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1 hour ago, slusher said:

Today is my 25th anniversary of giving up cigarettes and did it cold turkey...

Good job, sir.

I started cutting way back in about '95. Finally quit for good, with some other lifestyle changes, around a decade later.

It's a powerful addition. I smell a cig these days and really REALLY want one, but so far, I'm clean.

One day at a time...   

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5 hours ago, slusher said:

Today is my 25th anniversary of giving up cigarettes and did it cold turkey...

Congratulations Carl. I'm a former smoker and know how hard it is to break that habit. Cold turkey just like you. And 25 years also. But unfortunately I live with a smoker. At least they're considerate and keep it away from me and smoke mainly out doors. Funny thing is I can't stand the smell of any kind of smoke. Evenfrom a camp fire. Odd.

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8 hours ago, Ace-Garageguy said:

Good job, sir.

I started cutting way back in about '95. Finally quit for good, with some other lifestyle changes, around a decade later.

It's a powerful addition. I smell a cig these days and really REALLY want one, but so far, I'm clean.

One day at a time...   

I smell one I don’t want and it bothers me some. The longer you stay smoke free the chances is you want pick them up.

5 hours ago, ewetwo said:

Congratulations Carl. I'm a former smoker and know how hard it is to break that habit. Cold turkey just like you. And 25 years also. But unfortunately I live with a smoker. At least they're considerate and keep it away from me and smoke mainly out doors. Funny thing is I can't stand the smell of any kind of smoke. Evenfrom a camp fire. Odd.

Cold turkey is the only way to quit. I don’t like the smell of smoke now..

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3 hours ago, cobraman said:

I never thought finding toilet paper could make me so happy.

Reminds me of the '70s, finding a gas station with a short line and enough gas to FILL your tank. 

Who else here remembers gas lines, even/odd days, 5 gallon limits, and all that? 

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1 hour ago, Snake45 said:

Reminds me of the '70s, finding a gas station with a short line and enough gas to FILL your tank. 

Who else here remembers gas lines, even/odd days, 5 gallon limits, and all that? 

I remember it but I was a kid. People would wait in line and run out and not get gas.  is that about how it was?

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13 hours ago, Snake45 said:

Reminds me of the '70s, finding a gas station with a short line and enough gas to FILL your tank. 

Who else here remembers gas lines, even/odd days, 5 gallon limits, and all that? 

Remember them all to well. I had to attend a company Christmas Party in San Diego one weekend. I lived north of Santa Barbara in Lompoc right next to Vandenburg AFB. A good drive any day let alone at that time. Got up Sunday morning to head back north. I was driving my new '74 Chevy C10 step side with a 454 engine that was good at keeping it's mileage out of the teens. San Diego County at that time closed all gas stations on Sunday. I was able to get into LA County and get 10 Gal. This got me to Santa Barbara city and another 10 Gal. As I'm heading up 101 I remember there was a little station off the highway in Isla Vista and that guy let me fill both of my 16 Gal tanks. The big advantage to this truck compared to my '72 Nova SS was that with commercial license plates I was allowed to buy gas any day I wanted to in Santa Barbara County instead of the odd - even days for regular cars.  

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I was a teen for the first gas crisis but was a participant for the one in 1978. We took delivery of a brand new 1979 Capri RS late on a Friday. We got in it and saw the gas tank was on empty. We were used to having new cars delivered with a full tank! The sales staff was no help so we took the new car home and parked it!  Gas stations were closed all weekend and the plate in it was wrong for Monday so we had to wait until Tuesday to get gas. Nothing like sucking the excitement out of getting a new car! 

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I kept forgetting to post it, but I reorganized my workbench Wednesday night. It was originally a kitchenette in the basement, hence the L-shaped counter top.





Now everything is easily accessible and in arms reach. The gray cabinet below the counter top is where I store all my paints. Building models should be a little easier now.


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Stunningly beautiful day here today. Made some black eyed peas with kale and other veggies. Grilled a pasilla pepper to add in as well. Got some great news, someone died, but a good friend is getting a new kidney finally. Been on dialysis for years. I live on a culdesac of amazing folks. We hang out, drink, barbecue,  etc. Can't do that anymore, but the doorbell rang around noon, and one of the neighbors delivered Happy Hour in a Jar. Homemade lemonade from their tree, with vodka. Was a good day, even though I didn't do any model stuff.

(Pic is the view to the west as I was grilling the pepper. Japanese Maple and the huge palms that were here when we bought the house in 1993.)


Edited by Rodent
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This whole situation can get to you if you sit in the house with CNN on the tv!

Ive been outside doing yard work and it’s a big difference. It was warm, sunny and the spring flowers are blooming in the yard! Quite a contrast to the doom and gloom.

Edited by Tom Geiger
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I've been getting a bunch of things done around the house that I just wasn't finding the time to do(despite being retired). A whilr back I got a sponge pad for my mop. The handle had a nice metal fixture for clamping and squeezing the sponge. However the pins to attach the sponge where not as wide or quite big enough. A little time with a file and now in business. Another project was organizing some loose tires. Just a bunch of things I want to get done.

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16 minutes ago, bobthehobbyguy said:

I've been getting a bunch of things done around the house that I just wasn't finding the time to do(despite being retired). A whilr back I got a sponge pad for my mop. The handle had a nice metal fixture for clamping and squeezing the sponge. However the pins to attach the sponge where not as wide or quite big enough. A little time with a file and now in business. Another project was organizing some loose tires. Just a bunch of things I want to get done.

Yeah I know what you mean as I'm hoping to have a productive week here as well. Have some chores I should get done as well as some modeling also since I just came off of a 11 month hiatus of not building. Got the sheets in the washer already so it's a start. I can't do as much as I used to as far as chores go, however if I get a couple things done per day, it'll be good.

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5 minutes ago, crazyjim said:

Picked up another 2 yards of mulch (12 total) that will sit on the trailer until tomorrow.  Today was trim up th chemelea bush/tree and cut down the mexican heather.  All reaady for another day of mulching tomorrow.

That’s a lot of mulch. I enjoyed yard work when I was able to do it...

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Just got back from grocery shopping here in the Philly burbs. The first time we left the house in a week!  Went about 9:30 and Giant supermarket was not crowded nor was it ransacked either. People stocking shelves in every aisle.  We got a weeks worth of groceries and enough meat for two weeks. Some people wearing gloves, only one lady with a mask. We were able to get everything we wanted.


Meat aisle fairly well stocked


Paper aisle completely wiped! Priorities I guess.

Then I stopped at beer store. They wouldn’t let anyone in store. They had a table outside front door and asked what you wanted.  Got two cases of beer so I’m set for the a couple weeks.



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Have to venture out to Home Depot to get some new drain pipe and a clean-out catch basin for the down spouts and sump pump. The tree roots have completely invaded the old system I put in years ago. Tomorrow we go into lock down so food and wine trips this afternoon. 

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We're having an order from the governor to not leave home except for necessity. It seems pretty broad but my way of thinking is to use common sense. Malls and furniture stores are now closed and we've all been dealing with restaurants, bars, and any entertainment places being closed.

It seems anything that would allow us to carry on fairly normal is staying open. Grocery stores, pet stores, pharmacy, etc. Our annual eye appointments for next month have been cancelled for now. Glad I got my haircut before all this went down.

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On 3/23/2020 at 9:10 AM, Tom Geiger said:

This whole situation can get to you if you sit in the house with CNN on the tv!

Ive been outside doing yard work and it’s a big difference. It was warm, sunny and the spring flowers are blooming in the yard! Quite a contrast to the doom and gloom.

I agree my friend.Sitting watching the news can just drive someone batty.Just go outside if u can.Im on Long Island NY.Yesterday was a little tough to deal with considering we had very heavy rain and wind all day.But today seems much nicer.Watch some old movies and just chill till this blows over,and IT WILL BE OK!!!

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4 minutes ago, NYLIBUD said:

I agree my friend.Sitting watching the news can just drive someone batty.Just go outside if u can.Im on Long Island NY.Yesterday was a little tough to deal with considering we had very heavy rain and wind all day.But today seems much nicer.Watch some old movies and just chill till this blows over,and IT WILL BE OK!!!

Agreed. The weather sucked here too yesterday, a day you were happy to be stuck inside,  Today is better, I may go outside for some yard work later, just for some physical activity.

And watching the coverage, your NY governor Andrew Cuomo is on now. I had never noticed him much before, but he is really a decent guy leading in this situation. He just talks in normal tones, explains himself with no political airs. I’m now a fan.

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Yea I hit Costco this past weekend when I heard we might be on shutdown.Got most of what I needed.Its quieter in my part of the world,but certainly not deserted.And yes although TP is definitely a real necessity,I haven’t had too much problem finding it.The stores that people might have better luck are the stores like CVS,Wallgreens,and any other pharmacies.Trust me,they are much less crowded,and they actually get items before some of the bigger stores.Just chill,watch some cool long old movies(Bullitt,Dog Day Afternoon,The God Father,parts 1,& 2,The 7Ups,The French Connection.I even caught myself watching the first two Smokey and the Bandit movies.Its been years since I’ve watched those)..DON’T sit and stare at the news all day,it will just make you feel worse)..Next I’m gonna roll my KTM motorcycle out from the garage where it’s been sitting since I bought it,three years ago,see if I can get it started..We will all get through this.Well as long as you have some beers and Xanax,no I’m just joking about that,but seriously,just remain calm.    

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