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How often do you guys do models

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How often do you guys do models? Every day, 1 time per week? Etc


For me i probably work on something for a model 4 days a week. Sometimes is just to lay down paint, or just sand, so it might be 10 minutes or if im doing a full detail or build up time it could be a few hours

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I try to get an hour a day and just do a couple things, I build multiple kits at once so I can do a little on each during my hour. Only exception is I get a lot more vacation time than my wife so when I'm off and she isn't I'll spend a lot of time at the bench...

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It's feast or famine for me.  At the moment, lost my mojo and haven't done anything for about a month now.  But my yard is getting an overdue cleanup, which got ignored when I was putting in several hours at night, sometimes until Midnight, and half days on the weekend.

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Been retired several years now and re-took up the hobby shortly after.  I pretty much work every day after lunch for 2-3 hours during weekdays except for those  occasional grocery shopping and doctors visit days. Usually not much on weekends tho.

I have been pretty much had a model (sometimes 2) on the "bench" continuously since shortly after retirement.

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Being retired has given me the chance to put in a little more time. I will usually work on one model at a time and a couple of hours a day. We just moved and I'm still in the unpacking stage so I haven't been able to work on anything for almost a month. I hope to have a room in the basement converted into an office as I had before, but that will take a month or so. 

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Since the pandemic,  I’ve been home a lot so I try to do something every day.  Usually an hour or less, especially as I get to the end run on a model where it’s glue one piece, go wait for it to dry.  There are times when I will marathon to finish something and times when I’m either frustrated or otherwise had enough. I will walk away for a couple days. 

For instance today I glued an engine into a chassis, and put some decals on a body. Then walked away for it all to dry.

Being home I have discovered I couldn’t work on models full time!  Just too much of a good thing!



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About 10 years ago or so I found I wasn't making enough time for modelling. There always seemed to be some pressing chore that needed doing, which made it hard to justify bench time. So, I designated Wednesday night as model night. My job on Wednesdays is to build. Took away the guilt of building instead of chores. I try to take off from work an hour early that day, grab something quick to eat on the way home, and at the other end, push bedtime back an hour so to enjoy maximum bench time every week. During the colder months, I also spend a Saturday or at least a Saturday evening at the bench as well.

Some years I find myself with an extra week of vacation time, and I'll spend the entire week at the bench from after breakfast right through to bedtime. I love those weeks. There was a time a few years ago when the company was working on a large project on which I was working a ton overtime, and unable to take much vacation, for a couple years. I took most of my overtime pay as vacation time as well. The following year I took 4 separate weeks of vacation just to spend at the bench, and the next year I took five separate weeks of bench time. I had a big project going on. Loved it.

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It really varies for me. I travel every week. If I fly, I get no time. If I drive to a customer, I will take something to work on. 
Normally I only have the weekends and I may get 1-3 hours if I am lucky. 
When the pandemic first hit we were grounded and I worked from home. My office is my hobby room and I didn’t have much work to do. I got a lot of bench time and completed models like a production line. It’s a good think too, once travel picked back up my bench time went away. 

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It's really hit and miss for me.  When the pandemic hit, I hadn't touched a model build in 2-3 years. Since March of 2020 I have cranked out 6 builds!  As for day to day, I get on kicks where I'll work everyday but sometimes I'll go a week without doing anything. I'm married with 4 little kids and a full-time job, so it varies. 

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On 4/29/2021 at 12:16 PM, youpey said:

How often do you guys do models? Every day, 1 time per week? Etc


For me i probably work on something for a model 4 days a week. Sometimes is just to lay down paint, or just sand, so it might be 10 minutes or if im doing a full detail or build up time it could be a few hours

When I was younger, I thought that once I retired, I'd work on models constantly. But I didn't know that I'd get arthritis in my hands and fingers. How much time I spend on models depends on how much my arthritis acts up. It's okay, I'm not complaining, there are people far worse off than I am. 

When a whole week without severe pain and cramping happens, I'm a busy beaver, assembly line style, getting the hard work done like climbing up and own the steps to the basement paint booth and I can paint as many as a dozen or more. In bad weeks, I can lay in bed and make plans, which kit will I build next, what level of detail will I try, so it all works out. 

My grandmother had a saying, "It'll all come out in the wash", and she was right. 

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That depends on how tired I am during the course of the week. I work third shift, so Sundays through Thursdays I may only get an hour or so of time to work on anything. There are mornings I come home so zapped, it can take me a couple hours to get motivated to do anything. Throw in this is grass cutting/yard work season now and that time can be very limited.

Weekends (Fridays and especially Saturday) I can put in a good number of hours. Maybe five or six total.

I'm not one to count hours on a WIP however. There might be a long length of time that goes by that I don't touch a thing and I'd quickly lose track of what time went into what.

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Not as much time as I would like, unfortunately. I was getting in a few hours a week up until a month ago, but since then I have been extremely busy with teaching and grading. I need to get back to building for a couple of hours a week, just to get something finished.


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Every morning before the sun comes up. I'm retired and get up EARLY every day so have a routine of taking the dogs out, making coffee and going to the garage and working on models for a couple of hours. I build several models at a time so do whatever I feel like at the time.

Usually I spray some things if needed later in the day. Yard work, house chores, walking the dogs fill the rest of the day but always feel good that I got some model building in first.

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