.... available in 1/32" and 1/28" https://painthuffer.bigcartel.com/product/fbs-micro-fineline-crepe-tape-pt43 I stopped at the FBS booth at SEMA and talked to them, got some samples to try...and I've been really impressed. Painthuffer is just my favorite distributor of their products.
  2. Nothing really notable... just a weber carb, and deletion of some emission stuff. My dad did build a clone of our truck out of the California Sunshine previous release of this kit... and its pretty fantastic/spot on in my opinion. (the truck had some wide whites for a while)
  3. Ray that truck is awesome! I would love to have that now, especially with that cap/stripe/wheel combo! Here is my dad and I's current 620 shop truck (along with 2 of our 510s) I did the patina shop logos and pinstripes a few years back when we snatched it off Craigslist... it was originally a volunteer fireman's vehicle out of fort lupton colorado. We have lowered it a bit, and dropped in a Z 5speed, other than that its pretty much stock-ish.
  4. That is gorgeous! Fantastic work!
  5. Very nice work! Heading back to a previous post....about air horns/ velocity stacks... I found a nice assortment pack of wire ferules on amazon that work perfect for these, and you get a ton of usable sized ones for $7.29! Just a heads up! https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01I93KA90/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09__o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  6. Kurt! Holy Moly! I just went page by page through this entire thread! Fantastic work all around, thank you for taking detailed photos of all your processes and scratchbuilding... just beautiful and inspiring stuff!
  7. Hey Tim! It appears a board update has occurred for security reasons, that eliminates the ability to edit any post after 3 days... Which is kinda a bummer for people that update the title of the post as you have been doing, Im pretty sure Mr. Ambrose is working on solutions to still allow that to happen, just nothing as of right now... Will you be attending NNL East this year? I would really like to see this work of art in person, not to mention meet you.
  8. More Progress.... new seat insert is made! I feel like i've done this before.. haha.. at least its only one this time. Incase anyone is wondering the white grid is 1/2", and this thing is so tiny. and a little mockup to see the colors better... hopefully I can wrap this guy up in the next week or so and get back on the bronco.
  9. Thanks Bob! A little glimpse at the color.... 1972 Ford factory color Winter Green... this will also be the primary color for the bronco.
  10. Another option for clean bends without heat is this styrene rod off eBay.. http://www.ebay.com/itm/STYRENE-ROUND-ROD-120-PIECE-ASSORTMENT-LOT-6-SIZES-PIPE/122094423448?_trksid=p2047675.c100011.m1850&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D37570%26meid%3D2be1c9a6a5a74c38acfdf6022ada2dc9%26pid%3D100011%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D2%26sd%3D111889933610 I stumbled on this on accident, it bends and holds its shape without heat.. The only downfall is, it doesn't glue well with normal styrene glue (I only use CA on it), and sometimes the pieces are not uniform in diameter from end to end. I have purchased this 120 piece assortment, and recently purchased just 120 pieces of the .080 in a custom auction from him. The diameter thing is a bit of a bummer, but once you are aware of it, you can pick and choose pieces so its not much of an issue. I am a really big fan of this stuff, I have never had much luck using heat.
  11. Thanks Tom! Started spraying a little paint last night.... I really like the engine block color , it is Splash Paints Aston Martin Almond Green just feels like a modern take on the original ford green. The header is Alclad exhaust mainifold and Alclad chrome. Im really getting excited to see this little guy come together.
  12. Thanks guys! Still fab'ing away at this bike.... almost time to start painting... Basically just the seat insert to fabricate.
  13. Thanks Ray! Got the exhaust all bent up last night! Still need to figure out the tail section, but ill figure something out... maybe some oval tubing... Next up is the injection... have i mentioned this thing is tiny...
  14. Very cool build Tim! Brings me back to the style of vehicles when I started modeling. And I couldn't agree more with the statement above ^
  15. Beautiful work Clifford! Hopefully, I can see it in person in Detroit in a couple months.... always love seeing your work, as well as larry's... Thanks for sharing!
  16. I picked up one of the Sotar airbrushes last year when the owner of Badger did his $54.00 birthday sale... its been sitting in my workshop for over a year collecting dust.... well I finally had an excuse to break it out, and I'm kicking myself for not doing it sooner... the soft spray pattern and functionality is fantastic!! I can get small super nice fades and gradients, with no sputters or spits..... I'm also bummed I didn't pick up another one this year, when he had the $55.00 sale.. doh. http://www.badgerairbrush.com/Sotar_20-20.asp I used it to spray the new Splash paints Kandy colors over a super coarse silver metallic base. (Painthuffer Metalflake Micro Silver Bullet .004 Flake https://painthuffer.bigcartel.com/product/micro-silver-bullet-004 ) The transparent candy colors were ready to spray, and worked perfectly.... https://www.splash-paints.com/kandy Highly recommend both for people looking to do scale custom paint!
  17. Thanks Luke and Bob! Here is a quick update.... just made a curved radiator, Ive always wanted to make one that you can see-through.... this seemed like a good chance to do that. I scratch built a surround then added photo-etch screens from a crazy modeler Ferrari FXX detail set. It really worked out nice Last night I spent about three hours making different types of carbs/intakes that all ended up in the parts bin... so that is a bummer, just nothing I made looked correct or had the level of detail I wanted. So tonight I will try again, just a shame to spend that much time with zero to show for it, its all part of the process, I guess. Instead of carbs I'm going to go with dual throttle body Hilborn inspired mechanical injection system, something like you would see on an offy... hopefully I can pull that off.
  18. its actually just the ribbed and V-grooved evergreen styrene... I got really lucky with the material I used on the head, the fins fell in the perfect spots like the 1:1 finned head. I detailed it with .30 hexagon rod cut into bolt heads, after the glue drys I go back and sand the bolt heads flat. It really cleans it up nice, and it looks like a kit part in bare styrene. Here is a better photo of the cleaned up head: And a little bit of progress last night.... scratch built a transmission/drive... it would have to have a pretty small flywheel, but it looks the part.... nothing like scratch building in a bottle. haha
  19. I checked my store yesterday and for my existing models the price increase is substantial.... its making me wonder if I should research other sources for my own building projects and not worry about my store at all. example a 1/25th scale motorcycle frame I ordered a few months back was $13.27 the new price is $39.00..(granted its somewhat due to each of the separate parts being 7.99 as Chris pointed out... Thank you for that info!!) But at 39.00 plus shipping for a tiny motorcycle frame, i will find other options to make it. My woodlight headlights are going from 6.75 to 10.50 a set and thats just one piece, the cheater slicks I created are just downright astronomical.... like 50.00 or something stupid. Sadly i was really starting to enjoy using them as a source for cool one off parts, and had completely abandoned thoughts of getting my own printer... this may change that.
  20. Thanks Atin! Quick Little update... rear wheel/brake made. Mockup with the engine.... got a rear motor mount made, working on a front and firming up the positioning.... Next up is scratch building the shaft drive transmission.
  21. Thanks guys!! Finished up the head last night and started on the side cover. Hopefully this weekend I can get the motor mounts/transaxle figured out. A lot of imagineering there, but I think i can make something that looks somewhat real world possible
  22. Thanks guys! plugging away on scratch building this bike! Got the front wheel made using custom aluminum lathe turned rings and hub, then sandwiched (2) Toms Model Works #505 1/28th scale photo-etched brass wire wheel centers. http://www.tomsmodelworks.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=231 The rings were so tiny thin and delicate, it was really a challenge, I did have a spoke buckle on me, but i will put that where the fork is, and on the brake side... no one will know.... well except you guys haha. Then I used a bunch of pieces from a CrazyModeler Photo-etched brake kit to create something that somewhat resembles a bike brake. Once its all done ill use some brass bolt heads to make it pop more. Then I started scratch building a nice finned head, and low sump oil pan. Actually not bad, i shot some of my upol805 primer on it... I think one more sanding and another coat it we will be ready for paint. ... this thing is soooo tiny. haha
  23. This is fantastic! that paint just pops!! excellent work!
  24. Thank you all for the kind words!! It really means a lot!
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