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You just never know.........


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Got back from the show Saturday night and had a good morning and a decent midday on Sunday. Had my son dropped off at a youth event at church and my wife and I were just kicking back and recapping the show , her day here when my son and I were gon Saturday and all was good. Then about 30 minutes later is when things took a drastic change........for the worse . She had a seizure out of the blue. After calling 911 the paramedics showed up and rushed her to the heart center her in town. It was all a blur as information was being thrown everywhere and I found out that she had a brain aneurism that burst. She was Halo flighted to San Antonio where I am now with her in intensive care after her surgery. I don't know what the coming days will bring but I will continue to pray and take each moment as it comes. Life is a funny thing. We all get shown just how little control we actually have. Stay thankful and grateful in all things because you never know what's around the corner.

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I can't begin to express my gratitude for all of the outpouring of support we are getting from everyone to include here. Last night was fairly rough as she was all over the bed all at once. I swear if she had the strength to get up she would have left the bed. NOT a good thing . The staff here got things calmed down fairly quick though. Right now it's a 10 day wiring game to see how she fares through this part.

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