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my main irktoday is tourists. in particular one american animal that was either too dumb or too entitled to realise dollars are not accepted in our shops and when she eventually left and i was being served she returned, shoved me out of her way violently and started shouting at the kid behind the till again. I lost my temper so i started cussing her out and she didn't look happy about it but i'm sick of having to bend over backwards to make them feel welcome when we get nothing from it. tourists get new everything but our pensioners get stuck in old run down homes cos theres no money for them. i have health conditions so her pushing me to the ground actually did some damage and i'm supposed to be going on holiday next week which might not happen now so thats more money wasted.

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14 minutes ago, Bugatti Fan said:

That's a real shame Les.

Generally tourists are respectful to and mindful of the people they come into contact with when visiting another country. Hopefully that was an isolated incident

not when they arrive on liners and there was 3 today. proper tourists are respectful, liner passengers are mostly parasites arriving for a day using up all the public services so the folk that pay for them cant. its been like ths for the last ten years and every promise the council makes about reducing the numbers next year is a lie. in fact its such a lie their planning to build a bigger pier just for them so we can have even more of them when we already cant cope with the numbers we get now. the only year we had peace was 2020.

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Posted (edited)

The bigger the cruise liners get and many are now colossal like floating cities, the more problems they create for the places they visit. Especially places of great natural beauty or of historical interest where the local economies suddenly start making loads of money, the lovely places get spoilt by becoming  'touristy' with shops popping up selling tourist tat souvenirs. Bigger places like New York, Boston, Rio and Capetown can cope with it, but much smaller places will become ruined to please the 'one day' tourists from the ships.

Venice is a good example that was in great peril due to too many tourists from cruise ships so they did something about it. Those ships get bigger and bigger but the places they visit do not and the local infrastructure has difficulty coping.

I shudder to think about one of those colossal ships going down in mid ocean as it would be the Titanic much magnified. There are so many now and the law of averages may dictate it happening.

Edited by Bugatti Fan
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18 minutes ago, KMcc said:

Hi Les. I hope your injuries are not too severe. I'm not a lawyer, but isn't what she did considered 'Assault and Battery'?

just lots of bruising luckily, my right shoulder and hip got it worst so hopefully its a bit better for monday. its probably assault but the telling off she got from me would get me charged with breach of the peace so i'm happy to just forget it

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On 5/21/2024 at 3:08 PM, stitchdup said:

my main irktoday is tourists. in particular one american animal that was either too dumb or too entitled to realise dollars are not accepted in our shops and when she eventually left and i was being served she returned, shoved me out of her way violently and started shouting at the kid behind the till again. I lost my temper so i started cussing her out and she didn't look happy about it but i'm sick of having to bend over backwards to make them feel welcome when we get nothing from it. tourists get new everything but our pensioners get stuck in old run down homes cos theres no money for them. i have health conditions so her pushing me to the ground actually did some damage and i'm supposed to be going on holiday next week which might not happen now so thats more money wasted.

That’s a real bummer Les, sorry to hear about it. Hope you’re better soon.

We live near York (the original one 🙂) and that is also a tourist hotspot but I’ve never heard of an incident like yours.


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1 hour ago, Earl Marischal said:

That’s a real bummer Les, sorry to hear about it. Hope you’re better soon.

We live near York (the original one 🙂) and that is also a tourist hotspot but I’ve never heard of an incident like yours.


didn't a group of tourists that arrived on boats burn the place down? of course that was a few centuries ago, lol

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Welp another %*#@ Bolla Market opens up less than a half mile away from one they just opened less than a year ago.Idk if Bolla Markets are in any other state besides the NY tri-state area…And according to what I’ve read,Bolla Markets bring in over $650 BILLION $$ a year.😡🤬😤,yup,a year.🙄Are you kidding me?Well hey why not,they have the most expensive gas,and charge double,and sometimes triple for their so called “gourmet” snacks, coffee,and food.🤮🤮.****Boycott Bolla!!!!****This is Harry Singh,the founder.


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Frickin eBay!  Their site has been funky lately, especially when listing.  Either you get the "We cannot find that page" with the little kid looking up into his hood,  or your saves just fail.   As I'm trying to get a lot done, this is taking me  double / triple the time per listing!  


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SO in the what pleased me I have talked about the positive aspects of my recent health issues.

Well this is the otherside of the coin. This is the case of total incompancy.  As related I have congestive heart failure and all my doctors have told me to use the minimum amount.  So in an act that is totally unfathomable I discovered that I was not a low sodium cardiac diet. They bring me a bowl of soup that tasted like was eating spoonfuls of salt. I have no faith in the compentcy of that dr.. I had to request it. I have faith in all of my regular doctors and was totally appalled.

The other issue was the elevated care tier I was in which was a step down was great however the lower level I was in was dirty and horribly understaffed.

Unfortunacy if I wrote my opinion of the hospital I would be on a timeout.

If I wanted to it would easy to win a malpractice suit at the cost to my quality and as the adage goes money doesn't buy happiness. Lots of money is not good trade off for quality of life.

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36 minutes ago, bobthehobbyguy said:

SO in the what pleased me I have talked about the positive aspects of my recent health issues.

Well this is the otherside of the coin. This is the case of total incompancy.  As related I have congestive heart failure and all my doctors have told me to use the minimum amount.  So in an act that is totally unfathomable I discovered that I was not a low sodium cardiac diet. They bring me a bowl of soup that tasted like was eating spoonfuls of salt. I have no faith in the compentcy of that dr.. I had to request it. I have faith in all of my regular doctors and was totally appalled.

The other issue was the elevated care tier I was in which was a step down was great however the lower level I was in was dirty and horribly understaffed.

Unfortunacy if I wrote my opinion of the hospital I would be on a timeout.

If I wanted to it would easy to win a malpractice suit at the cost to my quality and as the adage goes money doesn't buy happiness. Lots of money is not good trade off for quality of life.

Unfortunately there's always a flip side. I lost my mother to an infection that was contracted during open heart surgery 12 years ago at University of Maryland. Thats 99 days from being admitted to being pronounced dead with half her chest cavity surgically removed. They were clearly at fault and there was substantial evidence of such. Top notch hospital that I've personally known individuals to go to and have miracles happen and also others that had minor infections from surgery. We chose not to file a law suit for pretty much the same reasoning as yours. Still kinda pisses me, still miss her, but I make sure when ever I'm asked about that hospital I tell her story and suggest they draw their own conclusions. At the same time my Mom was hospitalized a neighbors brother was struck on his Harley dresser and ended up having emergency surgery on his leg. He also ended up with an infection. He got lucky and it was all cleared up.

I'm glad you have a decent outlook on your overall situation. I've learned to let things go and not to hold on to the disappointments or things you can't control. It's just not worth the toll it can take on oneself.  Keep on a steady path forward and we'll keep 🙏... 

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Posted (edited)

I lost my mother to what i would call “incompetent”doctors who i truly believe caused her death back in 2015..She lasted only one month,and she was gone..And now I’m slowly watching my father melt away in his bed.Hes 86,and all he wants to do is sleep all day,and night.He barely eats,and hardly goes outside.He has the on sets of Dementia,and his neurologist is an utterly useless POS.He just blurts out,nothing can be done,sorry,I’ll give him meds,but nothing will help..He has Alzheimer’s,and that’s it,pay the girl on the way out..Yea ok,thanks ass#%+*..Heres to the medical profession,😷🧐🥴🤡🤬Raspberry!!!!👎!Or whatever.


Edited by NYLIBUD
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Posted (edited)

I was aware of some of the issues with the hospital and it wasn't my first choice . All my Dr are under the umbrella of the hospital. 

I had my pacemaker surgery done in Chico . The hospital over there is light years above.

Unfortunately due to the circumstances  I didn’t have much choice but to get the care here. However as I said the higher tier was great . It's basically the lower level care levels that are substandard. It is obivious that the poorer care is driven to cut corners financially. 

I was just stunned by the incompancy.

I am also having a second battle over medications. My cardiologist and primary both have made changes to my meds recently because less serves my needs better. The less I take is better as some of the meds are very hard on the kidneys. 

The med that they are  giving me now are ignoring those changes. So have have been taking what I've been prescribed and refuse the others.

Bottom line I don't want my quality of life damaged by gross incompetence. 

I don't stress about this I put my energies into positive action.

I firmly believe that when it's your time it's your time. For me the good Lord has let me hang around longer.

Two other thoughts.

I put my energies into doing the things I have control of and not waste the energy on the things I can't 

I also refuse to be a victim when I have the ability to control my situation.


Edited by bobthehobbyguy
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2 hours ago, NYLIBUD said:

I lost my mother to what i would call “incompetent”doctors who i truly believe caused her death back in 2015..She lasted only one month,and she was gone..And now I’m slowly watching my father melt away in his bed.Hes 86,and all he wants to do is sleep all day,and night.He barely eats,and hardly goes outside.I think it’s just a matter of time,before he passes away too..Idk if i will be able to handle it.😖🙏He has the on sets of Dementia,and his neurologist is an utterly useless POS.Idk if this has anything to do with what you went through.

Your Dad sleeping all time is a normal thing with some Dementia patients, my dad did the same, dont fret over it. His food intake dropped dramatically towards the end. The last week of my dad's life he became very mantic and was not within the realm of reality. It was like dealing with an angry child who wouldn't listen to reason because of the damage Dementia had done. If your having doubts weither it's dealing with the mental toll or physical toll on yourself, please talk to someone, it helps to let out the frustrations. I had Hospice come in for routine checkups but I was his sole caregiver for everything. The end days are very trying and can cause you to second guess the medical process of allowing a loved one to pass. My suggestion is to please seek help for your own sanity. If you need or want to just talk your welcome to PM me.. my heart goes out to you... be strong..

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3 hours ago, NYLIBUD said:

I lost my mother to what i would call “incompetent”doctors who i truly believe caused her death back in 2015..She lasted only one month,and she was gone..And now I’m slowly watching my father melt away in his bed.Hes 86,and all he wants to do is sleep all day,and night.He barely eats,and hardly goes outside.I think it’s just a matter of time,before he passes away too..Idk if i will be able to handle it.😖🙏He has the on sets of Dementia,and his neurologist is an utterly useless POS.Idk if this has anything to do with what you went through.

dementia always does this. its sad and awful but the worst part is watching it happen and knowing you can only comfort them. and if things happen such as falls or going for a wander late at night dont beat yourself up over it. its part of the disease and sadly it seems to affect men much worse than women. you have a tough road ahead but there are a few of us on here that you can turn to for advice or just to vent your frustrations at. we've been there and we understand. when the folk I've cared for have passed i didn't feel sadness, just relief it was over but that doesn't mean we dont care, we just saw both sides of the story. one thing i found that helped was going through old photos and items from when they were younger, as dementia seems to trap folk in another time than they are living in. its an awful disease. if you have a sick sense of humour it will help you get through it and its ok to laugh if something dumb happens, and its better for your mental health than crying over it. its not even really anger when they seem annoyed, its frustration at not understanding how time feels like its jumped 40 or 50 years into the future for them. if you need to vent feel free to pmor if you need to vent without cencorship i can give you my email, you wont offend me

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Posted (edited)

Have to make sure he’s ok.My sister takes care of his finances and stuff,and I take care of him.My brother is useless,and he lives in Orlando,anyway.Thank you guys very much for the advice,I really appreciate it.🙏

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Testors Dullcote.

It's been at least a year and a half since it was dull. Now it's more of a semi gloss, which would be just fine if I didn't need dead flat, like Dullcote used to be.

Sure, Revell Matt Clear is better, but it can't be applied over vinyl.

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Posted (edited)

The craziness of the world today. Too many  people exist in a reality that has no basis of fact. Just becuase something is said a hundred times that doesn't me it's the truth.

The world needs to wake up and treat each other better. The world needs to realize violence is not the situation. Somehow there needs to be a catalyst to make this happen.

Edited by bobthehobbyguy
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