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Photobucket photo postings work the "correct" way they've worked since 2012 when I joined up here.

Photobucket photo postings work the "correct" way they've worked since 2012 when I joined up here.

I think there may be a few people here that disagree Bill.

I believe Gregg has acknowledged that it's not working properly.



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I think there are some bugs in the system here and there, I uploaded a couple of pictures here and added them to a post yesterday and the appear every time I try to edit a post after that so I have to edit again and take them away every time, and if i delete them from the uploaded images box under the reply box they dissappear from the original post I added them to.


Edited by Force
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hey Gregg thanks for the message, only thing is, it (meaning the insert other media/from url and pasting the address from imageshack there) worked fine the other day. I posted some pics as a test for myself, don't recall where but it for sure worked.

and now...typing a new message in this thread is going to merge it with my other one? because when I opened up this reply box what I think was what I posted above automatically appeared in the window. very confusing behavior.





and so here is another question, I think I already asked it and it got deleted or moved or something because I cannot find it any longer:

in the past we have been told to put our photos on a hosting site and refer to them here instead of uploading the photos here and using you guys storage space. so that's what I have been doing.

but now, ignoring the situation where you cannot refer to a photo via url right now, it appears the default behavior you guys want is for us to "drag files here to attach, or choose files", and as I understand it, that means uploading the photo to your storage, exactly the opposite of the way it used to be...and very apt to use up all your spare storage in no time just like it did before.

so the question is: is that what you prefer, that we all now use your storage for photos (maybe you don't know but when that is the case, at least with the old site, you cannot see the photos unless you are logged in, hope that is not the case now), and you are going to supply endless secure storage (that a joke son) ad infinitum?

if you do not want us clogging your free space with photos I would suggest you modify the interface to not hide the method by which you do that under the insert other media button but instead put a photo link button like the last stuff did up on the toolbar at least and make it more difficult to actually upload anything to your servers.


and now it merged my replies without me requesting it. very strange stuff you got here.

here is another question: what exactly does "Drag files here to attach" mean? drag them here from your own file system? and where exactly is "here"? like here HERE in the message? because neither of those things work at all for me. the "choose files" part of that same line lights up and opens a file window to navigate my file system and double clicking on a photo uploads it here, but that "drag files..." part does not seem to work either, at least not for me and windows exploder.


Edited by jbwelda
its fun
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From the software guys:


The problem with the images not inserting into posts properly is a known bug that will be corrected with the release of 4.0.12.



Photobucket photo postings work the "correct" way they've worked since 2012 when I joined up here.


I think there may be a few people here that disagree Bill.

I believe Gregg has acknowledged that it's not working properly.






Edited by StevenGuthmiller
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Maybe it's just my problem (sorry, I didn't read all the things before and can not be sure, whether the "problem" was already listed somewhere):

If I push the ENTER key, there is always a empty line between the lines. I don't get this away.


Then: wasn't it possible before the update to see the text (I've written so far) either the source text (what I prefer) or as "wysiwyg". I don't find this button anymore.


Last: "My activity". I'm able to check, where I posted some words. But if there is any new post, it is not on the top of the listing. For example: the "Sleeperball". I posted something on July, 16th. In the meantime there are another 11 posts. Just today some minutes ago the latest. But the topic is still in "the middle field" on the "My activity"-list. No hint, that there are new posts. Before the update, the thread would have been on the top of the list. This was pretty cool and made it easier to check, what's new in topics, I'm interested in. And: you were able to jump to the first unread post after my last visit. Hope you understand what I mean.



Try to insert a picture.

300.jpg Worked :)

Edited by christian-w
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From the software guys:


The problem with the images not inserting into posts properly is a known bug that will be corrected with the release of 4.0.12.

Gregg, when will the updated version be released?

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Anyone else having this issue with the icons on the main page?   or is it just me?


I too been having this off and on from more than one computer,also I sometimes get the big white box with the little X in the upper corner when trying to view others

pictures and if I hit refresh 3-4 time then sometimes the pics will appear ..


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Okay, I got some code to work....


Here's what'll work...  [ I M G ]  h t t p : // w w w . site name . com / your image name.jpg [ / I M G ]

(just delete all the spaces, I had to do that to disable the line of code.)







Edited by Tom Geiger
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don't work for me...something eats my image tags and what you see is what I get

this was [I M G] http://imageshack.com/a/img661/9250/mFIYjo.jpg [/ I M G]  without the spaces in the tags 




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Look again...  took a few tries but I got it to work.

Try putting the  code first, [ i m g ]   [ / i m g ]  (skip the spaces) and then pasting your photo's address in the middle.  That worked for me.  The second you paste in a URL it makes it a link.

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oh ok, lets see:



nope, did what you said, put the tags and then pasted the link...same result.

isn't this some goofy azz stuff. probably just have to wait till the software is "fixed" but I do not see how you did that Tom

lets try it again:

this with "direct"



this with "link" (imageshack's categories, one is secure (https) and the first is not





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Ok, I'm raising the white flag! I've tried every which way from Sunday to get this to work as intended. I'll just stick to copying and pasting for the time being till the new version comes along, hopefully bug free. :(

One annoyance doing that way is the pics don't show up well on my iPhone. They look terribly distorted and well, "squashed".

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I copied the img code from Photobucket and then right click & paste .  Works fine .

Now I'll try Fotki . . . 



Yep , the only way it will work is to copy and paste the image .

But Photobucket definitely is working for me !


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Trying again.............



Hey that worked! And it don't have that squashed look either! What I did was typed in what Tom mentioned, then right clicked on the pic to get the URL properties (image location).

Pasted it here, ended it with the IMG code, and BINGO! Got a pic!

This is an instance though where it would be really, really nice to have a PREVIEW button! :o

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