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Regular was below $2 in New Jersey today.  The big state politics right now is a 22 cent per gallon gas tax increase to pay for highway repairs.  That would bring it up to about what we pay in PA today.

Some years back, one of my uncles (married Mom's sister), was complaining about when he'd  drive through Illinois from Iowa to go hunting in Wisconsin, that he and his buddies had to pay tolls here, yet not in Iowa or Wisconsin.  Then a few years back I found a list of fuel taxes on Gas, Ethanol, and Diesel.........turns out our taxes are lower per gallon than those states.  Also happened to be talking to a couple cousins while in Iowa a month ago and discovered they pay more per car to keep their cars registered than we do here, I paid $202 a year on both vehicles while they pay more to register just one.

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Some years back, one of my uncles (married Mom's sister), was complaining about when he'd  drive through Illinois from Iowa to go hunting in Wisconsin, that he and his buddies had to pay tolls here, yet not in Iowa or Wisconsin.  Then a few years back I found a list of fuel taxes on Gas, Ethanol, and Diesel.........turns out our taxes are lower per gallon than those states.  Also happened to be talking to a couple cousins while in Iowa a month ago and discovered they pay more per car to keep their cars registered than we do here, I paid $202 a year on both vehicles while they pay more to register just one.

I worked with a guy who was from Wisconsin and he complained 'bout the hike in tollway fees. I told him that the way to avoid those fees, was not to drive on the tollway. Very simple.

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I rarely do myself, rarely need them unless I'm going out of state or into Chicago from out here. Come to think about it, the last 3 times I was on the tollway was when Mom was in the hospital in Sycamore, and that was the easier way of getting there, when I went to the Auto Show in February, and that trip to Iowa a month ago.....and that's been since October of last year!

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Yes, and we're in sore need of it too!  Been seeing plenty of brown lawns that people don't want to spend the money to water the last coue weeks.

It's been challenging keeping mine green this summer...been drier than usual--- monsoon season has been a bust so far....run my sprinklers at night and do some additional hose watering on drier patches.

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I got paid for all of my last 30 days billings, and after expenses and overhead, there's still a little left to bank.

Not much, but enough to make working feel just a tad less like slavery...which it has for several years now. Whoopee.  :D

It's been challenging keeping mine green this summer...been drier than usual--- monsoon season has been a bust so far....run my sprinklers at night and do some additional hose watering on drier patches.

It's your state, your lawn and your water, but I'm kinda surprised everyone in Az. hasn't switched to sustainable xeriscaping in light of the roughly 16 year ongoing drought and the fact that Lake Mead has lately been bouncing off its lowest level since its first filling after the completion of Hoover Dam in the late 1930s.

I've been following Arizona's water woes with great interest, as I'm in the planning stages of moving out there (after having worked in the state off and on over several years). It's my understanding that Lake Mead is the primary water supply for Phoenix. Seems like the responsible thing to do for residents out there would be to trade green grass for gravel and native plants as is done in many other desert communities.

At some point, youse guys might wish you had a nice cool glass of water instead of a green patch of yard.

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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It's your state, your lawn and your water, but I'm kinda surprised everyone in Az. hasn't switched to sustainable xeriscaping in light of the roughly 16 year ongoing drought and the fact that Lake Mead has lately been bouncing off its lowest level since it's first filling after construction of Hoover Dam.


The xeriscaping is definitely catching on, esp. it seems out in the burbs and in newer subdivisions.    Older neighborhoods in Phoenix like where I'm at are still predominantly green lawns and palm trees, but it's changing.  I'm working on moving out of AZ in the next year back to the Midwest or North East.  

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I got paid for all of my last 30 days billings, and after expenses and overhead, there's still a little left to bank.

Not much, but enough to make working feel just a tad less like slavery...which it has for several years now. Whoopee.  :D

It's your state, your lawn and your water, but I'm kinda surprised everyone in Az. hasn't switched to sustainable xeriscaping in light of the roughly 16 year ongoing drought and the fact that Lake Mead has lately been bouncing off its lowest level since its first filling after the completion of Hoover Dam in the late 1930s.

I've been following Arizona's water woes with great interest, as I'm in the planning stages of moving out there (after having worked in the state off and on over several years). It's my understanding that Lake Mead is the primary water supply for Phoenix. Seems like the responsible thing to do for residents out there would be to trade green grass for gravel and native plants as is done in many other desert communities.

At some point, youse guys might wish you had a nice cool glass of water instead of a green patch of yard.

I was on Lake Powell last month and the water level there looked 'bout 18 - 20 feet lower also.

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Rain.  Yes got some rain and 2" of that wonderful wetness we needed so bad.  Now that grass will grow and need to be cut.

2" ! That's just a tad less than we've had for the Year so far. But unlike you I only Mow the Yard twice a Year.

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What pleased me was that I pleased my wife. No guys, get your head out of the gutter. : ) Last night we went to a wedding and then a reception. At one point they had a couples dance. I grabbed my wife and said lets go. Now that in itself is not a big deal but there is more to the story. I have been married 30 years and that is the first time we danced together. I mean the very first time !  We did not even dance at our own wedding. I have never been a dancer and just thought I would be clumsy and awkward. Maybe I was last night but I didn't care. It paid off because she is taking me out to lunch today !  As the saying goes...  Happy wife, happy life !

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Way to go Ray! Women love to dance. I'm no Fred Astaire. Not even close. But I've found most women don't really care. They're just happy to have someone to dance with. Heck, go just about any dance, women will dance with each other if they can't get a guy to join them.

One of my few pieces of dating advice to the boys I work with in the schools. Go out and dance with the girls. Nobody will really cares if your not a good dancer. And the girls will love it.

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Some people don't want to spend the money to water their lawns, and some people don't have the money either.

I guess what bugs me on that is that some will complain about spending the money on the service, yet not seeing the nice green grass, just brown grass and green weeds.  Then again, when I was going through training, the guy who it the supervisor had somebody complain to him that while on a 6 week vacation, who ever shot the weed and feed on his lawn got some on the flowers and killed them........now keep in mind, there was no watering of those flowers until the last to weeks at the earliest and it's been dry, as well as hot and humid.

A trip to the bank on Friday is usually a good thing!

Typically, yes.....although there was a glitch and the three of us who are new had our second paychecks delayed until August 1st, then we get our next checks after that on that Friday!  Best part, not only is the pay better than what I had been getting in retail, but I'm going back to a weekly paycheck at leastB)

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Go dancing guys!

Women love men who dance.

If you can't dance well, most don't even care.

Fact of life is, learn a few steps as a younger man, then enjoy the later thrills.

That guys, is also a fact of life.

RAY, great to hear the news!

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