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When do you open your kits?

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I only open a kit if I don't have one and haven't seen the contents in person. If I buy multiples of a kit, there's no reason to open them, and as said before it will make it easier to sell them someday, not that I ever have sold anything! :lol:

And I only open them once home with them, because I usually cut the edges of the shrink wrap aligned with the bottom of the box edges. That leaves the box top still shrink wrapped to save shelf wear. I've been doing that for 25 years once a friend showed me how he did that!

If I'm going to go extensive with the build I buy two or sometimes three kits for a build and then, like Tom don't open the additional kits until I need them.

I do the same thing with the plastic wrap. lol

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I open them as soon as they come through in the post, I would say from the store but I dont have a decent hobby shop within a 100 miles from me!.

I cant help it every time I get a new kit I crack it open, vintage or not, Im really not bothered in future values as every kit I buy or have I plan to build (yeah right ! we all say that!)

Ive even been known to open kits that I have multiples of.....why ?.....I have no idea !.

And at least 3 times a week sometimes more Ill grab a cup of tea go upstairs to the stash pile and pick out a few kits and look at them all over again................... A true 100% styrene addict ! Lol.

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We all do this and I consider it time spent in the hobby. You don't need to be building something to enjoy yourself.

Totally agree with you Tom, even if I cant get any bench time done, somehow just opening a few kits makes it feel like you are still "doing" something .

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All kits are inspected, in the store if possible, and ESPECIALLY eBay purchases. I'm dubious of any "vintage" factory sealed kit. Especially in the case of a foreign kit (Japanese which aren't sealed at all, or RevellAG which come with just the little clear circles sealing the end shut).

Plus if you don't inspect things, a snafu like this mispacking of the Revell GTi kit with Cabriolet parts might end up being a serious issue 9 months down the line, rather than during yhe "campaign" to resolve the problem. I mean it's an entire BAG of parts, not just one runner...

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When it comes to models, I still have about as much self-restraint as an 8-year old. Soon as it's in the door, it's open.

I tell myself I want to check for warpage, short-shots and missing parts on new kits, and the sometimes BS missing / mis-labeled ebay problems, but in reality, I just wanna open the things and have a look.

Little kid mind. :)

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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Depends on how many I have of the same kit at home. If I have multiples of the same or siimilar kit. Most times its stays sealed to help prevent parts robbing

If its new to me, it gets opened in the parking lot most times. ....In the post office parking lot if its a mail order +/or Ebay purchase

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I open the kit asap. Check that all the bits are there, wash and dry all parts bag up and put a sticker on the box 'Washed'. So that it's ready to build when I want to.

I only build one kit at a time so that gets finished before I touch another.

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sometimes right as soon as I get it.....but I usually savor many for a time and open them weeks, even months later to bring something exciting and interesting to that day. certainly building is the priority, however a good time can be had by opening something you have in your stash just for the fun of it....I think many of us enjoy the whole trip of owning this stuff, and its not always just about the finished kit.....enjoy it all....the ace.... :rolleyes:

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If I purchase something while out of town, or at a show, I'll open the box as soon as I have the opportunity, to make sure there are no problems with my items while I'm still in the area.

If I purchase something at the local hobby shop, I might wait until I get home. However, if I happen to stop for pizza before I get back in the car, those boxes are getting opened on the table at the pizzeria.

If I purchase something in Manhattan, I'll open the boxes on the subway trip home if I can do so without causing problems for other commuters.

If I get something delivered to my office, and it happens to be a quiet day, I'll actually open stuff at my desk if I can do so without causing problems for my colleagues. This has started a couple of conversations, but people usually don't notice or don't care.

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Most of the kits I get now are a birthday and Christmas present. I've come full circle from when I was 10!

As soon as i have a free moment, I open the box and lay out the parts with the instructions. I like to walk through the steps and locate the parts on the trees as if I were going to build it. That also gives me the chance to looks for errors or really well made parts. Then the whole thing goes back in the box and it goes on the shelf with the others.

Occasionally, I like to go to the collection and grab an armload of kits and go through them again while I watch racing on TV. I've actually found things I for got I had that way.


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I usually open mine when I get home - I'm too good at losing things to do otherwise! I then put the decals in a safe environment as where I keep my kits is exposed to big changes in temperature. I also make sure things are packed properly - very important when getting second hand kits as it is important to avoid clear and chrome parts from being scratched. As other people have said tyres can also be a problem so I make sure those are separated from other parts.

It is important to check the contents quickly so mistakes can be retified more easily. Having heard about the problem with the GTI kits on here I checked mine as soon as I got it today!

The main reason is that it is fun to look at a new kit and think about what the build will be like. I'm also guilty of getting kits out again just to have a look at them or sometimes to see if a kit bashing idea is viable.

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The story behind in the store goes to many Revell USA reboxed RevellAG Ferrari kits have usually more than one warped set of parts. The owner over heard me talking to the 2nd shift guy, who is also the model car guy, and insisted the next time I bought one I open it there so he could see.

We opened all 6 458 Italias one afternoon, everyone with some level of warpage inside.

That was also when I swore off buying reboxed kits, especially the exotics.

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