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The Tim Boyd Tribute 29 Ford Pickup Group Completion Thread!

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Back in September 2020 (yes, THAT 2020) I started a thread in the Light Truck workbench forum here on MCM to cover the process of building a 1929 Ford Pickup Street Rod in tribute to my model hero, Tim Boyd, and a 29 Pickup he built for a How-To article for his monthly Modelers Corner column in Street Rodder Magazine which was published in its entirety in the May 1990 issue. While I put my own spin on the truck I made sure to use a good number of the same parts and techniques as Tim so that the truck would be immediately recognizable to anyone who might remember his old article. 

As I progressed with my project it gained a decent size following and soon other modelers were commenting that they had become inspired to build their own version. Rather than everyone start their own threads I invited everyone to join in on mine in the hopes of creating one large tribute to Tim. I never anticipated it would grow to the size that it did, currently sitting at a staggering 714 posts and 66.3 thousand views! 

What’s more, Model Cars Magazine has recently expressed an interest in running an article covering the Tim Boyd Tribute phenomena and with that prospect on the horizon I thought it only proper to create a thread where everyone who built a 29 Pickup Street Rod in tribute to Tim can share them together. 

I also know that @tim boyd original 29 Pickup still exists in beautiful condition and that he has nice modern photos of it. Tim, would you please join in and share your truck and perhaps some comments about it?

The following folks have finished trucks and I ask that you all please take some nice pictures and share them here. I hope I didn’t forget anyone.

@Rocking Rodney Rat @Kit Karson @foghorn62 @alan barton @bill-e-boy





















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I built a '29 pickup in 1991 inspired by that Tim Boyd article. I still have it, although it's showing some wear. The truck was dropped by a club member who insisted in bringing it to a show I couldn't attend. It's ben repaired. I will shoot some pix of it and post. In the meantime, here's my recent tribute build..... -RRR





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The Tim Boyd Tribute '29 Ford Pickup build brought @Speedproand I back together to work on a co-built '29A Closed Cab Pickup and Tag-a-Long with a matching Go-Kart!




Then the '29A Closed Cab Pickup and Tag-a-Long and Go-Kart made its way to GSL XXVIII and got to hook up with Mr. Tim Boyd himself!









Edited by Kit Karson
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15 hours ago, Dennis Lacy said:


I also know that @tim boyd original 29 Pickup still exists in beautiful condition and that he has nice modern photos of it. Tim, would you please join in and share your truck and perhaps some comments about it?



Dennis....I sure will sometime this weekend.  Needless to say, extremely excited about your idea and will do whatever I can to support it.  Meanwhile, great to see all these builds once again alogether....way to go, guys!  TIM    

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As promised, here is my original 1991 build influenced by the original Tim Boyd build and subsequent article in SR. It's one of the oldest builds I have that are still intact. The white paint hasn't fared too well over the decades. This truck won 'Best Use of Graphics' (splash graphics from the AMT '59 El Camino) at a show in Portland, OR in March of '91 (I remember the date because it was two weeks after my first child was born and my wife was pissed KK and I went to the  show, she got over it). The truck also won 'Best Interior' at a Goodguys Show. The truck was later dropped by a club member who insisted on taking it to a show I was unable to attend. It's been put back together, but it's showing it's age. Notice the subwoofer in the bed, made from a small suction cup. The amplifier is from the Matt and Debbie Hay Pro Street T-Bird. -RRR








Edited by Rocking Rodney Rat
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12 minutes ago, Rocking Rodney Rat said:

 The truck was later dropped by a club member who insisted on taking it to a show I was unable to attend. 

Is he still a member/friend? 

It's a wonderful build and great that you were able to save it after so many years.

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1 hour ago, James2 said:

Is he still a member/friend? 

Well, both KK and I moved back to the right coast many years ago and we lost track of most of the club members in the Pac NW. I heard that the club is no longer active and based on his age back then (this was 30 years ago), I would imagine he may have passed on by now. -RRR

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On 10/20/2023 at 11:10 AM, Kit Karson said:

The Tim Boyd Tribute '29 Ford Pickup build brought @Speedproand I back together to work on a co-built '29A Closed Cab Pickup and Tag-a-Long with a matching Go-Kart!




Then the '29A Closed Cab Pickup and Tag-a-Long and Go-Kart made its way to GSL XXVIII and got to hook up with Mr. Tim Boyd himself!









Added a couple more pictures... we need to encourage @Speedproto add a couple more pictures! -KK

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Dennis and all of you,,,,I really am so humbled by all of this.  To think that a project hammered out in my home in Farmington Hills, MI, back sometime in 1989, would have such an impact then and now is really incomprehensible to me today.  (And it sure would have been back then - 34 years ago - too!) 

As I recall....then Street Rodder Editor Tom Vogele (who does not get enough credit in the modeling community for all he did for us - his predecessors Geoff Carter and Pat Ganahl as well), told me he wanted to do an issue of the mag that had extra coverage of model cars.   During the prior decade, the Modeler's Corner column had grown to become the second most popular recurring feature in the mag (Biil Burnham's "In Bill's Eye" op-ed was the tops each month).   Although it wasn't entirely evident to me at the time (I knew Budd Anderson had been talking to the McMullen Publishing team about how he could do work for them), it turned out that the entire issue was a bit of a trial balloon as to whether a full-on model car rag was a business venture worth trying there (McMullen had a history of successful trail balloons like this - most famously, Truckin' magazine, which at one time was among the top selling newsstand car mags ever). 

Anyway, I recall telling Tom that he was risking a big blowback from the 1/1 scale readers with this idea, but in his own humble way he told me to let him worry about that.  From what I recall, the broadly related model car coverage in that issue eventually ran to 36 pages, with me contributing about 1/2 the content. Included was a Jerry Weesner interview of Budd, a "state of the hobby" article, a list of model car related sources and suppliers, features on hot rod modelers including Jack Davis and Pryor Passorino, and a pictorial of some of the best hot rod models of the era.  I had already submitted a three-part "how to" feature for upcoming (yet to be published) Modeler's Corner columns - we had enjoyed success with multi-column model builds in the mag before - and Tom decided to run all three columns as a single feature in the special issue to wrap up all the other modeling related content.  

I do recall the issue prompting some nasty-grams in the Letters column in the following issues - I never asked whether this was the only negative feedback or just a portion of the letters on the topic (I suspect it may have been more of the latter...).   

As it turned out, according to Budd (if I am remembering this correctly - I did not hear it from Tom), Budd had been dealing with Ken Yee - who was essentially running McMullen at that time - about a full-time model mag.  According to Budd, Ken said that he would publish the mag - but only if Budd fronted the funds for the trail issue, which Budd was not in a position to do.  Of course, Budd is not around today to explain this further, but I do recall him writing about this in one of the model related pubs before he passed.  Anyway, that issue of Street Rodder was the first and only one to carry that level of coverage of non-1/1 scale hot rodding - pretty amazing when you think about it.  Back to today, learning it had the impact on some of you that is seen here, is well, just something else...

Back to the specific subject directly at hand, here are some shots of the completed Modeler's Corner project model, which is as Dennis (and Johnny Winter) says, is "still alive and well". 

And like Dennis, I really encourage any others of you to post here your related projects of a similar theme - whether they were inspired by my build or not - but especially if they are recent model projects inspired by Dennis' "On the Bench" project and forum thread.  Speaking for both Dennis and I, there really is no greater reward for a model car journalist and builder then to see his ideas and work inspire others to interpret it in their own ways.   So, enjoy looking at all the incredible model projects posted here, and once again - thanks to you all!!!!   TIM   


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Edited by tim boyd
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It has been a pleasure and an honor to be part of this tribute build. Thank you Tim Boyd for providing kernel in the first place with your article in the full size car magazine. I still have most of the Street Rodder magazines stashed away and I used to go looking for the column when I first opened the mag. Truly inspirational.

All of the models built for the tribute build are all top notch models are a credit to all.

Here is my take on the tribute build.










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I would have joined in guys but my '29 was at least 3/4 done [IIRC] when everyone started joining in. 

Not exactly in that '80s/'90s billet style either though.

I did follow along, very cool and interesting to watch everyone else doing their interpretations on the same kit I was just finishing up.

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On 10/20/2023 at 11:10 AM, Kit Karson said:

The Tim Boyd Tribute '29 Ford Pickup build brought @Speedproand I back together to work on a co-built '29A Closed Cab Pickup and Tag-a-Long with a matching Go-Kart!




Then the '29A Closed Cab Pickup and Tag-a-Long and Go-Kart made its way to GSL XXVIII and got to hook up with Mr. Tim Boyd himself!









@Speedproemailed me a few more pics of the '29A Closed Cab '80s Tribute build:







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Tim, you are the reason my brother got back into scale auto modeling.

I showed him the August 1998 SAE magazine with your "California Dreamin" '29 pick up on the cover, and he has been building ever since.  

He finally finished that build last week LOL.

Edited by SpeedShift
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On 10/20/2023 at 10:10 AM, Kit Karson said:

The Tim Boyd Tribute '29 Ford Pickup build brought @Speedproand I back together to work on a co-built '29A Closed Cab Pickup and Tag-a-Long with a matching Go-Kart!




Then the '29A Closed Cab Pickup and Tag-a-Long and Go-Kart made its way to GSL XXVIII and got to hook up with Mr. Tim Boyd himself!









Absolutely Stunning! Incredible Craftsmanship!

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