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What is the ONE model kit that you would consider the “holy grail” for yourself?

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Johan 1969 GTX unbuilt in the box, I have several builders and a so so box. But want the unbuilt. Jus taint paing the price they command 

2nd one is the Barry Setzer vega AA/FC.  This one I have one mint unbuilt and several builders 

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On 4/25/2023 at 6:20 PM, Rodent said:

I don't really have a Holy Grail, but the first 1/25 kit I bought with my own money and built with minimal Dad Help was the Mr. Norm Charger funny car. If I could get another one for a somewhat reasonable price I would like to build it again as Senior Citizen Me instead of 9 year old me.

Side note: Dad prepared me for adulting by letting me try to buy it with my $2.00 lawn mowing money. The California sales tax rate in 1969 is no longer in my brain, but I think Dad laughed and fronted me around 6 cents so I could get my kit.

More Old Guy Stories to come, stay tuned.

That's such a fun story ! Two bucks was a decent piece of cash in 1969 -- that'd be a carton of Marlboros and some change back. 

1969 California state sales tax (from 1967-1969) was 5%.

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On 3/8/2023 at 8:45 AM, Daddyfink said:


Loved this one. I clearly remember building this kit and painting it a Testors bottle paint that was a light purple. This pic brought a flood of good memories! Thank you for posting it. It would be a Grail kit for me as well.

Edited by bisc63
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18 hours ago, curt raitz said:

The MPC 1/20th scale Lotus Turbine Indycar...

and I picked one up at the GSL Auction for $105.


Beats that guy who's always at NNL West trying to sell one for $400.

I have one of these stashed away.

Indycals has a lot of good parts for this kit.

Can't wait to see what you do with this.

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MPC 1972 Road Runner. I'd read rumours that this - or its 1971 predecessor - is slated for a Round2 scan-and-modify-and-upgrade...

Likewise, the 1978 C10 annual (I already have an unassembled copy). At the risk of turning this into a de facto "wish list" : backdate to a 1973-1978 (the original was a '78), with 2WD and 4WD options; steel wheels & hubcaps, too.



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3 hours ago, sfhess said:

Beats that guy who's always at NNL West trying to sell one for $400.

I have one of these stashed away.

Indycals has a lot of good parts for this kit.

Can't wait to see what you do with this.

Thanx Scott, I have set of IndyCal Decals for the car, waiting for them to have the resin tires back in stock.

I plan on doing a fairly detailed model of it.

Right now the kit is at John Teresi's. I flew to Salt Lake and John transported my models and those I bought back to Van Nuys.

I will be picking them up from him at your show in October

c'ya in October

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  • 2 weeks later...
14 minutes ago, JollySipper said:

Did any company ever model the notch-back Barracuda? I've always liked them a bit better than the fastback..........

Evidently Bandit Resin used to cast one...

Bandit Resins used to have a lot of cool products, I used to have a Carson Top that was great. Wish I still had it, among other parts, kits that I used to have.

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  • 1 month later...


5 hours ago, Mark said:

I believe it was MPC that made the Manta Ray slot car body...if so, I wonder why it never got issued as a kit, even a curbside version...

The body was typical for slot cars starting in the mid 60's to the present in that it's butyrate and later lexan plastic. In this case it was blow molded into a cavity instead of vacuum formed. The reason in this case was so the complex shape of the body could be reproduced better. The only styrene parts are the motor and bubble. There's a Japanese version (name escapes me even though I have it) seems a little better in some proportions but is off in the motor and cockpit offset.

I think this car would be a great candidate for some of our talented 3d guys to tackle. 

Edited by Phirewriter
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