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Modelbuilder Mark

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Everything posted by Modelbuilder Mark

  1. I think I found the issue, my work laptop is blocking images from certain locations, such as Fotki, and in this case i.imgur I am able to see everything when logged in from my person PC
  2. Great to see these last couple of updates. We all need to try and enjoy these types of days, and not take them for granted .
  3. I cannot see any of your pics tho, all I get are errors like these.
  4. Thanks Tim! It was a pleasure finally getting to say hello in person, even if ever so briefly.
  5. Sorry for delay in responding. Nothing really that I need, are you still in need if the alumna coupes.
  6. I will be there. Bringing something for the '29 same kit theme, and a few others.
  7. I have what I believe to be two fairly complete quick builders. If you still need to the parts, LMK. I know it is an extremely outside chance, but I would trade even for a glass from a JoHan Boss Hoss Mustang 🙂 but regardless, we can work something out.
  8. Congrats on you hardware Kurt! I am looking forward to seeing the rest of your pics! I got too caught up with friends, chatting with folks while looking that the models (I am actually in the background in a great shirt showing someone something in your pic above oddly enough.), perusing the vendor area, and thus forgot to take to many pics. I agree, it was another great time despite the lower turnout, but I too suspect it was primarily due to other closely timed events such as the upcoming GSL. I look forward to this show every year, and I would suggest that anyone considering this show in the future give it a try. The site is in a large complex that hosts a weekly farmers market with lots of vendors and food trucks outside, one of the several buildings also has roller skating, pool tables, pig pong etc, so with wit kids or family members that are always looking for something to do while the modelers do their thing, have plenty of options. Pere you suggestion Kurt, here is one of the other award styles.
  9. I did not realize he ceased operations. Glad I bought a bunch of stuff up that I wanted a while back
  10. Have one of these in the stash, looking forward to seeing yours come together.
  11. Hello, I think I have them. I can check when in the model room tonight. If I still have these parts, are you needing both the door skins and inner door panels?
  12. nice rendition. Having pulled one of those a time or two in highschool, it always was a bummer when the slinging got out of hand and came forward.
  13. Fine detail areas, I know some people use Bare Metal Foil for the close up area, then tape off a wider area. THEN, despite being an extra step, shoot a light coat of the color behind the tape, in your case the white, around the tape edge, that way if anything bleeds under, it will be the same color, then when that dries spray your black. For what you already have here, tape of the reverse this time to cover the black, and you may be able to VERY carefully sand away the offending areas.
  14. I prefer two part polyester (bondo) style like others have mentioned if I am using putty, but lately I have been using either styrene melted either with heat or liquid cement, or superglue with/without micro-balloons and accelerator which allows me to work it in minutes. In all of these cases, I do not need to worry about shrinking over time. Here is a short shot fender that I filled with melted sprue, from the same kit. I used a flame for this one, but it is better/more controlled to use a soldering iron. The advantage to this over putty is that it also provides strength. First round subsequent brush on filler primer final results
  15. I would be interested in a list. I too wish there were at least a section that would allow posts, I get that it would not be ideal to have to contend with purchase disputes.
  16. Very cool, new to me! Thanks for sharing
  17. A few other 3D printers such as Bolide (now VCG) and Iceman Collections also offer well done Flatheads, but consistently omit early model transmissions for say the Race of Gentlemen where the transmissions need to be 1953 or older. Most kit transmissions that fit that bill tend to be a crude. To you point, getting stray parts to work together can be a chore in itself.
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