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On 10/4/2020 at 4:22 PM, espo said:

I got the latest issue of Fine Scale Modeler.  The only thing I could find having to do with model cars or trucks was a listing of a few new releases or reissues. I can see where there are some interesting articles that were centered on paint techniques that were ok but I don't see that they're putting any effort forward toward what you could call our collective interest as far as automobiles.  I have tried to cancel my subscription but they have ignored my requests so I'm stuck for the next year as I had just renewed about a week before they pulled the plug on their magazine. Without some very dramatic changes I will not be renewing my subscription. 

You really need to give them some time. While I understand that SA subscribers aren't happy about having their remaining subscription fulfilled by a magazine that contains very little automotive content, you have to give them time to transition. The final issue of SA and the latest issue of FSM are hitting the racks and mailboxes at virtually the same time. FSM probably had little notice of what was happening before they went to print, so altering an issue that was ready was out of the question from a financial and deadline standpoint. I say give them anther couple issue to up the auto content before writing them off completely.

Best we can do is keep our fingers crossed that MCM gets up and running again. 

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53 minutes ago, Mr. Metallic said:

You really need to give them some time. While I understand that SA subscribers aren't happy about having their remaining subscription fulfilled by a magazine that contains very little automotive content, you have to give them time to transition. The final issue of SA and the latest issue of FSM are hitting the racks and mailboxes at virtually the same time. FSM probably had little notice of what was happening before they went to print, so altering an issue that was ready was out of the question from a financial and deadline standpoint. I say give them anther couple issue to up the auto content before writing them off completely.

Best we can do is keep our fingers crossed that MCM gets up and running again. 

Exactly. There is considerable lead time in magazines so it may take some time. People are too quick to shoot from the hip.

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On 10/6/2020 at 2:56 PM, Snake45 said:

HAHAHAHAHAHA! Ain't it the truth! :lol:

Same age bracket as model car builders, right?   ?


I have enjoyed the build threads on the SA board.  I've done web searches for build pictures of a particular random kit from time to time that I'm interested in purchasing and those often show me what's in the kit.  Once the forum is flushed down the drain I'll miss the pics. (Though to be fair, threads with pictures bearing the heavy Photobucket watermark aren't nearly as useful).




Edited by Brian Austin
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One of (the only remaining?) mods on the SA site was trying to contact the publishers or ANYONE who had the power to maybe at least keep the forum running for now...got universally ignored apparently.  He did recommend people check this place out though, which I thought was cool.

Edited by CabDriver
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On 10/3/2020 at 8:34 PM, 64Comet404 said:

Unfortunately, Scale Auto was never a really good fit in the Kalmbach world of modelling generalists and geriatric train lovers.

You do realize that a lot of us model car builders are geriatric as well, plus there are many younger guys interested in model railroading.

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8 hours ago, lordairgtar said:

You do realize that a lot of us model car builders are geriatric as well, plus there are many younger guys interested in model railroading.

We are getting older, it is true, but we have nothing on train guys. I overheard a conversation at my LHS two years ago, between the owner (who died last year at the age of 86), and some of is train customers. The customers, who were in their early to mid-90s, were calling the owner 'youngster', and commenting "I remember you selling at the 1949 train show, you had (obscure piece of RR equipment for sale)...". This group probably could have told you where they were and what they were doing when Kennedy, McKinley AND Lincoln were shot!!!

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On 10/6/2020 at 2:56 PM, Snake45 said:

HAHAHAHAHAHA! Ain't it the truth! :lol:

When the stuff hit the fan I contacted the subscription department at SA and had the remainder of my subscription transferred to Model Railroad and yes I am geriatric, still enjoy playing with toy trains just as much as I do playing with toy cars.  It is these type comments which are completely out of line on any open community forum.

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3 hours ago, TarheelRick said:

When the stuff hit the fan I contacted the subscription department at SA and had the remainder of my subscription transferred to Model Railroad and yes I am geriatric, still enjoy playing with toy trains just as much as I do playing with toy cars.  It is these type comments which are completely out of line on any open community forum.

What offends you? You just said you're a model railroader and geriatric. Did I insult any such people? No. My impression is that Kalmbach serves this audience very well, and has for decades. FSM, which started out with such promise in the '80s, has degenerated into a "generalist" magazine. I notice you didn't have your SA subscription transferred to FSM so I gather you're not that impressed with it either. 

BTW, I"m a model car and airplane guy and a geriatric, too. Gimme a break. B)

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OK guys, I can see where this is going where people are starting to take offence at perceived ageist remarks.

I am in my seventies, but don't lose any sleep over such remarks normally made by individuals not thinking it through first.

People who make such remarks intentionally however, need to remember that as every day goes by they are getting one day older. And they also need to know that there is absolutely nothing they can do about it!

So guys, live and let live!

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10 hours ago, slusher said:

I will receive one more FSM magazine and I will be done with with Kalmbach Puublishing. My subscription will be out...

Same here, Carl....the FSM magazine had some car related stuff..the Round 2 ad on the back cover!!....LOL

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Ya know.. I believe I’ll be receiving a few issues of FSM and I’ll give them a read.  I always found that modelers of different genres had techniques I could use like weathering and detailing. So I’ll see what they’ve got before determining if I’ll keep getting it

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15 hours ago, thatz4u said:

Same here, Carl....the FSM magazine had some car related stuff..the Round 2 ad on the back cover!!....LOL

I do plan on giving it a good read. I don’t plan on keeping it. I did notice the car section was an advertisement..

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We need to be patient. Magazines are laid out well in advance of publication. I would say if by the first quarter next year we don't see added car content then we never will. But seeng as how I build more than cars, I will continue my subscription. Hopefully MCM can arise and fill the dedicated car model segment.

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24 minutes ago, Classicgas said:

Hopefully MCM can arise and fill the dedicated car model segment.

Some of you may remember some 15/20 years ago when it was feared that Tomy was going to scrap all the AMT etal tooling. Hallmark owned Revell and had it up for sale. Everyone feared that there wouldn’t be any more model cars.

I wrote an editorial in my club newsletter stating that the world wasn’t ending. There was a market that needed to be served and we needed smaller, nimbler companies with better product knowledge and strategies to succeed. It was more of an opportunity than a problem.

Well, Chicken Little was wrong. The sky wasn’t falling.  Tom Lowe bought back the AMT hoard and Revell found a new owner in Hobbyco, both companies did a great job working in the marketplace. And new small players have emerged.

Right now we are at that same crossroads. Scale Auto has left a huge opportunity for someone to fill a market need. Someone will fill it. Let’s hope Model Cars pulls this off!

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Scale Auto magazine and forum, sadly missed as an alternative sounding board.     There is quite a bit of reference and speculation going on about Model Cars Magazine's resurrection.     

However, Model Car Builder Magazine just quietly keeps going, so at least there is one regular Automotive modelling magazine available in print for the time being until MCM gets its act together again.

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I HOPE MCM can get going again. If it does, I'll enthusiastically subscribe, and probably order a bunch of back issues too. But I've seen too many complaints here about late/missing/nonexistent issues. 

I've currently got a fair chunk of change tied up in two magazines (from the same publisher) that haven't put out anything since April. Latest word is that they'd have something out in October. We'll see. 

As to FSM, just WAY too much sci-fi/fantasy garbage in there for me. Also too much emphasis on "weathering" for my taste. I did buy the last issue because two friends of mine built model F8F Bearcats for it, and I wanted to see that. Those articles were good and I'm glad I bought that issue. I used to buy FSM off the rack when I'd see it, just for "something to read," but the only place in town that carried it (one grocery store) hasn't had for a year or two now. (I had to special order the recent issue I wanted.) 

Frankly, I get more model airplane info from Hyperscale than I ever did from FSM, and I get at least as much model car info right here as I ever got from SA, with the exception of a very few particular issues. 

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My dad was a longtime subscriber to FSM, as he was an aircraft/boat modeller. I always read the issues when he was done, and I learned a few things when it came to weathering and detailing. But, the lack of automotive content prevented me from ever buying an issue or wanting to subscribe.

Will be interesting to see how that mag evolves to fill the void left by SA's departure. Or if it just means one two page article per issue.

Personally, I won;t miss their forums. Never seemed to be too active, and the random moderation and editing of posts was annoying.


As for this place, we have a healthy forum with a ton of knowledge, and we will never edit because you typed too much!

And as for the MCM magazine, like everyone else, I wait and see. Basically, it's out with the old and in with the new. IT's going to be a new format, with new management, new contributors, new layout, new attitude.  Takes a long time to fully ramp up and prepare something like that, and I for one can;t wait to see it.

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