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not to mention the blood sucking "kissing bugs" that seem to have migrated here from south america.

if you thought ticks were bad, imagine something six times as large that has just had a full meal of your blood.

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I woke up realizing that even though I submitted two orders to Modelhaus in its final hours (and spent pretty much an entire paycheck), there were still at least two vital parts I forgot to order.

I have a feeling I'm going to have that feeling many, many times in the days, weeks, and months to come. :(

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Looks like Mom will have to go back into a nursing home for a week and a half, and it's going to be one she was in last summer for about a month.  The drive will suck.since it's south of 75 in Naperville, but we're at least familiar with the area and know of an Italian place a block from there that makes a fantastic Pizza!

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The news from Dallas. 

I'm physically sick. 


Can't watch the news, it's making me ill and enraged at the same time. 

I just wish certain people would leave their thoughts to themselves instead of fanning the flames, but then again it's been going on for nearly 8 years.

To the men and women in blue, be safe out there and may God protect you as you protect us.

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I don't know why anyone nowadays wants to be a police officer. I am however sure glad there are still men and woman willing to do a job where they are underpaid and not given enough respect and appreciation. Thank you to all the men and woman who are still willing to be out there and protecting us.

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... I don't get it. And I don't know what the answer is to stopping this crazy violence. (By the way, any and ALL violence is crazy.) Its a strange world out there, and it scares me.

I think what we're seeing more and more is what happens when a society begins to think concepts like fairness, courage, ethical behavior and pretty much any worthwhile values whatsoever are obsolete and laughable ideas.

Wherever you look, including in corporate and government sectors, the idea of "is this right?" doesn't seem to occur to anyone anymore.

When I was in the England in the early '70s, very few police were armed or wore bulletproof vests. It was almost unthinkable that anyone would shoot a cop. Not so today, and it's worse here.

But this isn't about guns. It's about people failing to respect other peoples' rights, and reacting without thinking of the "right and wrong" of any action.

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I think what we're seeing more and more is what happens when a society begins to think concepts like fairness, courage, ethical behavior and pretty much any worthwhile values whatsoever are obsolete and laughable ideas.

Wherever you look, including in corporate and government sectors, the idea of "is this right?" doesn't seem to occur to anyone anymore.

When I was in the England in the early '70s, very few police were armed or wore bulletproof vests. It was almost unthinkable that anyone would shoot a cop. Not so today, and it's worse here.

But this isn't about guns. It's about people failing to respect other peoples' rights, and reacting without thinking of the "right and wrong" of any action.


When people see other people--particularly their supposed "leaders"--committing crime after crime and never being held accountable for it, or having it excused or rationalized away by others, what do you expect them to think/do? If the rule of law isn't dead, it's very, very sick, and the prognosis is not good. :(

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I think what we're seeing more and more is what happens when a society begins to think concepts like fairness, courage, ethical behavior and pretty much any worthwhile values whatsoever are obsolete and laughable ideas.

Wherever you look, including in corporate and government sectors, the idea of "is this right?" doesn't seem to occur to anyone anymore.

When I was in the England in the early '70s, very few police were armed or wore bulletproof vests. It was almost unthinkable that anyone would shoot a cop. Not so today, and it's worse here.

But this isn't about guns. It's about people failing to respect other peoples' rights, and reacting without thinking of the "right and wrong" of any action.


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Nobody has scarier creatures than we do here in the Chicago area. They're huge, walk on two legs, and will screw you over any chance they get. We call them "politicians."

That's Good Harry, Real Good we have them here in California ?

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Almost got run over by a semi on I-17 yesterday.  Had to stop to get pie and relax before continuing on home.  Felt like I was in the movie 'Duel' for a few seconds of terror.  

Coming down the twisty section of I-17 south of Sunset Point, almost got run over by a semi. I think his brakes were cooked from the descent. Squeezed over to left side of the right lane--60 mph traffic in the left lane) so he could go by on the right breakdown lane. He blew past on the right, brake smoke trailing and sparks flying.. Close call, he didn't use his horn I, just looked in the rear view and saw a huge chrome front bearing down....

He kept going w brake smoke trailing then got off at an exit 1/2 mile later.... I went on to the next exit and stopped at the well known Rock Springs Cafe for some pie.



Edited by Rob Hall
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I believe that he's getting fitted for an orange jumpsuit at


What an interesting coincidence that he's under investigation regarding police corruption. That's what caused William O'Dwyer to resign as mayor in 1950.

What did De Blah-Blah-Blah do? I missed that story.

Charlie Larkin

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