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Everything posted by Lobo2me

  1. Sweet! A real beauty and great execution....well done!
  2. Really love all 38 Fords. Here's what I did with a left over 38 van body, a funny car chassis, and a blown HEMI.
  3. Roger that...thx
  4. Very cool! I really enjoy and appreciate extreme custom coachwork and kitbash projects. Nicely done!!!!
  5. Hi Harry....is the spare tire visible thru the hood louvers.....?
  6. Bummer on the whitewalls! Excellent tidy build and nice color choice. Love the shifter eyeball!
  7. Really sharp! Beautiful fit and finish, paint and pics. Well done!
  8. Nicely done! What did you use for the air cleaner cover material...?
  9. Nice...well done all the way around!
  10. Wow....fantastic! The realism is....unreal! Nice job on the weathering, build, and set!!!!
  11. Fantastic...pics are super and fit and finish are spot on. Well done! What and what color is the paint?
  12. Perfect for cruising the beach cities. San Clemente, here we come! Well done!!!!
  13. A fitting car for Marilyn Munster to go with Herman's Koach and Uncle Festor's Dragula. Very well done!
  14. Really nice, and I'd love to see the look on the faces of onlookers when you stomp on the loud peddle! Well done!!!!!
  15. Cool! I'd be cruising around all weekend if that baby was sitting in my garage. Well done!
  16. Well done! Nice finish and the attention to detail, like the magazines on the front seat, make me Tippsy! Nice job!!!!
  17. Nicely done, and a wonderful gift for your family!
  18. Lobo2me

    AMT Model T

    Very nice...well done! I'm looking for those Keystone cops chasing Laurel & Hardy in that baby.
  19. Sweet....and fun to drive, I'm sure! Well done!!!!!
  20. Really, really nice! You should see what I did to mine. The '59 was the height of style and practicability. Well done!
  21. Well done. Way to stick with it and wrestling those fat fenders into submission. Excellent fit & finish and supurb, details and paint. Nice!
  22. Very well done...nice job! Great addition to your cool collection of good looking Hot Rods.
  23. Beautiful job. The wife of the deceased donor would be happy and proud! Well done!
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