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Like button

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I find "like buttons" you click and it only shows a number of likes because so impersonal and don't show much engagement, it's more like click and forget and don't really show that you care.
It's a lot more personal to take the time and really write something in the topic even if it only says like, great, nice or whatever, it shows the topic starter that you personally care a lot more than a "like button" will ever do.
But that's me.

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8 hours ago, Force said:

I find "like buttons" you click and it only shows a number of likes because so impersonal and don't show much engagement, it's more like click and forget and don't really show that you care.
It's a lot more personal to take the time and really write something in the topic even if it only says like, great, nice or whatever, it shows the topic starter that you personally care a lot more than a "like button" will ever do.
But that's me.

I agree 100 percent. If anything we need to encourage more communication rather than less. 

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I participate in online forums, and I'm *NOT* a member of FB because of FB's things like the "like" button.  That, and the fact that FB is like a constant stream of updates without much organization.  I like things organized in separate threads and in separate sections of the forum.  Makes subjects easier to browse and even search.  And of course it is also nice to see even a short written sentence than just a "thumbs up". Of course I also hope that the nice short "kudos post" is not quoting some original post with 20 large photos in it, although the new version of the forum software seems to solve that problem, even if people fail to trim the quoted post's photos.

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On 5/8/2021 at 11:36 AM, bobthehobbyguy said:

I agree 100 percent. If anything we need to encourage more communication rather than less. 

Since when did a thumbs up, wave, peace sign, or a Yankee Wave cease to be considered communication? Hand signals and signs were around before spoken and written words, so just because it's not your or my preferred form of communication doesn't mean it can be dismissed entirely.

Sometimes a "like" may seem impersonal to some, but there are other reasons why the person giving the like may prefer to acknowledge the post/idea/image without physically typing a reply using words.

People always throw out the "we need to encourage younger people to become more involved in the hobby" yet when presented with an idea which would help toward that goal, all you old, grumpy men jump at the chance to tell us all what a bad idea it is. It's fine if you don't like it, but consider your own resistance to progress (yes, it may not seem like progress at to some of you, but, time marches forward...) and the impression that gives younger folks when they read it. If you want to emphasize written, formal communication over emojis and such, then consider the effect your own words, especially when written in a negative or dismissive way, have on others.

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In any case, I think that a "like" feature would be beneficial in threads where voting on builds are involved. You wouldn't need to fiddle with making polls here or on a third party site, and rather you could just count the likes (unless you are one who really adores viewing graphs!)

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Maybe in few more years, when more grumpy old modellers kick the bucket, and more yutz join the forum, the views on the like button will change.  But we don't  know if the forum even has that capability. If it was by me, I would keep it "like-free".  Yes, I'm grumpy, but nowhere near as old as some other members here. :)

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18 hours ago, Casey said:

Since when did a thumbs up, wave, peace sign, or a Yankee Wave cease to be considered communication? Hand signals and signs were around before spoken and written words, so just because it's not your or my preferred form of communication doesn't mean it can be dismissed entirely.

Sometimes a "like" may seem impersonal to some, but there are other reasons why the person giving the like may prefer to acknowledge the post/idea/image without physically typing a reply using words.

People always throw out the "we need to encourage younger people to become more involved in the hobby" yet when presented with an idea which would help toward that goal, all you old, grumpy men jump at the chance to tell us all what a bad idea it is. It's fine if you don't like it, but consider your own resistance to progress (yes, it may not seem like progress at to some of you, but, time marches forward...) and the impression that gives younger folks when they read it. If you want to emphasize written, formal communication over emojis and such, then consider the effect your own words, especially when written in a negative or dismissive way, have on others.

First why do we need to make this site the same as every other.

From your view of progress lets go to making grunting and other odd noises because it communication and its too much effort to say words.   

If you want a like button go to facebook. 

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I'm sorry but I can't see how a "like button" would encurage younger people to be more involved in this hobby and I don't believe a "like button" will make the forum better in any way, it will just result in less communication as been stated before in this thread, and I think "like buttons" are only for people who are too lazy and "busy" to write a real comment....as if that would take a long time to do.
Allmost anonymous "187 likes" but no written comments is not that encuraging for the poster who have taken the time to do the post with pictures and all to show his or her work to all the members here, I would prefer 1 comment what ever it is over the "187 likes" any day.
You can call me old and grumpy but that's my standpoint and it will not change any day soon in this matter.

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No like button.

The only thing that i going to happen is that when someone asks a question or want help with something else they have problems with, their thread will have a bunch of likes and not a single answer.
Thats not helpfull at all for that person or anyone else that might have the same problem later on.

I would rather have one real answer that might help me or not but that is way more helpfull then x amounts of likes..
I appreciate that some person took their time to write and try to help me with whatever problem i might have run in to or discuss an idea to see if it is possible or not.
A like icon will not help anyone getting anywhere.

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8 hours ago, Force said:

I'm sorry but I can't see how a "like button" would encurage younger people to be more involved in this hobby and I don't believe a "like button" will make the forum better in any way, it will just result in less communication as been stated before in this thread, and I think "like buttons" are only for people who are too lazy and "busy" to write a real comment....as if that would take a long time to do.
Allmost anonymous "187 likes" but no written comments is not that encuraging for the poster who have taken the time to do the post with pictures and all to show his or her work to all the members here, I would prefer 1 comment what ever it is over the "187 likes" any day.
You can call me old and grumpy but that's my standpoint and it will not change any day soon in this matter.


3 hours ago, PierreR89 said:

No like button.

The only thing that i going to happen is that when someone asks a question or want help with something else they have problems with, their thread will have a bunch of likes and not a single answer.
Thats not helpfull at all for that person or anyone else that might have the same problem later on.

I would rather have one real answer that might help me or not but that is way more helpfull then x amounts of likes..
I appreciate that some person took their time to write and try to help me with whatever problem i might have run in to or discuss an idea to see if it is possible or not.
A like icon will not help anyone getting anywhere.


The purpose of the forum is to share information. When you see a build make the effort to say why you like it.

Finally I want to address that somehow adding a like button is progress. Progress means a better way. A like button does not improve communication ,therefore its not progress it is merely change. 

Finally in the spirit of conviejnce instead of a like button lets change the views to like. No pesky buttons to push and its just as meaningful.

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Far as the "like" debate goes, all I can say is "who cares?"

There's an element in today's society that lives for the number of "likes" they get on the interdwerbs. They're everywhere. Millions upon millions.

There're also a lot of people who take the time to actually write responses online; sometimes, though admittedly rarely, even reasoned and coherent responses.

Look at the typical YouTube video. You'll see "likes" and "dislikes" outnumber written responses by an order of magnitude, at least.

But the folks who care enough to write something, or who just have to say something (no matter how idiotic), do it in spite of the one-click options.

I don't think having a "like" button would deter anyone who has an intelligent comment, and it'd supply easy dopamine hits for the approval junkies.

Is that a win-win? Meh.

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First a like button will impact the site. People will take the easiest path. Instead of typing nice will will see an anonymous like. Although a like comment is not the best respond it is not anonymous.  I would hope the  poster would be more expressive but at least with nice I know who commented on my work.

Lets strive to be more communicative.  When you comment say what you like about the model.

Edited by bobthehobbyguy
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First, the opinions of a few should not count for all. Why do people think the forum will crash and burn if a simple "like" button is added? No one will be forced to use it! There are people on the Internet that literally don't have the time to write a thougtful, meaningful, correctly punctuated response to every thread they look at. A "like" is better than nothing at all and especially better than false praise.

I belong to the TRaK forum and this subject was brought up. Naturally, the "like" haters came out. But, there were also those that approved of it. So, it was decided to give it a trial run and it was added. Guess what? Nothing changed! Those that wanted to use it, did. Those that didn't, didn’t. Although, some that were against it the hardest have used it. Imagine that! It's a simple choice whether one uses it or not. Those that believe in meaningful, thoughtful, correctly punctuated responses can still do so.

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