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Ollie's strike again

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1 hour ago, atomicholiday said:

Wonder how they determine what stores get what product.  Our local store rarely gets anything good, but I see deals other people get much further away.

Hit or miss. They just fill up the truck and send them out. even the employees have no idea. 

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The Ollie's in Richmond Ky had a fairly good selection. I bought the Manx, Camaro 50, and 70 Corvette. 

They also had the Craftsman 64 Galaxie, 23 Depot Hack, 61 Ranchero, Copperhead dragster, one damaged Ford surfin van, as well as a couple 1/32 kits. 

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Stopped by the local Ollie's on my way to the grocery store this morning. Not quite the selection as other's have posted, but I snagged 2 of the Galaxie's and a Model T. These were in two different locations in the store. 




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I hate to say this, but these were not made for Ollies this time. It is an inventory dump of slow sellers to get them off the books of Round 2. The new fiscal year must have begun and the investment/management co (that owns 50% of stock) probably likes to cash out old slow selling models. How many guys here would have purchased any of these kits at full retail? see what I'm saying?

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All of the kits I bought at two local stores (two Ford vans, one dragster, one '64 Galaxie) have 2021 production dates on the box trays.  From what has been reported here, between all of the stores there are maybe a dozen different kits in this group.  If that's all there are, that ain't bad.

The occasional item going to closeout isn't a terrible thing.  If there were none at all, then maybe they're not cranking out enough stuff.  As long as they aren't dumping a large percentage of a first/only production run, again not a bad thing.

A couple of these are due to timing IMO.  The 3-in-1 Nova wagon came out not long after the Craftsman version...for a few bucks extra you got two engines, a ton of customizing parts, and a trailer.  I know that swayed me, though I did pick up a Craftsman wagon after getting two of the 3-in-1 kits.  The Ford van came out not long after the Cruising Van issue, that probably affected sales on the later issue.

I did pick up a '64 Galaxie out of reflex...as I was walking out of the store, I remembered that I had two more than I thought, having bought two of the Falcon drag team sets...

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I went to the Merritt Island, FL store this morning, they had The '70 Corvette, Groove Boss, Coke '60 Ranchero and the Meyers Manx. They also had the 1/32 '60 Thunderbird and some Revell kits left over from the last bunch of kits. I have the old issue of the '70 Corvette that is blue on the box, but it is missing the engine, so I grabbed one of the new ones to have a complete stock kit.

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