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Look out for the WTB/LF scam. It’s here.


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Yes and Facebook Marketplace the same sort of thing is happening. I check the "buyers profile' and they just have 2023 as the join date and nothing else. I block them. Bunch of you know what kind of holes. Also check and if they do have friends listed? Block them too. 

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On 3/31/2023 at 12:05 AM, Maindrian Pace said:

Why is this program or carbon based life form still a member?

What rule has been broken? Has anyone been scammed? I haven't seen any offensive or political posts from this person/bot or WTB/WTS posts. Should we ban folks for their Private Messages? If so, how many folks would be banned just from "moderator abuse" in their messages.

Trades (and behind the scenes buying/selling) are at your risk, not this board.


With all that said, when you see something like this, please report it. We do keep an eye on it.

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A quick Google search of that e-mail and this person is attempting to scam other forums as well. I don't think this forum is going to miss them as a member, so break out the ban hammer in this case.



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KVRist 259 posts since 11 Jun, 2020

Post Thu Feb 09, 2023 4:22 pm

New user scammer... BUYJT65.

Messaged me with a similar scam that's been mentioned before: "You must have missed the post of louis09 about Tone2 Nemesis 2 for sale some days ago... I asked him about it and he said it's still available with him. Here's his Email brokermills@gmail.com"

My response: "Why is the post not there anymore? Any links to that users profile on here?"

No reply.

Google checked the email address they'd given me and it popped up with several other forums where it had been used in scams.

Don't do business with this user / email, or anyone offering plugins in the same way they did.

EDIT: They got banned already.


Oh boy, scammer has been busy: https://www.google.com/search?q=brokermills%40gmail.com&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS915US915&oq=brokermills%40gmail.com&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i58.8142j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


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On 3/30/2023 at 3:03 AM, TECHMAN said:


I also received a "PM" from this "person" on my post of looking for a B Model Mack.....   My reply from him was that he lives in Hawaii and that he wanted $85 for the kit....    At the time was shown as only THREE posts.....   Tell ya anything??????     BEWARE!!!!!!!!


Yes I did just join the forum here, and no I’m not out to scam anyone but if you need refrences I’m on the MTDG truck forum on Facebook.

sorry for the inconvenience


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/1/2023 at 8:49 AM, Xingu said:

What rule has been broken? Has anyone been scammed? I haven't seen any offensive or political posts from this person/bot or WTB/WTS posts. Should we ban folks for their Private Messages? If so, how many folks would be banned just from "moderator abuse" in their messages.

Trades (and behind the scenes buying/selling) are at your risk, not this board.


With all that said, when you see something like this, please report it. We do keep an eye on it.

What are you afraid of? If several folks here are getting unsolicted scam emails or PMs, it is warranted to put a hard ban on him.

Thus far this scammer has been busy scamming folks everywhere - not just here. Listen to your members, not your heart.

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On 3/30/2023 at 10:06 AM, AZPartsLocators said:

If something doesn't feel right, it probably isn't.  Broken English is always a red flag and definitely warrants a look at the user's profile. I sell vintage 1:1 parts on Instagram for a living and these scammers are a regular staple on there. Hope no one gets taken advantage of by this guy.

Bad capitalization, punctuation and poor syntax are other red flags.

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  • 1 month later...

I have adopted a policy of to not buy anything from anyone who won't take PayPal goods and services. I have been burned very severely by unscrupulous sellers when we were searching for a Doxie puppy to help us after we lost our little guy in February, after breaking down and paying the deposit with family and friends and making a three hour drive and reserving an overnight hotel room the seller wanted another  $215 for a vet bill and said she was at the vets then. I told her to send us the vets address and we'd drop by and pay the bill in person, she said that wouldn't work and sent a sight to send the money to, again friends and family, when we did a search for that name in the city we didn't get a single vet or even a home address but we did get the name of a pro baseball player in Florida. And when we did a Google Earth search for her address it came back as an apartment complex that didn't allow pets of any kind. And as we have already seen her Facebook page had only been up for three days and within the hour after we told her we were going to pull the plug on the deal her page was gone. But the really sad thing is a friend who lives just a few miles away from us called us to let us know that she had just been contacted by a lady in the city we were in with a litter of puppies she was selling and would take a deposit to hold one until they were old enough to go to a new home, the really good part is the address was in a different town, but the contact number was the same as the one we had just been working with but the PayPal name was different. So you really have to do your homework when you are spending any amount of money and my advice would be if you can't afford to lose the money don't send anyone any funds that are friends and family unless they ARE friends and family.... and sometimes that's a little iffy too.🤔😉

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3 hours ago, michelle said:

Had this in my inbox this morning we have another one to watch out for 


I got a PM from the same poster this morning telling me that muller12 had a '63 Olds conv. for sale. Same wording as was sent to Michelle other than '63 Olds instead of Camaro. I noticed that they're new to the forum & have 0 postings.

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Must of been the day for the cycle.....

I got this last night. I have a wanted request for a high quality scan of the Jungle Jim Camaro box. I got this one.

Screen Shot 2023-06-18 at 9.09.53 PM.png

By the way, therrw45537 has 0 posts. SCAM!!!!


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