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I can't image why anyone would want to live somewhere an HOA exists. That whole concept just baffles me.

To think that neighbours can have a say as to what kind of plants I put in my front yard, or what colour I paint my front door?  

I've heard about HOA having rules about what you can park in your driveway. 

It would be just constant nonsense and petty BS.

Thankfully, HOA are virtually non-existent in Canada.

Of course, we still get those people that complain about kids playing in the front yards on a Saturday afternoon. 



On 4/29/2024 at 10:26 PM, Rodent said:

Parked my little smile-inducing daily driver away from the mob this afternoon at Home Depot. Returned to my car, and a 5'4" 200 lb driver was extracting himself from this compensation-mobile in the next space. He rolled coal at me with his eyes.

I was happy to see license plate frames from a local dealership that is known for overcharging for third rate garbage and spearing people with high interest rates on used vehicles. Hopefully he will be underwater with this pile until 2028 or so.


Devil's advocate.

1. He parked far from the doors too, knowing it would be easier to get his truck in and out of the spot. And if he has to load lumber or something into the back, parking far away helps ensure he'll still have access to the box of his truck.

2. He saw your car and knew that because of your car's condition, and where you parked, that you are careful and wouldn't be doordinging his truck.

3. to be fair, he is parked well within his stall.

Of course, he didn't need to park right next to you. He could have left a space. It's like using the urinal right next to someone, when there's a whole wall of empty ones. It's just weird.

And he's driving around with the tow mirrors flipped...with no trailer.


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On 5/1/2024 at 10:19 AM, iamsuperdan said:

Of course, he didn't need to park right next to you. He could have left a space. It's like using the urinal right next to someone, when there's a whole wall of empty ones. It's just weird.



😂.. Yeah what's up with that! I found that when I'm using a public urinal and another "Male" walks up to the open urinal next to me instead of an empty vessel a few down I will start to make small talk and they usually can't wait to finish up and get away. Sometimes leaving without washing their hands..🤢

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9 minutes ago, A modeler named mike said:

😂.. Yeah what's up with that! I found that when I'm using a public urinal and another "Male" walks up to the open urinal next to me instead of an empty vessel a few down I will start to make small talk and they usually can't wait to finish up and get away. Sometimes leaving without washing their hands..🤢

I had a suggestion...but it would probably get me banned for life. Never mind.   B)

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3 minutes ago, Ace-Garageguy said:

Never mind.

THX Bill!   I'd rather have your continued input

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I am heavily involved with our local high school softball team. We are in a 1A conference so most of the schools do not have a very large budget, especially for softball. Now football is another issue and another irk. Our spectator area consists of three sets of bleachers. The spectators from one school we play are quite obnoxious and rude. But the real irk is when they come, they always spread out in the middle of the three bleachers. Most other schools will take the bleacher on the end where their team is located, and if necessary will move to the middle bleacher . I don't mind sharing a bleacher with a visiting team if they aren't constantly deriding the officials, our players, and anything else they can complain about.

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2 hours ago, TonyK said:

The wrong teams are winning in the NHL playoffs.

Agreed. Toronto should have won against Boston, and I think I would have preferred Vegas over Dallas.


It's a moot point though, as the Oilers will be wining the cup. 😃

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1 hour ago, JollySipper said:

Les, man..... is there any kind of maintenance you would need to do to the machines? It's probably something simple.........

i've done it all mate. new film in the tank, new screen protector, new resin and everything set as it should be but still areas turn out like they were drawn by picasso. what turns out is great but the point of having the big printer was to do larger prints. i can do wheels and engines on the litt;le printer but its doint the same. i just seem to be wasting money on this thing. its like getting the settings is some big secret and nobodies sharing it. when it works its great but i seem to hve a 75% failure rate and i cant figure out why. settings that work one day turn out garbage the next 3 times. my last full good big print was in november, since then i just haven't been able to use the whole size on the big printer or the little one at all. 

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Yesterday, 3pm-ish.


Mr Customer: here's a potential issue, we need to discuss

Me: No problem, this is an easy fix. Can I come and see you tomorrow? I'll bring the necessary docs that you need to sign, and we can fix this in about 5 minutes.

Mr Customer: yes, I'd like to get this sorted out as quickly as possible. Can you swing by tomorrow morning, about 10am?

Me: no problem at all. See you at 10am.


Today, 10am

Me: *approaches receptionist at Mr Customer's company" Hi! I'm here to see Mr Customer.

Reception: Oh, hi Dan! He's not in today, was he expecting you?

Me: yes, he asked me to come in and take care of some things. *gestures to the docs I'm holding*

Reception: Sorry, he stopped in first thing but said he was going out and wouldn't be back in today.

Me:  😐

Reception: 😕



Some days...


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22 minutes ago, stitchdup said:

i've done it all mate. new film in the tank, new screen protector, new resin and everything set as it should be but still areas turn out like they were drawn by picasso. what turns out is great but the point of having the big printer was to do larger prints. i can do wheels and engines on the litt;le printer but its doint the same. i just seem to be wasting money on this thing. its like getting the settings is some big secret and nobodies sharing it. when it works its great but i seem to hve a 75% failure rate and i cant figure out why. settings that work one day turn out garbage the next 3 times. my last full good big print was in november, since then i just haven't been able to use the whole size on the big printer or the little one at all. 

I've thought often about trying the whole 3D printer experience but not being tech savvy it scares me that it would end up as a conversational piece.. From what I'm hearing from you and others with issues I'll stick with the simplicity of either buying "it" if it's available or snatching it from another kit. Sorry your having a bad time.. I can hear the frustration in your tone....😞

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I managed to knock my airbrush out of its holder onto the garage floor…with a full cup of paint.🤬 Luckily it wasn’t damaged, just a bit of a mess to clean up.😕

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Posted (edited)

can nobody write a simple instruction manual without qr codes and youtube videos. they qr codes are great IF you have a smart phone but millions of people dont so how about a plain website address. youtube videos are great for entertainment but again if it was written down as words it can be taken to where its needed, and thats before the volume issues. i'm trying to learn and i pay more attention to the stupid volume. all i'm trying to do is find a simple settings table with lift speeds and exposure times and all the important stuff to get a damn print, but instead its ads and qr codes and more failure. the manufcturers guide is no use, everything has the exact same settings no matter what resin colour or type.

latest print, those strange distorted things are supposed to be dropped axles



Edited by stitchdup
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3D Printing.         Revolutionary technology but a bit of a dark art for me I'm afraid ! From what I have seen and read about it the process is very time consuming on the machine, and expensive.

I think I will stick to my conventional lathe, milling machine and hand tools.

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17 hours ago, Bugatti Fan said:

3D Printing.         Revolutionary technology but a bit of a dark art for me I'm afraid ! From what I have seen and read about it the process is very time consuming on the machine, and expensive.

I think I will stick to my conventional lathe, milling machine and hand tools.

Same here…although my lathe is broken and I don’t have a milling machine.🥴 I am certain that I don’t have the computer skills to operate a printer, never mind designing print files.🤯 I will stick to scratch building bits and pieces, or purchasing printed parts from someone who knows what they’re doing.

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Local news article.......why I don't shop Krogers!

Kroger CEO Rodney McMullen took an 18% pay cut to $15.5 million in 2023

That's 502 times the median employee at Kroger
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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, HomerS said:

Local news article.......why I don't shop Krogers!

That's 502 times the median employee at Kroger

By that logic I'd guess you don't use Amazon or Farceborg or gm or Home Despot or a whole buncha others either...  :D

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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1 hour ago, Ace-Garageguy said:

By that logic I'd guess you don't use Amazon or Farceborg or gm or Home Despot or a whole buncha others either...  :D

Oh I agree that it's out of control!  Kroger was one of the first companies to remove the extra pay during pandemic.  

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