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HI Everyone,

I'm hoping some of you will see this post and reply. My dad, Harry Pristovnik, was an avid contributor to this website and those of you that knew him know cars and model cars were his passion. He passed away in April and we don't know what to do with his extensive model car collection. These models meant EVERYTHING to him. I know he'd want them to go to people who will treasure them as much as he did. Will you all give us some advice on what to do?

Sell them to model car enthusiasts? (is there any interest on this site from people who'd want to buy them?) Donate them to a museum? We're talking hundreds of completed models, and some unfinished kits. We can't keep them (though of course we will keep a few, in his memory). We're lost. Please help. This was his world and we need a glimpse into how to honor his dedication and love for it. 


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I assure you, there will be plenty of interest on this site, for both the assembled models and the unbuilt kits.

It would be best if some board member who lives in your area could inventory the collection. As far as how to distribute it, I have no idea at the moment, but don't give these away. You're probably sitting on a pretty substantial dollar value.

The best way to monetize them would be to sell on eBay, of course, but I believe that Harry would like the idea of his models going to friends who would especially appreciate them. Perhaps fair values could be arrived at by some means.

Stick around, I'm sure you will get many ideas and hopefully some offers to help from board members.

By the way, Amy, your Dad was universally respected around here, and is sorely missed by many of us every day. I never met him in person, but considered him a friend. You can be very proud of him.

Edited by Snake45
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Amy, first I would like to say sorry for your family's loss.

Your father is missed by us here.  There is a Model Car Museum if you choose not to sell them. The are also a few car Museum's not for from Chicago that might take some for display.

 Here is one http://www.automobilemuseum.org/#home.html

And another http://www.gilmorecarmuseum.org/

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I really hope there is someone in your area that will step up and provide what you need via info and/or help. We are somewhat dealing with the same issue here.....one of our well know local modelers passed and we are trying to help best we can. I'd step up but just to far away to help you. Please keep in touch here to keep us updated.....and if there is anything we can help with. 

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Yes, Harry was a passionate, extremely talented, and avid modeler.  I'm sure that there are many fellow modelers on this Forum who would be thrilled to own any of Harry's models and would treasure them in honor of his memory.

First of all, a suggestion would be to pick at least one, or several of his fantastically built and detailed car models to go to the Model Car Builders Museum in Salt Lake City, Utah where they would be displayed in memory of him.  You would need to contact Mark Gustavson in Utah for details as to how to proceed with that.  Or, I'm sure that either Gregg Hutchings or other Forum members could help you with that.

As far as selling them, as has been suggested EBAY would probably bring you the biggest financial return, if that is what you desire.  Otherwise, posting a list of what you want to "dispose of" here on the Forum along with pictures of the items, and then asking all those people interested to send you a PM (Private Message) with their purchase offer might be a way to handle it.  Possibly Gregg Hutchings would have ideas or suggestions for you in that regard.

Harry was a great friend and inspiration to the members of this Forum.  I wish you all the best in handling this difficult chore.


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I'm sorry for your loss. Like others, I never met your Dad but had great respect for him.

There's one model in his collection you might want to keep: it's mounted on a wooden base, the base has batteries on the underside, and the base has a switch to activate the lights on the model. I built that base, as well as a couple more for him.

I'll miss him too.

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Thank you so much everyone, for your responses. You've been a great help so far. I wholeheartedly agree that our primary goal is to have people who will appreciate them to get the models. I will talk to my brother and sister and see how we want to proceed. Again, thank you.
And also for the posts about our dad when he was sick and when he passed- We read every one. 

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I'm so sorry for your loss.I wrote your dad a few times and in every instance he was so gracious and helpful.In the world of car modeling I'd call your dad a genius-a master.Don't give anything away.There has to be a great value in what your dad built.He will be missed beyond belief.


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Please don't sell anything till you contact The Model Car Museum at http://www.themodelcarmuseum.org/Contact_Us/contact_us.html

The Museum goal of preserving the works or people that contribute to a hobby that is enjoyed by so many will benefit everyone that gets to see Harry's work if it should go to the museum (I know I would like to see it if given the chance).

Or contact Gregg Hutchings by email directly since he doesn't spend much time here and may not see this thread, here is the contact email as listed in Model Cars Magazine : gregg@modelcarsmag.com



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A little off topic.....but.......

I never met your Dad in person.....but through a common friend, we knew each other from a distance.   He was a positive force in our little hobby and everyone that had met him had a positive opinion. I was looking forward to meeting him someday. I'm sorry I missed my chance. Bless you and yours......

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The Model Car Museum is an active living entity whether the website is updated or not. It would be a most suitable place for some models and perhaps a copy of his book. But undoubtedly someplace like the Gilmore Museum or other car museum would also be appreciative of some of Harry's models that could represent the history of the automobile done in miniature. Whatever you and your brother and sister decide to do with your father's collection, Amy, I'm sure the community here will support and try to assist you with your decision.

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My deepest condolences to you and your family on your Dad's passing, we lost a big part of this forum when he left us. As others have mentioned, we hadn't met in person but traded many messages and I considered him a good friend. 

In regards to his collection, he had many nice, expensive models and they are more desirable than many of the simple plastic ones many of us have and your Dad's models are definitely Museum quality! An inventory of what he had completed and what was unbuilt would be the first step in figuring out what you have. From there, it would be easier to share with any potential buyers and museum curators what may be of interest to them. Not knowing what exactly his whole collection consists of, here are a few possible museums to consider:

1. Volo Auto Museum in Volo IL. 

2. Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn M!

3 Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles CA

4. Model Car Museum in Salt Lake City UT


There are additional museums to include, mostly based on type of vehicle, that once you have a list will be easier to follow up with. 

The unbuilt kits can be sold on eBay or possibly to one of the companies that buy estates, but that could be harder based on the subject matter. As has been stated here, the interest by forum members could solve some/all of your situation.

You have all been through a lot emotionally so far this year and I would suggest taking time to make sure you have decided on the models you want to keep and the ones you want to sell. 

Best of luck and be sure to come back here for answers, a lot of great people here and we all want to help in any way we can to honor your Dad.

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When your website hasn't been updated in 6 years I refuse to believe it's anything but Mark's personal plastic playground. I cannot seriously think that this is a museum to be shared by everyone when you go this long without any updates. If it's any kind of "living entity" that's news to me.

Please,  please consider a reputable automotive museum as some listed above if you want to donate any of his incredible models. His talent needs to be shared with more people than the few who are able to go to the NNL or happen to be able to swing by Utah. That's IF Mark's available for "an appointment" see his stuff.

Edited by Phirewriter
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You could contact The Auburn- Cord-Duesenberg Museum in Auburn Indiana, There is also the national auto truck museum in auburn as well (they do have collections of plastic kits, promo's, and die cast. Besides next weekend there is an auto auction and swap meet in Aubun next weekend!

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Amy... I'd like to add my deepest condolences. Your Dad was a vital part of what brought us all together here, and many would say the lynch-pin of what KEPT us all together. I never met him, but we exchanged a bunch of messages about a wooden tram he'd built that happened to have once upon a time run by where I lived 30 years ago in the UK (the real tram ran more like 80 years ago), and that was the measure of the man for me. He always cared, always was interested, and shared so much with us. He will always be missed.

Given the quality of what he shared in his books, I wouldn't restrict yourself to MODEL car museums. Get in touch with the Henry Ford Museum, the Automotive Hall of Fame or the Gilmore, and see if they'd be interested in taking on Harry's legacy. He was creating a history of the automobile that just happened to be rendered in beautifully-built models, and one of them should surely give that collection a proud home.

Once again, I'm so sorry for your loss, which we all share to a lesser extent.

With best regards,




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Amy... I'd like to add my deepest condolences.  He will always be missed.

Given the quality of what he shared in his books, I wouldn't restrict yourself to MODEL car museums. Get in touch with the Henry Ford Museum, the Automotive Hall of Fame or the Gilmore, and see if they'd be interested in taking on Harry's legacy. He was creating a history of the automobile that just happened to be rendered in beautifully-built models, and one of them should surely give that collection a proud home.

X2. They are museum quality and interest in them will likely extend beyond the modeling community.

I would even consider contacting a nationally established auction house and get their feedback. Be sure to offer continuity to them, like who he was, his role at Model Cars Magazine and his published material. I would do that before scattering them on ebay.

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The models could also be donated to the Smithsonian Institute. They rotate their displays and I have seen plenty of models in the Arts & Industries building. It would of course be tricky to get them all shipped to Washington, DC.

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Harry was an integral part of this forum & will be very sorely missed by all of us!

My heart felt sympathies go to all of his family.

As far as I'm concerned, there is no doubt in my mind that Harry's builds were absolutely museum quality & I can't believe that any museum that has anything to do with cars would not love to have them.

They could probably populate an entire section of their museum with nothing but Harry's builds & my guess is that it would be a very popular exhibit.

I would do my best to contact a good, reputable auto museum & be sure to include some of his high quality photos.

If I were a curator of a museum like that, I would jump at a chance like this!!



Edited by StevenGuthmiller
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I mentioned this a while back. I'd love to have a car or bike built by Harry. We spent a lot of time going back and forth about the subject that we all here love. If there is an opportunity to acquire one of Harry's builds then please count me in.


We miss Harry here very much and hope you are getting on well after such a loss as your Father. Pleas accept my condolences yet again.



Bob Frias

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I can't really add to what has been said here but would like to say that your dad (Harry ) was a great guy. He commented on my models several times and was spot on with my errors. I was never offended by his comments as he meant only to help me be a better builder. He is very much missed here and his absence is apparent. I always looked forward to his comments and to his building posts. I hope the models do end up somewhere where they can be seen.

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I can't offer any advice, but would like to add my condolences. It is a testament to your father's character that so many people who never met him, have tremendous respect and admiration for him. Like others, I only knew him through his words and pictures on a screen, but he was always generous and honest, and his models are of the highest quality. He also seemed to have a bit of a sneaky/wacky sense of humor. He made me laugh many times. He will be greatly missed, but always remembered.

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