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Model Cars Magazine Forum

More Civilised Debate On This Forum

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My thread about 'Is the magazine getting back on track?' had some really vitriolic posts removed and was locked as a result. Please guys, let's be civil to one anorher, and get our points across without it degenerating into a slanging match. I saw some of those posts just before they were removed. Although  I can fully understand their frustrations, they need to consider that this is open forum. The CEO Editor's comment at the end was interesting in that it was stated that the life subscriptions did not come close to the number required. I think it was 200? So what now if that number was required to keep the magazine going?

I admire Gregg's dogged determination, but what with the health issues and domestic responsibilities, maybe it is time that he looks for a publisher who would retain him as editor to concentrate on that alone, thus freeing him of all the other stuff like getting printing and distribution done as well as the accounts. Maybe that might be a good way forward in getting the magazine back on track and restoring both stability in the market place and regain subscribers and vendor buyers confidence.

Edited by Bugatti Fan
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I appreciate your optimism, and I hope there can be a civilized discussion about this. 

However, a lot of people here just can't do that.


A note to everyone: personal attacks on ANYONE will not be tolerated and will get this thread locked down and warnings/suspensions/bans issued.

Personally, I have no problem with criticism, but try and offer solutions or ideas instead of just complaining. 





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I wish Gregg luck.  I love this forum best of all the model forums I've looked at.   Best combination of building and collecting.   

I have followed the magazine for many years.  tried to carry it when I owned a hobby shop.   Had a LOT of requests for it between issues.   And I would gladly trade in my other subscription for MCM, I think.  Seemed to be a better fit for me.   I hope it comes back.   


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Considering how Gregg just recently updated everyone on his/the magazine's situation, I don't see how starting yet another thread about it is going to accomplish anything. We know what's going on. Why does it need to be discussed further? 

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Roger, my main aim by starting this thread was to ask people to be a bit more civil on an open forum without it degenerating into vitriol, rather than a discussion about the current state of the magazine.

However, to be positive father than negatiive, I did additionally make a suggestion about how the magazine might move forward given its present situation as Gregg said the life subscriptions fell well short of the 200 required to keep the magazine going, and I make no excuses for suggesting that an established publisher he sought. Stating that we all know what is going on is fine, but without further proactive suggestions things will probably stay as they are unless there is a more pragmatic approach to the problems facing the magazine.

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2 hours ago, Bugatti Fan said:

Roger, my main aim by starting this thread was to ask people to be a bit more civil on an open forum without it degenerating into vitriol, rather than a discussion about the current state of the magazine.

However, to be positive father than negatiive, I did additionally make a suggestion about how the magazine might move forward given its present situation as Gregg said the life subscriptions fell well short of the 200 required to keep the magazine going, and I make no excuses for suggesting that an established publisher he sought. Stating that we all know what is going on is fine, but without further proactive suggestions things will probably stay as they are unless there is a more pragmatic approach to the problems facing the magazine.

I agree with your intentions, but ultimately it is up to Gregg and not what any of us think, know or suggest that will change the situation of the magazine. 

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I certainly liked reading the magazine when it was being published.

Keeping any business running takes a lot of time and dedication.
We must always remember that we owe the customers and clients everything, they don't owe us anything but payment. I make sure all my people know this every time we take a new client on. Without them, we don't exist. It's never their fault for expecting to get what they paid for, done well and in a timely manner. 

I'd love to see the mag up and running full steam again, producing regular issues. It was a nice read every issue.

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As much as I like an actual magazine, it would seem to me , that in this particular case, maybe a digitized version might be the way to go to get back on track. Granted, not all subscribers are in the digital age, but, I would guess a little something is better than nothing. Just my thoughts, take them for what they are worth.

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Mike, you are quite right that ultimately the fate of the magazine is in Gregg's hands. So we will just have to see how things pan out if there are no radical changes.

AFX, unfortunately social media lends itself to uncivilized trolling, which is ironic considering the amount of political correctness expected these days.

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7 hours ago, tbill said:

As much as I like an actual magazine, it would seem to me , that in this particular case, maybe a digitized version might be the way to go to get back on track. Granted, not all subscribers are in the digital age, but, I would guess a little something is better than nothing. Just my thoughts, take them for what they are worth.

I've had the same thought. I used to like magazines but I would subscribe to a digital version. I would think it would be a lot easier than going through the process of a hand held mag.

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A thought on digital magazine: Don't we really already have access to that (this forum)? If that were the case, Gregg could make this a pay-forum and not have to ever worry about a digital or print magazine again.

Since more builds, tips, tricks, and general information are exchanged here than what a monthly magazine could produce/distribute (even in digital flavor), why even bother? Refund the subscribers their monetary investment and make here a pay. 

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19 hours ago, MarvinGardens said:

A thought on digital magazine: Don't we really already have access to that (this forum)? If that were the case, Gregg could make this a pay-forum and not have to ever worry about a digital or print magazine again.

Since more builds, tips, tricks, and general information are exchanged here than what a monthly magazine could produce/distribute (even in digital flavor), why even bother? Refund the subscribers their monetary investment and make here a pay. 

I think this idea has come up a few times too and while there are some that have claimed they'd pay to stay on the forum, I'm sure many more would just leave here for good. I honestly see it this way with all the other forums available throughout the Interwebs and countless groups on Facebook, a pay forum here would not only be the final nail in the coffin for not only this forum but the magazine itself. In my opinion, it just goes back to the old saying "Why buy the whole cow when you can get the milk for free?". 

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As a long term friend of Gregg's I've always supported this effort.

Gregg has said he doesn't want to do a digital only magazine, so that's about that. 

He doesn't want to charge money for this forum for a few reasons.  First, the rules here basically state we are all guests here and subject to the rules of the forum. Once you charge money, the trouble makers start to feel entitled.  

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1 hour ago, Tom Geiger said:


He doesn't want to charge money for this forum for a few reasons.  First, the rules here basically state we are all guests here and subject to the rules of the forum. Once you charge money, the trouble makers start to feel entitled.  

I totally agree...

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I met Gregg at a NNL West years ago. He is a great guy and has medical problems. I really do not care what people say, because I have met him and he is really great guy. I wish and pray the best for him and his family. Good luck Gregg and best to the magazine. 

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A 1:1 forum I used to visit put up a pay wall some months ago. I don't go there anymore and I don't miss it.

I don't have room for a magazine collection, but I think i would subscribe to a digital format of MCM, depending on the cost. I have never subscribed to MCM, but I used to buy it at an LHS or Barnes and Noble. After I read it, I put it in the break room at work for others to enjoy.

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On 8/14/2019 at 11:39 AM, Rusty92 said:

I’ve noticed that it seems to be getting more hostile here. It’s disheartening and is part of the reason I visit less often when I’m not building. 

I've found that it's getting hostile everywhere. People are just being ugly to each other. 

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Regarding one or two suggestions in this thread, a forum is a forum and a digital magazine is a digital magazine . Trying to combine both would be messy. In a magazine I would expect well written articles, in a forum an exchange of discussion. If the forum starts to charge users, the majority will simply migrate to other free forums. The magazine needs some drastic action to get it back on track and restore confidence, and hopefully eventually drag it out of the current doldrums it finds itself in. As mentioned in an earlier post, it is down to Gregg and in his hands how he resolves the current problems.

Edited by Bugatti Fan
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5 hours ago, kitbash1 said:

I've found that it's getting hostile everywhere. People are just being ugly to each other. 

I have noticed that some people tend to "perceive" hostility when there are general disagreements and then in turn become hostile themselves.

We need to remember that this is a forum and by definition it is designed for conversation.

Discussions can occasionally become spirited, but that is no reason to become personal and begin hurling insults at one and other.

We all have opinions and some of them can be strong, but we are adults and should be able to have enthusiastic debate without becoming belligerent.




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