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Pleased vs Irked


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According to the two threads going, we seem to be Irked twice as much as we are Pleased. Perhaps this could balance in 2019...

In a time where everyone is self minded and absorbed with division,  

I find by keeping my gratitude higher than my expectations, things are less irritating. 

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3 hours ago, slusher said:

I always have more things that I am pleased about then irk me. I seldom get irked. 

Good for you. Sometimes we have to work to maintain that attitude. B)

I've noticed that unappreciative people are also the unhappiest people. 

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It only seems like more people are "irked", because most folks assume they're supposed to be "happy" most of the time.  So when they are "irked". they're more likely to let everyone around them know it, because that's "not how it's supposed to be".  When they are "happy", they're quiet...the "silent majority", maybe?   

There are those who "aren't happy unless they aren't happy", but they're in another category altogether.

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I think there are a LOT more "pleased" than "irked" posts here. 

Most of the posts in the THREE "What Did You Get Today?" threads are pleased. (The others are reactions.)

I'd think that all of the OPs in Under Glass and On the Workbench section reflect some degree of pleasitude or pleasitation. The OP was happy/proud enough with something to take pics and post them up; I think we could infer that they were usually pleased. 

LIkewise, there are many, many Pleased posts in the Kit Reviews and Diecasts sections. 

So I think there is a LOT more pleasitation than irkitude on this board. B)

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One thing I've noticed in general, is that people will always complain about poor service, poor product quality, poor experiences; but rarely discuss positive experiences freely.

Go to a restaurant and have a bad server? Peopel are all over google reviews or Yelp or facebook complaining. Go to a restaurant and have excellent service? Crickets.


What I've noticed is that if one person complains, inevitably another will too. Then the first person responds to their new friend, and they get each other worked up in this ball of negativity. Happens around here too. Probably why I ignore most of my social media feeds. And why people think I'm stand off-ish. That negativity starts up and I just leave. I don't have time for that nonsense.

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On 1/4/2019 at 9:57 AM, iamsuperdan said:

One thing I've noticed in general, is that people will always complain about poor service, poor product quality, poor experiences; but rarely discuss positive experiences freely.

Go to a restaurant and have a bad server? Peopel are all over google reviews or Yelp or facebook complaining. Go to a restaurant and have excellent service? Crickets.


That is exactly it!  Complaints are plentiful, but praises very rare.  Same goes for the posts in the 2 threads being discussed here.  I'm not an unhappy person in general, but I have never posted in what pleases me thread, while I have posted several times in the irk thread. 

There really are very few things which would be pleasant enough to make me post in the pleased thread.  I guess my threshold for telling the world how I feel is skewed towards the irk side.  Other than being alive or having great sex, there is nothing pleasant enough in my day-to-day life to make me post in the pleased thread. And those 2 pleasant things I just mentioned aren't really good subject to post here. :D

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On 1/2/2019 at 6:03 AM, James2 said:

According to the two threads going, we seem to be Irked twice as much as we are Pleased. Perhaps this could balance in 2019...

In a time where everyone is self minded and absorbed with division,  

I find by keeping my gratitude higher than my expectations, things are less irritating. 

I noticed the same thing. It's like satisfaction surveys - people like to complain more than be content with what they have.

BTW, I have never even opened the "Irked" thread - I have no desire to wallow in that mire.

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6 hours ago, Oldcarfan27 said:

I noticed the same thing. It's like satisfaction surveys - people like to complain more than be content with what they have.

BTW, I have never even opened the "Irked" thread - I have no desire to wallow in that mire.

I have opened it and may have even posted there, I don't remember. But the entire purpose of this thread was to point out how much we complain and a reminder to be more thankful...

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Frankly, I fail to see how anyone who is paying attention to the trends in this country, and globally, can not be WAY beyond irked every moment of every day. More like disturbed, deeply concerned, downright fearful for the future of Western civilization if things don't change dramatically, and soon.

The values and principles that made this country great are being trampled on, denigrated, and outright denied. Revisionist history is rampant. The "education system" is a pathetic joke. So is "journalism".

"Leaders" are often liars, cheats, clowns, or just dangerously stupid.

Facts and science are being denied in favor of feelings, because telling the TRUTH might seem hurtful to some ignorant fool who's incapable of dealing with or even comprehending reality.

But hey...everybody put on your smiley face, cover your eyes, stick your fingers in your ears, and go through the days singing lalalalalalalalalala like all the rest of the sheeple.

The reason I'm irked is because I AM THANKFUL for what the USA is, was, and the principles it was founded on. I'M THANKFUL to have been born in the most free country on the planet, with the greatest opportunities available to ANYONE who works hard. And I'M THANKFUL that I'm smart enough to see the unfortunate direction it's headed.

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Before this turns into a political rant, I'd like to comment, I find very few gentlemen here who are passive, naive or ignorant of the current state of the Nation, or the world for that matter. The issues at hand and the attempt to overthrow everything good about this Country is the same struggle that has been going on since the creation. 

No matter the struggles we face day to day, there is forever a choice to be made. We can be negative, selfish, angry or we can be positive, hopeful, thankful. Whether you believe, Good vs Evil, Light against Darkness, God vs the Devil or Fairies against the Trolls. One thing I have learned Good always triumphs over evil.

I like to say, "Days are neither good or bad, they are what we make of them." And this is something I try to do...

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On 1/2/2019 at 9:16 PM, Rob Hall said:

Sometimes I can be irked and pleased at the same time...

How about...   I was irked at the pub my wife and I frequent for Happy Hour once a week.  Over crowded and with an obnoxious group that pushed the other customers to the side.  They always have the best seats at the bar.  Bartender shares with me that they never order food, nurse a beer for an hour and leave their seats for a half hour at a time to go outside for smoke breaks.  In short, not good for the business!   So two weeks ago we decide to go a bit early to get decent seats at the bar.  What do we see?  One lady from that group was there that early, and she had stuff strewn across all the seats on that side of the bar to reserve them!  And the staff did nothing!   So we walked out, not going back.

And here's what pleased me... We went down the road to a place we hadn't tried... bar is twice the size, never a problem getting a seat. Happy Hour specials are cheaper and the food is better.  Beers are a dollar cheaper.  Bartenders are nice and already know us.  We are seeing other good  customers from the former pub at the new place, there for the same reasons!

 Should have done that a long time ago!

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