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10 hours ago, Tom Geiger said:

Mark.. I never heard of specific glass coverage. This car has State Farm collision and comprehensive. I will call my agent tomorrow to see if anything is covered. 

I too have State Farm, the glass coverage is a separate line item.  This may differ by state though...

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I have State Farm, I remember having a separate line item for glass in Arizona. I remember replacing windshields a couple times when I lived in AZ through my insurance.  

Speaking of car insurance, in 2017 when I moved from Phoenix to Cleveland my car insurance went down by over 50%, despite keeping the same insurance company, the same full coverage...and switching from a 17 yr old Jeep w/ 170k to a then-3 yr old Jeep w/ 25k (the insurance was much lower on the much newer Jeep).  Mostly a difference between AZ and OH insurance costs, I'd assume.   

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5 hours ago, Danno said:


That's called an "incentive" in Arizona. In 46 other states it's called a kickback and is illegal. Arizona is one of only two (2) states that requires insurance companies to provide free (zero deductible) glass replacement. In the other 48 states  glass replacement falls under comprehensive coverage and a deductible applies.  Most motorists select comprehensive deductibles that are nearly as high as, if not higher, than the cost of a windshield. As a result, glass replacement vendors can't attract as much business as the ones in states like AZ, so they don't do it.

In AZ, because glass replacement coverage is zero deductible (free), vehicle owners don't have any skin in the game. As a result, an AZ windshield will cost an insurance company 4 or 5 times what it would cost that insurance company in another state. That's why the glass replacement vendors can offer kickbacks to customers - they're trying to attract customers away from other glass replacement vendors. They still make big $$.

I've seen many "consumers" who've replaced windshields 4 or 5 times a year. Why not? It's free. Right? And they give you money to do it.

By the way, the average AZ kickback, er, incentive is $150 . . . as high as $200.  The wife should have looked further. Might've gotten more model money. LOL.

PS: Insurance paid for the window and the incentive and the vendor's profit.  But, you (and we) paid for the insurance . . . and it is priced to accommodate the inordinately expensive cost of doing business in AZ, including the glass situation.  

PPS: And, those glass replacement claims are recorded forever on your claims history. They will factor into future premiums as well as the higher base rate for AZ.

And make no mistake, Ray, I'm not scolding . . . just informing. Those who should be scolded include the glass replacement vendors, their lobbyists, and our state legislators. They created the situation. 


Thanks, that is news to me. Really, I had no idea. Two vehicles in Az. for about 14 years and only one windshield so I guess we were not taking advantage.

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Check your "Declarations" Page. That lists all the individual coverages that exist on your policy.

I'm the big, long-time insurance [fraud] expert and I got "handled" by my insurance company the same way. Just because I wanted the coverage and just because I asked for the coverage and just because I thought I had the coverage made no difference when it came time for a claim under the coverage. Somewhere along the line, they insist I opted out of it. Thus, no coverage and it cost me > $3,000.  Of course, you can't win when it comes to a psssssing contest with your insurance carrier.

Think 'Department of Insurance complaint.'

Of course, the insurance company will tell you it's your fault for not double-checking before the loss. The Insurance Commissioner is there to decide where the stuff falls. Generally, there is a legal concept in contracts that the big corporation who wrote the contract is held to a higher degree of responsibility than is the poor, "unsophisticated" individual trying to do business with them. But it's still a big hurdle.

Good luck!  



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February 5th                  National Weatherperson Day      Local TV stations were encouraging viewers to post on the FB page how much they appreciate them

February 9th                  The 1 to 3" of snow forecasted for last night/this morning finished at 7 to 10"

I want to grow up and be a weatherperson where accuracy means nothing.  One of the local morning radio shows used to comment about one of the attractive female weather forecasters, "if you're going to give me complete inaccuracy, at least give me something to look at".

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1 hour ago, HomerS said:

February 9th                  The 1 to 3" of snow forecasted for last night/this morning finished at 7 to 10"

Our local weatherpeople got embarrassed by such a situation about 20 years ago. Apparently they've sworn to NEVER let it happen again. Now, every time there's even a chance of snow coming, they predict Snowpocalypse or Snowmageddon, sending people out scrambling for milk, bread, and snow shovels. Once in a great while the snow will be as bad as they call for (almost never worse), but usually it's not nearly as bad, Thank The Lord. 

One local guy likes to call a snowstorm a "major winter player" and works that into the conversation as often as possible. 

It also seems that they don't like to say the word "snow" in a snow forecast more than once. After first reference, it's usually referred to as "the white stuff." I like to imagine that somewhere, some cocaine addict is getting excited by the forecast until he realizes it's just snow. :lol:

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2 hours ago, alexis said:

A Radio station Weatherman in Alaska in the 1970's was fired after giving the following weather report at 2:00 in the morning.

"Ya wanna know what the weather is? Look out the (Blah-Blah) window!"

Who knew the FCC listened at 2:00am?

So he was saying it was " pretty darn cold out."?  

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3 hours ago, alexis said:

A Radio station Weatherman in Alaska in the 1970's was fired after giving the following weather report at 2:00 in the morning.

"Ya wanna know what the weather is? Look out the (Blah-Blah) window!"

Who knew the FCC listened at 2:00am?

Sorta like Les Nessman of WKRP in Cincinnati.

Andy Travis : Now, you have this thing you call "Eyewitness Weather". What is that?

Les Nessman : Well, I just look out the window and witness the weather.

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4 hours ago, Snake45 said:

Our local weatherpeople got embarrassed by such a situation about 20 years ago. Apparently they've sworn to NEVER let it happen again. Now, every time there's even a chance of snow coming, they predict Snowpocalypse or Snowmageddon, sending people out scrambling for milk, bread, and snow shovels. Once in a great while the snow will be as bad as they call for (almost never worse), but usually it's not nearly as bad, Thank The Lord. 

One local guy likes to call a snowstorm a "major winter player" and works that into the conversation as often as possible. 

It also seems that they don't like to say the word "snow" in a snow forecast more than once. After first reference, it's usually referred to as "the white stuff." I like to imagine that somewhere, some cocaine addict is getting excited by the forecast until he realizes it's just snow. :lol:

When they give snow and big accumulations it really scars old people and especially widows having to go to the grocery store. I feel sorry for them. I have talked with them in the past.

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9 hours ago, HomerS said:

February 5th                  National Weatherperson Day

Actually this reminded me of another irk of mine.

At some point someone came up with this list of "National XXXXXXXX Day" for every day of the year.  Why is this a "thing", and why would we care?   "National Potato Chip Day"?! Stupid! Gimme a break! 

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My wife just called, she got rear ended in our '19 Charger. The streets are real icy and the guy was driving a 1 ton diesel pickup that had been sitting for a while. The driver said the brakes weren't working real well because of sitting and the single digit temperatures. The same thing happened to her two years ago with our previous Charger. The only time she usually drives this car is in bad weather because of the All Wheel Drive that this car has. The good news besides her being fine is that if she was driving her little Avenger this might be a different store. Oh and we just changed insurance companies starting the 27th. 

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1 hour ago, espo said:

My wife just called, she got rear ended in our '19 Charger. The streets are real icy and the guy was driving a 1 ton diesel pickup that had been sitting for a while. The driver said the brakes weren't working real well because of sitting and the single digit temperatures. The same thing happened to her two years ago with our previous Charger. The only time she usually drives this car is in bad weather because of the All Wheel Drive that this car has. The good news besides her being fine is that if she was driving her little Avenger this might be a different store. Oh and we just changed insurance companies starting the 27th. 

Glad the Mrs. is Ok! If he knew the brakes weren’t working well, he should have been driving extra defensively.🤨

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17 hours ago, NOBLNG said:

Glad the Mrs. is Ok! If he knew the brakes weren’t working well, he should have been driving extra defensively.🤨


16 hours ago, Tom Geiger said:

Heck, he shouldn't have taken the truck out with bad brakes!   Glad she's okay, and hopefully the Charger will be soon!

Thanks guys. The driver was in a company truck and the truck in front of her that she was waiting on to get on the freeway was their companies district manager. I talked to him on the phone this morning and he said to get an estimate and send it to him directly and he indicated they may just write a check directly instead of using their insurance company. He was very apologetic . Got an appointment with the dealers body shop tomorrow to see what it will cost. 

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On 2/9/2021 at 7:18 AM, HomerS said:

February 5th                  National Weatherperson Day      Local TV stations were encouraging viewers to post on the FB page how much they appreciate them

February 9th                  The 1 to 3" of snow forecasted for last night/this morning finished at 7 to 10"

I want to grow up and be a weatherperson where accuracy means nothing.  One of the local morning radio shows used to comment about one of the attractive female weather forecasters, "if you're going to give me complete inaccuracy, at least give me something to look at".

Since Thursday, the forecasters have been saying the next round starts Sunday evening and will dump another ten inches by the time it stops Tuesday morning.  Wife tried to stop at Kroger's this a.m. to grab lunch before she started her 12 hour shift, but the herd had already stampeded in for milk and TP.


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5 minutes ago, HomerS said:

Since Thursday, the forecasters have been saying the next round starts Sunday evening and will dump another ten inches by the time it stops Tuesday morning.  Wife tried to stop at Kroger's this a.m. to grab lunch before she started her 12 hour shift, but the herd had already stampeded in for milk and TP.


Yes, you snooze - you loose.  Fear (from the talking weather-heads) is the greatest people motivator.  Not only for weather related panics, but also for political reasons (but we're not going into that).  Even wars were waged triggered by  fear, so food hoarding is not all the bad in the greater scheme of things. But it still stinks!.

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