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Maintenance Finished -- PLEASE READ THIS

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We finished out maintenance and reorganization. As you can see, things are different, and we've combined truck and cars in some places, like here. 

Not all the content is where it needs to be yet. In the coming days, we'll be going through some of the sub-forums, like NASCAR and Drag Racing, to pull out the posts that are strictly finished models and move them to the relevant section of Under Glass. We'll also be segregating the Wanted and Trade posts in the truck section. Once we're done, that section will go away.

We're preventing people from posting new topics in sub-forums that will be going away. You may continue to reply to existing topics in those sub-forums.

We've added an Other Racing category in both On the Workbench and Under Glass sections. This for any race cars that don't fit Drag or NASCAR categories. Those of you wondering where to put your Indy cars need wonder no more, 

Please, please, please, post any problems, or comments about our new layout in the How to Use this Board  section, and not here in General. 

I know some of you were having trouble with slow performance. I think we've fixed that now. Let me know if we haven't. 

And, as an aside, this board has 2.2 million posts. 

Thanks, and let me know if there are any problems in How to Use This Board.

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Wow - this is a mayor reshuffle!  I have feeling that merging general cars and trucks discussions will make the truck unhappy, but it whatever the mods decide goes.  I'm also not  sure where motorcycles will fit in - probably where they were in the past.

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Makes perfect sense what  you're attempting to do with the changes Dave.  It will make it better to navigate and search various topics once we get used to the format and the little bugs remaining get wiped out.   Appreciate your efforts!  cheers, tim

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5 hours ago, Jordan White said:

Will there be a Big Boyz subforum in the under glass section as well?

Big Boyz are being merged back into the regular Model Cars and Model Trucks areas. Same is happening with Diecast, Resincast and 3D models.

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11 minutes ago, Codi said:

Makes perfect sense what  you're attempting to do with the changes Dave.  It will make it better to navigate and search various topics once we get used to the format and the little bugs remaining get wiped out.   Appreciate your efforts!  cheers, tim

That is exactly why the changes were made.

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It's certainly an improvement, with amazingly few teething troubles as far as I'm aware. 

More logical once I got my head around the changes.

Well done to all involved.

PS Oops - I just remembered that Dave said 'Please, please, please, post any problems, or comments about our new layout in the How to Use this Board  section, and not here in General. '  Sorry.

Edited by DonW
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Big surprise this morning on the new format. While it was different it was also more logical to me. I realize this is still not formalized I would like to see at sometime the list of after market suppliers as we had before. I know it has been mentioned that was an area that needed some clean up and I'm sure there is more pressing issues at this time, but it would be nice to have that information in the future. And thank you for getting rid off all the popup garbage, that really was out of hand. So thank you again for that.   

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